Hundreds of wuxiangtianyu are hundreds of moving mountains, which cause a strong visual impact.

The monster surged in like a world of chaos.

"Wait for a fart! Run away

"There's no time!"

"To be here is to wait for death!"

A small number of foreign warriors can't bear this kind of suffering. How can they wait here? After bypassing the black ball, they scattered and fled.

They know there are dangers in the world, but it's better than waiting to die.

But most of the foreign warriors never left, including Luo Zheng and the Han family. The people of the three major ethnic groups also did not leave. They still placed their hopes on Gong Yu.

"Let's go!"

Ray toad roared.

Several of the people of bengshan in the hunting team shot at the nearer and nearer Wuxiang Tianhu.

The bengshan people who are able to enter the Shensi hunting team are all the most powerful of the bengshan people, and the burst of power is unimaginable.

"Dong Dong!"

Under their joint efforts, they directly overturned the front one of the formless sky geese on the ground!

"Come with me!"

Lei Chan said and rushed to the bottom of the wuxiangtianhe, shouldered the scales in the middle of the wuxiangtianhe, and even wanted to lift the wuxiangtianhe up!

His body is much bigger than ordinary life spirit! But compared with Wu Xiang Tian Yu, that is the contrast between the elephant and the ant. The small one can almost be ignored. This move is quite amazing!

In addition to ray toad, eight members of the divine hunting team also joined in.

This huge Wuxiang Tianyu was really carried by them!

The wuxiangtianhe kept twisting, as if he wanted to struggle from the shoulders of these little ants. It was such a huge thing that he could not break free from their shoulders.

"Smash it out!" Ray toad roared.

All the people of the Shensi hunting team are covered with green tendons, which are even stronger than steel under the tension!

Over the years, they seldom face such a dangerous situation among the bengshan people, and rarely use all their strength, but now they have no reservation.

They kept the same movement, and really threw out the Wuxiang Tianhe.

The huge wuxiangtianhu was smashed out like this, like a rolling wood, rolling down towards the hundreds of wuxiangtianhu!

Both sides carry unimaginable potential energy, so throwing out is really a little bit to stop their momentum of sprint, but in the face of the impact of hundreds of wuxiangtianyu, the one they threw in the past was directly bumped into several sections!

"Dong Dong..."


After the wuxiangtianhe was knocked off, the blood in his body seemed to burst out like a mountain and river. It was like the sound of a waterfall. I'm afraid that the blood in his body could submerge a continent!

Being chased by so many wuxiangtianhu, the warriors on the scene had already been scared to death, and their morale was extremely low.

But the morale of the Kungfu people was also greatly encouraged by the presence of the Kungfu people!

Yuan he clan and Tianqiong clan also organized the strongest counterattack one after another, including the leaders of the Han family. Under the leadership of he Zuowei, they also tried to exert their strength

With the concerted efforts of hundreds of warriors, they formed a strong and powerful defense line, and even stiffly blocked this group of Wuxiang Tianyu here!

However, their strength is limited after all.

These wuxiangtianjue are not afraid of life and death, they just rush to this side. After a short period of obstruction, they attack this defense line again!

"No! Gong Yu Thundertoad roared.

Gong Yu frowned and stamped the seal on the black ball. More and more lines spread from the seal and gradually spread to the surface of the black ball.

"Soon!" Gong Yu responded.

This is the name of the jade seal in Gongyu's hand.

It was not a real jade seal, but a copy made by Gong Yu using Zhenyuan.

A thousand years ago, Gong Yu entered the inner world for the first time. He lost his way with other members of the Tianqiong clan and inadvertently went into a cave. On the stone platform of the cave, he found a drawing. It was an imaginary picture, and in the imaginary picture was drawn this heavenly seal.

In those days, Gong Yu was as good as a treasure. He took this picture as his own. After constant reflection, he could come up with this jade seal.

For the next few hundred years, Gong Yu had been pondering over the path of the seal.

The inner world is the foundation of the forbidden area of Shenlian. He thinks that there must be a huge secret hidden in the jade seal.

Unfortunately, he pondered for hundreds of years, but still did not find the answer. It was only when he entered the inner world for the second time that he solved the secret.

This day, the jade seal can let him enter any of the nine black balls.But when the secret is solved, there will be more confusion

He once again searched for the cave where the visualization existed, which was on the cliff at the edge of a cliff somewhere in the inner world. After entering the inner world for the second time, he went to the cliff, but found that there was no cave on the cliff at all, and the cave he once entered completely disappeared!

In order to verify his guess, Gong Yu almost broke the cliff, and the cave was still not found, as if the cave had never existed.

With Gong Yu's memory, it's absolutely impossible to have this illusion. That cave must have existed, but someone did something in it.

If you think about it carefully, he will find more and more doubts.

At that time, he found the cave because of a beautiful white fox, which did not exist in the forbidden area of Shenlian. Gong Yu could not even recognize what this kind of creature was. Later, after he condensed the white fox with his own memory, the warrior of Shenyu helped him solve his doubts. It was just a white fox.

It was under the temptation of the white fox that he accidentally fell down on the cliff, and just fell on an ancient pine in the middle of the cliff, just found the cave, just got this visualization.

That is to say, someone wants him to get this visualization!

What's the purpose? Gong Yu still doesn't know. He only knows that after opening these black balls, he can shuttle among the nine black balls. They are connected to each other

But in the black ball, it was empty. It seemed that there was nothing.

After exploring these black balls, Gong Yu was quite disappointed. He had a great hope for these black balls and hoped that there would be some inheritance hidden in them. In the end, it was just empty joy.

As for the hand of this day pass jade seal suddenly also become chicken ribs, in addition to open the black ball, it seems that there is no other use.

Gong Yu did not expect that he would one day play the role of passing the jade seal under such circumstances. Now the black ball is their last hope.

It's a pity that time is too tight. He is as calm as he is, and his forehead is sweating constantly. This kind of thing is really urgent.

All the warriors kept retreating behind him. Even ray Toad's face was tired. No matter how strong their power was, there was a moment when they were exhausted. Some of them, even their hands and feet, were constantly shaking. Their physical strength had been seriously overdrawn.

The bengshan people had to retreat.

"How long is it?" Ray toad roared again, "if we don't open it, we'll be here!"

However, Gong Yu's side has reached the most critical time, and he just concentrates on injecting Zhenyuan, trying to speed up the progress.

After that, the yuan clan also retreated, and the excessive consumption of spiritual power was also a considerable consumption for them.

Without the support of the two families, the Han family couldn't stand it and could only retreat

They tried their best to build a line of defense that collapsed thousands of miles.


The hundreds of wuxiangtianhu raise their strong heads and are about to launch the strongest attack!

At the moment, people's faces were in despair. Even if they ran away, they could not escape the attack range of wuxiangtianhu Looking at the gloomy and terrifying mouthparts covering the crowd, many of them showed fear in their eyes.

Some people say that the inner space of Wuxiang Tianyu is quite large, but no one can come out of it alive.

Naturally, no one knows what the inner space of this Wuxiang Tianhe is.

Of course, no one really wants to go in and explore, but I'm afraid they're going to be helpless now

Seeing these wuxiangtianhu juxtaposed and pressed down at the same time, each warrior's face turned pale. They could already predict their future fate.

The face with tassel is also quite ugly. At this moment, she almost subconsciously looks at Luo Zheng. She sees that Luo Zheng has opened her hands!

At the same time, a very strange scene appeared!

After all the Wuxiang tianjuan rushed to the half, they suddenly stagnated, as if an invisible force blocked their way!

There are at least more than 40 wuxiangtianhu in the front. The weight of the wuxiangtianhu is unimaginable when it is pressed down. Moreover, wuxiangtianhu still has strong inertia and impact from top to bottom

How much power does it take to block them?

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