Luo Zheng did his best at this moment.

The energy source of the nine stars in the body world is extracted by Luo Zheng by 99%!

The invisible power was turned into a huge net bag by Luo Zheng, sweeping towards the sky.

In fact, with Luo Zheng's own strength, he can completely give up and run away, but he can't do it after all, and can only do it with all his strength at the moment!

By the way, Luo Zheng can also review the strongest power after the outbreak of nine stars!

At the moment, his power is equal to about one third of a saint's physical strength. It's hard to measure the magnitude of this power, because it's out of the scale. It's hard to describe the strength of this power!

However, this does not mean that Luo Zheng really has one third of the strength of saints.

If this power can be used to kill a saint, it may even be doubled.

But Luo Zheng's use of this power is only a very basic use. It's like a knife in the hands of a child. The knife may be the sharpest in the world, but the power of the child is limited after all, and he can't make the best use of it.

"Wu -"

the net bag formed by this force diffuses out, and then directly ensnares these wuxiangtianyu in it.

Therefore, in the eyes of the public, they will see such an amazing scene. Those formless celestial beings are like being put in an invisible cloth bag, and then an invisible big hand twists the cloth bag and throws it towards the back!


More than 40 wuxiangtianhu in the front and more than 50 wuxiangtianhu in the rear collided with each other. The impact of these huge objects themselves was extremely strong. Under the fierce impact, the strength of their bodies could not resist the impact. Several wuxiangtianhu directly broke several pieces

Under the pain of eating, the formless sky geese seem to be extremely angry. The round mouthparts emit a painful wail. They are like a mass of hemp thread, twisted together and struggling madly.

It is precisely because of their mutual entanglement, it is difficult for them to break away from each other for a time.

Hearing the huge movement behind him, Gong Yu knows that he can't be distracted at the moment, and he can't help looking at the scene. His breathing speeds up a little. When he looks at Luo Zheng again, there is even a little more awe in his eyes.

In his mind, Luo Zheng was a worthless secondary creature at the beginning. It was impossible for him to lead their exploration this time. It was just a key at the critical moment.

On the first day of Luo Zheng's entering the Tianqiong clan, Gong Yu changed his view of Luo Zheng. His strength can't be underestimated. He has regarded Luo Zheng as their equal existence! This is extremely rare in the forbidden area of Shenlian.

After all, the whole forbidden area of Shenlian is the territory of the aborigines. The six major races have never regarded the foreign warriors in their eyes.

Just as Han cangyan became the leader of the bengshan people, he did not really conquer the whole bengshan people.

Now Gong Yu understands that he really belittled Luo Zheng. When he tried in Tianqiong clan that day, Luo Zheng still kept his hand. Otherwise, with the power of this boy, it is possible to destroy their Tianqiong clan by one person.

Of course, this can't happen. The prophets in the family of heaven won't allow this to happen

It's not just Gong Yu who improves his view of Luo Zheng.

Lei Chan has seen the power of Luo Zheng. When he fought against the Zhenwu holy beast, Luo Zheng's means were extremely terrifying. Lei Chan estimated that Luo Zheng had almost reached the limit at that time. Even if he didn't reach the limit, he should be close to the limit.

It is a terrible and even incomprehensible thing that the young people in this divine realm have such terrible power.

At the moment, Lei Chan, and all the people of bengshan tribe, are already obsessed with Luo Zheng!

Luo Zheng's strength was verified by the golden fork stone on that day. Because the distance on the square was not enough, they did not test it. Now they understand that even if the distance on the square was enough, it was impossible to test his limit.

This boy's power will block dozens of wuxiangtianhu, and then throw them out. How much power is this?

If this power is exerted on the golden fork stone, I'm afraid it can throw the stone out of infinite distance. This kind of test is meaningless to Luo Zheng! The title of manwang is just a joke to Luo Zheng.

All the people of yuan he nationality focused on cultivating their original mind. Under the pressure of the original mind refining tower, their mood was very strong.

Ordinary life and death can't even make their mood fluctuate, so yuan he clan is the most stable. Even if the hundreds of Wuxiang heavenly worms pour out with a terrible momentum, the elite of yuan he clan don't have much panic on their faces.

Mood doesn't seem to have much influence on the warrior, but it is very useful at the critical moment, because once you panic, it means complete failure. Only by keeping absolutely calm can you find a way to solve the crisis.But at the moment, the power of Luo Zheng still set off a storm in the hearts of the Yuan people!

"This power should not appear on a warrior in the extreme state of God. No, it is even more impossible to appear on a secondary creature!"

According to the news from Gong Yu and Lei Chan, Jin Yue also knows that Luo Zheng is not a small guy, but the problem is that Luo Zheng is not a small guy at all. This guy is an unreasonable monster.

That huge and unimaginable power just lasted for a few breaths and then quietly dispersed

A moment ago, Luo Zheng's face was still mellow and full of spirit.

But in the next moment, his legs softened and he fell on the ground. He had no strength.

When his power was exhausted, Luo Zheng could not even lift his head, blink his eyelids, and maintain the beating of his heart. After losing the pumping power of his heart, his blood flow was slow and his face turned pale.

"Luo Zheng!" Han Liusu is the closest to Luo Zheng. He takes the lead in helping Luo Zheng up.

"This guy's overpowered?" Lei Chan and others also gathered around.

The excessive consumption of power will only happen to the exerciser, because no matter how much power is consumed, it will not be completely exhausted.

The practitioners usually use the true yuan to fight, and the physical strength is only the second. It is more difficult to consume the strength to this point, unless it is a continuous battle for several days or even months.

But they know more about the power of the month, because some of them know more about the power of the month.

The most important thing is that if the body refiner consumes all the strength of the eight Taoist platforms, the eight Taoist platforms distributed around the body will continue to absorb the strength of the warrior himself. This kind of absorption is even irresistible, and it is also an instinct of the body refiner!

However, Luo Zheng's situation is special.

What he consumed was the power of the nine stars of Shentai. Just now, on impulse, Luo Zheng directly extracted 90% of the power of the nine stars of Shentai. He did not use the power of Daotai eightfold or the power of noumenon.

It's just that Luo Zheng didn't expect that there would be a price for draining his strength.

No matter Shentai nine stars or Daotai eight Chong, they should not drain their power. If they lose the nourishment of their power source, the nine stars and eight Daotai will be unsustainable and even collapse after a long time.

The power of the Shentai nine stars is almost drawn. The nine stars have no time to supplement their power through chaos, so they can only extract the power of the Daotai eight. Compared with the power of the Shentai nine stars, the Daotai eight contains very little power. They are not in the same order of magnitude.

So the power of Luo Zheng's eight Taoist platforms dried up in an instant, and these eight Taoist platforms directly extracted the power of Luo Zheng's body

In this case, where does Luo Zheng have so much power in his body?

After draining the power of Luo Zheng's noumenon in an instant, he naturally fell into darkness and fell directly on the ground.

"The consequences Is it too serious? " Luo Zheng did not expect such consequences.

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