Hatoyama just said this, Luo Zheng's face suddenly changed.

"What do you know?" Luo Zheng asked in a cold voice.

It's quite rude to talk to the sage like this, but Jiusheng naturally didn't care about Luo Zheng's attitude, and even Luo Zheng's reaction was in his expectation.

"As you know now, Luo Xiao is indeed your father," replied Hatoyama.

Luo Zheng got such a guess from a conversation with the two sisters of Han family on the tower of Tianqiong clan.

It seems that Jiusheng has been paying attention to himself since Luo Zheng entered the forbidden area. Otherwise, Jiusheng would not know. He has already guessed that Jiusheng is omniscient and omnipotent in the forbidden area, just like Luo Zheng in his inner world. He knows everything and knows everything. Nothing in the inner world can be hidden from Luo Zheng Because the whole inner world is built by Luo Zheng.

Previously, Luo Zheng only speculated, but Luo Xiao's identity has not been confirmed. After all, there are some coincidences, such as the same name and surname

Now suddenly I heard from Hatoyama himself, the situation was completely different.

Luo Zheng didn't think that a sage had nothing to do when he was full, just to amuse himself.

And listen to Hatoyama's words, he seems to have a lot to do with his father. He is helping himself!

If you think about it in depth, he can also solve these adventures when he entered the forbidden area. It may be a very generous move for the Jiusheng to set up the forbidden area and open up his original power.

But no saint will give away one third of his strength. It's not generosity, it's idiocy.

Luo Zheng absorbed so much of his strength, but he didn't encounter any obstacles. This was an unspeakable thing.

In the dark, Hatoyama made progress towards Luo Zheng again. The darkness could not stop his eyes. The eyes fell on Luo Zheng as if they were real. It seemed that his eyes penetrated Luo Zheng's soul, saw the nine real dragons in his mind, and saw the huge melting pot. Then he penetrated Luo Zheng's heart and escaped into Luo Zhengdan's field

But his eyes could not penetrate Luo Zheng's inner world after all, which was blocked.

The elixir field of ordinary martial arts is connected with the inner world. As the saying goes, one flower and one world, one elixir field can exist in the great world, and the inner world really exists in the elixir field!

However, Luo Zheng's inner world is completely different. His inner world exists in chaos, which is outside the divine realm!

There is no other way to communicate with Luo Zheng except that he uses the incredible means of "supernatural power".

Hatoyama, as a strong man who stepped into the holy land, also had "supernatural powers". However, his supernatural powers could only communicate with his own sacred place, which had no effect on Luo Zheng's inner world.

That's why Hatoyama can't see through the inner world of Luo Zheng

With the eyes of Hatoyama, there are only the inner world of the saints in the whole divine realm, which he can't see through. Therefore, it's impossible for the saints in the divine realm to peep into each other's world.

"It's really a wonderful inner world, and the world built in chaos can be called the new God realm," he said with a feeling of relief.

Luo Zheng has made a preliminary judgment of his inner world. Jiusheng's conclusion is not surprising. It seems that Jiusheng does know his own affairs, and the information he knows is far beyond his imagination.

Luo Zheng is interested in the news about Luo Xiao, "what's your relationship with my father?"

Hatoyama waved his hand in the dark. "Some things are too long to say. Where do you want to explain them?"

At this moment, not far away, there were several golden lights. Hatoyama looked back and continued: "by the way, do you know why I abandoned the nine stars here to build such a strong black law?"

"I don't know," Luo Zheng shook his head.

"I'm observing something," Hatoyama said.

"The Sanskrit." Luo Zheng replied.

Hatoyama nodded, "yes, it's not To be exact, I'm observing some creatures. The existence of these creatures is beyond the imagination in the general sense. These complex Sanskrit words belong to them. Only in the absolute darkness can I find a little clue left by them. In order to build this perfect law of darkness, I also spent a lot of time. "

Although I understand the words of Saint Hatoyama, I still don't understand.

The law of darkness in the black sphere is very strong. In the dark place, you can't see anything at all. What kind of creatures will be in it?

Besides, the Jiusheng is the master of the forbidden area. Since these creatures exist in the forbidden area, how could he not know?

Hatoyama was probably aware of Luo Zheng's doubts. He continued: "those creatures are not creatures in the general sense. If the creatures born in the inner world are called secondary creatures, the warrior in the divine realm can be called level creatures, then the creatures I'm looking for are super level creatures!""Leapfrogging creatures?" Luo Zheng was slightly stunned.

Hatoyama nodded, "the form of their existence is unimaginable."

"They built the realm of God?" Luo Zheng blurted out.

This is a simple inference. The sages in the divine realm construct the world, and then the creatures in the world are secondary creatures. Strictly speaking, Luo Zheng himself is also a secondary creature. Is the creatures in the inner world of the secondary creature secondary?

On the contrary, since the super level creatures are superior to the warriors in the divine realm, they must be the creatures outside the divine realm.

"There's a certain truth in your inference," Hatoyama shook his head. "It's still unknown whether these creatures have constructed the divine realm, but their life level is higher than ours. What these super creatures show is far from what we can simply understand As you can see in Sanskrit. "

As soon as the words fell, another golden light flashed out in the dark, and a Sanskrit appeared again.

"Just like this Sanskrit, there is a lot of information in it, but you can only see the appearance of Sanskrit, you can't interpret the information," Hatoyama said.

Luo Zheng frowned. Although he wanted to know more about his father, he was also attracted by Hatoyama's words.


The structure of these Sanskrit characters may be extremely complex, but it's not difficult to draw and imitate them. It's just that there are always some inexplicable feelings in the sight of these characters, as if there are something hidden behind this character that he can't imagine.

"The people who created these Sanskrit characters can read them at will," jiushenglue said excitedly, "because the way the world is shown in their eyes is totally different from ours! I have a more appropriate description! When we see a flower, it's just a flower. When we see a sand, it's still just a sand. But in the eyes of these super creatures, they can see every detail of the flower, the meridians in the middle of the flower, and everything inside the stamen at a glance. "

"Is that great?" Luo Zheng asked in a dull voice. He was also confused by Hatoyama's theory. Besides, it's not difficult for some martial artists to see through the internal situation of some things.

"Quite remarkable!" Hatoyama's tone is more and more excited, "they are higher-level life, even the existence that we can't understand. Your father, me and Beisheng, who taught you the secret of chaos, found the trace of this kind of creature by accident and started a new exploration..."

After talking about these things, Hatoyama completely lost the demeanor of a strong man, but was very excited.

"North saint?" Luo Zheng's eyes were fixed.

In his narration, Luo Zhengcai knows his master's name Gu Bei, which is called "Beisheng" in the world, while his father Luo Xiao is called "Xiaosheng" in the divine realm.

Jiusheng is a new saint. Comparatively speaking, Xiaosheng and Beisheng are his predecessors. Their relationship is very good!

When they found the trace of "Leaping creatures", they began to explore constantly. Luo Zheng's Taishang weapon refining method, Luo Xixuan's lightning Sanskrit and Jiusheng's ice spirit and evil flame were all discovered in the process of exploration.

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