When he heard Hatoyama's explanation in the dark, Luo Zheng was able to connect the clues.

From the first chapter of Taishang's weapon refining method to the practice of chaos esoteric skill, the motivations before and after all emerge

Gu Bei, the master of Xianfu and Luo Zheng's master, didn't think of this "secret art of chaos" by chance. In their inference, there are higher creatures and civilizations in the world, but they are elusive, and they can't even understand the form.

After Luo Xiao was ordered to be killed by the holy hall, he fell into a state of half death

The saying that the world is immortal and the sage is immortal is spread among the saints. To some extent, it is true.

However, the world is not a world isolated from the world. No matter how ingenious the structure of the world is, the true elements will continue to leak out. Without the supplement of the true elements from the saints, the world will eventually collapse and consume.

However, Gu Bei, the most intelligent of the three, helped Luo Xiao to come up with a way to make Luo Xiao's Dayan universe last forever!

That's 3.6 billion era robbery!

In other worlds, there is no saying that 3.6 billion years is an epoch, nor is there a great extinction once every 3.6 billion years!

After the sages built the world, the whole world was quite stable. They only need regular maintenance, and they can keep the whole world running.

But in Luo Xiao's state, it was impossible for him to do so, so he followed Gu Bei's idea and set up a 3.6 billion era robbery Every 3.6 billion years, there will be a mass extinction in the world.

Except for the nine stars, all stars will fall, all creatures will wither, mountains will collapse, lakes and seas will flow backward, and no place from the world to the world can be spared!

And at the time of mass extinction, the whole world will begin to shrink!

The space inside the world will shrink to two-thirds of its original size.

In this contraction, the world is undergoing a mass extinction, and after the mass extinction, the whole world begins to expand

Because the universe is attached to the edge of the divine realm, the expansion after contraction produces a powerful pumping effect under the action of the huge space of the universe. With the continuous expansion of the self, the true elements in the divine realm can be absorbed into the universe!

The Dayan universe is like a shrinking and expanding heart, beating once every 3.6 billion years to absorb the true yuan.

The real yuan included each time is enough to offset the consumption of the whole world for 3.6 billion years.

And there were 14 contractions and expansions like this.

Fourteen years have passed

In this new era, Luo Xiao's plan was finally implemented, and Gu Bei also contributed his immortal mansion to Luo Zheng.

In their opinion, it is almost impossible to defeat the holy hall. Even if Luo Zheng is trained to be a saint, it still can't change the final outcome!

The only way is to train Luo Zheng to be a super creature! Creatures that are essentially one level higher than all creatures

The second world is the inner world.

Build the true God of the world, for the level of life.

And those who construct the divine realm are likely to be creatures beyond the level!

If the cultivation of chaos secret skill is successful, it is equivalent to building another divine realm, then Luo Zheng is really qualified to become a super creature!

This is an attempt between Gu Bei and Luo Xiao. No one can say whether the final result is so, because in the endless years of the divine realm, such crazy things have never happened!

From Luo Zheng's birth to the present, their ideas are steadily unfolding. As for whether Luo Zheng's final nature can meet the expectations of the three of them, no one is sure.

The holy hall did not expect that Luo Xiao could survive for so many years. Although the time rule of the divine realm is different from that of the universe, and the time flow of the universe is far faster than that of the divine realm, Luo Xiao has obviously lived for too long!

Realizing that Luo Xiao would not fall on his own after all, within the rules, they sent another sage to fight and launched the world war. Another sage in the world directly invaded Dayan!

"Who is that saint?" Hearing this, Luo Zheng asked coldly.

Hatoyama said faintly: "he is called muhaiji, who has become the most holy in the holy hall. The world he built is called the world of the great pole"

"muhaiji, the most holy!"

Luo Zheng branded the name deeply in his mind.

This man not only occupied the world, but also wanted to let Luo Xiao fall. No matter from that level, he would be Luo Zheng's biggest opponent.

"There's another question," Luo Zheng continued after thinking about it.

"Said Hatoyama.

"Isn't it true that the saints I met in the dead end of Xianfu have already disappeared? Why do they appear in this most holy world? "

Luo Zheng has always been confused about the sudden appearance of the holy race. According to Ah Fu, the holy race should be a powerful race in the divine realm, not a secondary creature in the world."Haha, that's just an imitation of muhaiji, the real saint They are the aborigines of the divine realm, and they have disappeared in countless years of evolution, "Hatoyama continued.

Luo Zheng nodded, and he fell into silence again in the dark.

Luo Zheng really needs to digest so much information at one time.

Hatoyama patted Luo Zheng on the shoulder. "You are Luo Xiao's only hope. Come on, I will give you a lot of opportunities for the next journey in the forbidden area, and try my best to help you improve your strength!"

Hearing this, Luo Zheng felt grateful and said, "thank you."

"Hey, I have a lot to do with your father. I even took part in the scheme you created. The holy land is also a very important part. I've been waiting for you for so long. What's the thank you for?" Hatoyama said with a smile, "remember, hold on to the little girls of the Han family! At the very least, we should choose one. If you can win over the "masquerade", our plan will go much better when you enter the divine realm! "


Hearing this, Luo Zheng was speechless.

"I'm not kidding. You can think for your father, especially the one with tassel. Her voiced blood comes from the inheritance of the archaic sage. If you want to avenge your father, winning her will make you get twice the result with half the effort," Hatoyama said earnestly, "so you have to promise me."

Before that, Luo Zheng thought that Jiusheng was just a joke. He didn't expect that he was so serious.

No matter how difficult it is, Luo Zheng will not place his hope on others. His life is still short, but he doesn't have any hesitation in the battle between martial arts and Taoism. He just keeps honing and getting stronger.

But this time, Luo Zheng really for his own goal, but please a little girl?

He fell into hesitation

Hatoyama patted Luo Zheng on the shoulder again. "Go ahead. I will arrange everything for the next journey. Now I have to meet another person."


"You should know him and come from the same continent as you, huatianming."

"Huatianming?" Luo Zheng was stunned.

Hatoyama smile, "he wants to take another road, that road may be more cruel than you, even the road of death..."

"Why?" Luo Zheng's eyes sank.

"Don't ask so many questions about why. I just explained it. It may sound simple to you, but in fact it's far from that simple. Some things are more cruel than you think."


However, the voice of Jiusheng was getting smaller and smaller, and the distance between Jiusheng and Luo Zheng was getting longer and longer until he finally disappeared




Luo Zheng yelled a few words in the dark.

But Jiusheng didn't respond. He disappeared completely

At this moment, Luo Zheng's ear again came a whisper voice, listen carefully, but it is Gong Yu and others in the dialogue.

"Strange, it took several times longer this time than last time, but there was no exit yet," Gong Yu murmured.

"Isn't there no exit here?"

"We won't be trapped in it..."

In this absolute darkness, everyone seems very depressed. Maybe there is no way out in the black ball?

At this moment, they suddenly felt that there was one more person in front of them. Gong Yu took the lead in drinking, "who, who's there!"

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