This canyon is not far away from qijuexin City, but it's only one step away from Luo Zheng, a hundred miles away.

Out of caution, Luo Zheng did not.

Returning from the forbidden area of Shenlian, Luo Zheng's strength has made great progress, but it does not mean that he can face the unbridled rampage of the holy people.

The closer he got to the saints, the more cautious Luo Zheng was. He even dived at low altitude with full speed.

Along the way, Luo Zheng also found several mortal teams, ranging from more than 100000 to more than 500000. All of them were escorted by the warrior of the holy family, apparently sent to qijuexian city.

Luo Zheng didn't rescue them. He was too close to Qijue immortal city. The fluctuation caused by the fight was easily detected by the strong in the city.

What's more, the root of the problem lies in the Qijue immortal city. As long as we break the Qijue immortal city and stop them from casting blood curse, we believe that the saints will not slaughter the mortals. After all, the strength of these mortals is too small, just as human beings are not interested in killing ants, the saints will not kill these mortals because they are bored.

Soon, a golden main city appeared in Luo Zheng's view. The seven Jue immortal city is the largest one in the seven Jue world.

Looking down, you can see a huge bloody disk floating above the Qijue immortal city. The bloody disk almost covers the whole city, and there are countless tiny bloody runes rolling in the disk.

There were four blood columns extending upward in the Qijue immortal city, which were connected with the blood color disk. The blood color disk seemed to absorb Yin's red blood continuously through the four blood columns, and then threw the blood on the sky to form blood clouds, which spread to the whole Qijue realm.

The closer we get to the seven Jue immortal city, the stronger the smell of blood is. It seems that there is a sea of blood in front of us. The once prosperous immortal city has now turned into a real Shura purgatory.

After taking a look, Luo Zheng drifts to one side quietly and brews. The killing intention in his eyes has disappeared without a trace. At the same time, the Dantian is completely closed. In an instant, the whole person changes his face, turns into a mortal with decaying breath, and quietly lands in the middle of a main road. This is the only way to enter the seven Jue immortal city.

Soon after, a group of mortals came slowly along the road. In the middle of the sky, a few holy warriors escorted the mortals. Now the distance from Qijue immortal city is getting closer and closer, and the warriors in Shendan realm are getting impatient.

"Move faster!"

"It's been nine days for three hundred miles! It's too slow! "

The holy warrior roared in the air, raised his whip and beat it fiercely in the air. The sound of the whip was so harsh that some mortals could not help covering their ears with their hands.

These ordinary people are already exhausted when they are on the road. No matter how fast they are, they still squeeze out a little bit of strength and move mechanically.

At this time, the leader of the holy warrior found Luo Zheng lying on the ground.

"How come there's a man who missed the net!"

As the words fell, the whip in the hand of the warrior of the Holy Family suddenly whipped toward Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng's eyes flashed slightly. He was not afraid of the whip. If he lay here and let the warrior beat him, he would not hurt a hair. But if he hit the whip, he would show his true feelings.


After all, the whip was not on Luo Zheng's body, but on the side of Luo Zheng's body, and immediately pulled a big hole out of the ground.

"You, keep up with the line!" The holy warrior said to Luo Zheng in a cold voice.

The purpose of the holy people is to obtain human blood. If the human race can cooperate with them and rush to Qijue immortal city as quickly as possible, they are not willing to kill indiscriminately. Now it is quite close to Qijue immortal city. Luo Zheng is just a lost sheep in the eyes of the holy warrior, so he drives Luo Zheng into the crowd.

The breath on Luo Zheng's face is extremely decayed, and his whole body is covered with mud. He conceals his cultivation and soul. At this moment, he naturally does the play well, that is, he rolls into the team.

All the people around them have a face of numbness. They don't even have the interest to look at Luo Zheng. They are like walking dead. They only know where to go. But they can't think about where to go and what their fate is.

This place is only 20 miles away from the Qijue immortal city, almost in front of us. It took half a day for these exhausted mortals to come to the gate of the Qijue immortal city.

On the grand wall of the seven Jue immortal city, there stands a line of holy warriors. Most of them are warriors of Shenhai realm, and a few of them are warriors of Shenji realm. They gather at the head of the city to chat.

"Have you heard that canglan team seems to have been killed?"

"The seven members of that team are the elites of God changing circumstances. Someone can kill them without knowing it. This person's strength is at least the leader of the world!"

"World leader? Do you know that the blue team once killed the world leader? "

"It's not the Lord of the world. Is it the God? Heaven dares to come to the seven absolute realms? ""It's here! There are not many tianzuns in Dayan world. They dare not act rashly. If they fall to a Tianzun, it will be a huge loss for the Terran. How can they let Tianzun do it for such a marginal world? "

"It's really strange..."

Luo Zheng's ears are clear and his eyes are bright. Although the warriors are far away from him, they listen to him word for word.

When he entered the gate with many ordinary people, these warriors released their own perception and swept over the heads of the people one by one.

Although this blood curse technique can occupy a large area once and for all, it is quite troublesome to use. Moreover, the array arranged by the blood curse technique is extremely fragile. If it is not careful, it will be destroyed and the previous achievements will be wasted.

This kind of thing happened to the saints when they cast blood curse in other big realms. The saints learned a lesson, and in order to guard against the unexpected, they strictly screened the mortals.

Those who want to be sent to the blood pool for sacrifice will pass three levels of screening. They will be screened once when they enter the city gate, once again in the city, and once again when they are close to the blood pool.

At this first level, the warriors of the holy clan did not find any abnormal situation.

Luo Zheng, who successfully entered qijuexian City, still followed these mortals on the broad road of the city.

After the seven Jue immortal city was occupied by the holy people, the warriors in the city had already been slaughtered. The streets in the past were also empty. With more and more intense smell of blood, it was like a ghost city with a frightening atmosphere. Even the warriors of the holy people felt very uncomfortable staying in it.

In order to perform the blood spell, the holy family set up four huge blood pools in the Qijue immortal city, each of which can hold hundreds of thousands of people, just like a small lake. On the main road of the blood pool in the south of the city, there are six more God changed warriors.

They are more alert than those holy warriors at the gate of the city.

Powerful perceptual power passed over everyone's head, and one of them stopped on Luo Zheng's head.

Luo Zheng stepped on the rickety pace, and would fall to the ground at any time.

The man noticed Luo Zheng's dirty appearance, but he moved his eyes away.

The high level warrior has an advantage in hiding from the low level warrior. He didn't find any flaws, but subconsciously felt that Luo Zheng was slightly different, but he couldn't tell.

After passing the screening of these warriors, Luo Zheng is getting closer and closer to the blood pool.

When the blood pool was exposed in front of the public, there was a commotion in the crowd

Although these mortals had been exhausted all the way, they suddenly woke up when they saw the scene of hell in front of them.

There are all kinds of broken limbs floating in the blood pool, floating and sinking on the surface of the blood, and the strong smell of blood comes from the blood pool.

On one side of the blood pool, groups of mortals lined up in a neat line, and jumped down towards the blood pool.

When the ordinary people jump into the blood pool, an invisible force appears in the air, twisting these ordinary people into hemp, and the blood splashes out from the twisted body. The scene is really shocking.

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