The edge of the blood pool is a spacious passage that is tens of miles long, and there are millions of mortals in the whole passage!

Because the team is too long, the team behind can't see the situation in front, so they can only move forward slowly with the team. When the mortals in front see the blood pool, they have no way back.

These ordinary people are screaming and struggling, but there is always an invisible force to push them forward. Even if they fall to the ground, their bodies still can't help sliding towards the blood pool.

Luo Zheng mixed in the team and carefully looked at the situation on the blood pool.

Above the blood pool, there is a huge Dharma array, on which there are hundreds of thousands of divine lines!

"This method array is so complicated," Luo Zheng gazed at him, and was slightly surprised.

The blood curse of the holy race can be applied to a specific race, and its power is so powerful that it is unique.

However, the more complex the Dharma array is, the more precise it is. Once it is destroyed, it is difficult to repair it. It also costs a lot of energy for the saints to arrange the blood curse Dharma array.

To occupy a big world with blood incantation is a means that the holy people have to do.

Now the demon night clan and the demon clan are entangled with each other, while the three major forces of the saint clan and the Terran clan are in a state of tug of war. If they do not consolidate these great realms, they will hardly move forward!

So the strategy of the saints is to consolidate the world they occupy, and then continue to advance towards the mindless gods!

Luo Zheng walked slowly along with the team. When he was thirty feet away from the blood pool, he felt a force exerted on him, and the invisible force dragged his body slowly towards the blood pool.

All the people around have realized the danger in front of them. Although they know that they can't break away from this power, they are still struggling desperately under the drive of instinct, trying to pull themselves back and stay away from the blood pool as far as possible.

But no matter how they struggle, tearing is futile. The power of these mortals is too small, they can't break away from that power. They can only watch themselves slide towards the blood pool, and watch their companions twist into hemp and burst out of the body's plasma.

In order not to make the holy warrior suspicious, Luo Zheng is also constantly twisting his body against the invisible force. Under this constant struggle, Luo Zheng slowly glides along this road towards the blood pool.

After a while, Luo Zheng finally came to the edge of the blood pool, but his eyes were fixed on the blood curse array.

The blood curse array is not a single array. In addition to refining blood, it can also guide evil spirit and transform curse. Many people who are unwilling to die will leave a strong curse when their soul dies. They just mix the power of the curse into the blood and spread it out.

Because the blood is taken from the human race, this curse is aimed at the human race and has no effect on other races.

After a survey, Luo Zheng found that there seemed to be several powerful defensive divine lines on the Dharma array. It was estimated that there was a precedent that the Dharma array had been destroyed before, and the saints had to arrange these defensive Dharma arrays in advance.

In the four blood pools of Qijue immortal city, a world leader was sent to guard them. Next to the blood pool in the south of the city, there was a saint woman standing. The saint women were generally plump and rich, and there were all kinds of tenderness under their eyes. There were three Yin red wolf teeth birthmarks on their left and right sides. All the saint women were born with these birthmarks .

For Saint women, the longer the wolf tooth birthmark extends, the purer the blood is, and the higher the status is.

Some of the saint women's wolf tooth birthmark is relatively short, they will also use rouge to depict the wolf tooth birthmark, which extends to both sides of the nose.

This holy woman is on duty here all day long, and seems to be a little distracted. The blood pool is full of blood all the time. It's too long for anyone to be in a good mood.

Her eyes light looked at the mortals across the blood pool, looking at these mortals' bodies twisted into various inexplicable shapes by the blood curse array, there was a kind of inexplicable irritability in her heart!

Tens of millions of people are slaughtered every day in this blood pool. All the people of countless small countries in the whole seven Jue world are sent here to be crushed. Most of the evil spirit that escapes will be absorbed by the blood curse array, but the warrior who guards on one side will be eroded by some evil spirit.

The restlessness in her heart comes from these evil spirits

"The holy heaven and the earth have a clear mind."

A pure white light suddenly flashed from the pupils of the saint woman. She had to wash her mind with a clear mind.

Under the execution of the Dharma, the holy woman suddenly felt the restlessness in her heart dissipated. Then she held a black dragon tooth token in her hand and said, "brother Maha, how long do you have to come back? Wu'er is bored here..."

This is the sound transmission method of the holy people.

There are subtle differences in the rules of every saint's creation of the world. In Dayan's world, the roaring order can transmit the voice to every corner of the world, but it is to shout to everyone, and any living creature can hear the voice at the same time.This note of the holy family can also transmit the sound anywhere, but it can only be transmitted to another messenger. This dragon tooth is a unique monster in the world of the great pole. It is made of the horn bone of the twin dragon tooth beast. The twin dragon tooth beast is born into a pair, and the hearts of the two dragon teeth beasts are interlinked. No matter how far apart they are, they can also communicate with each other. They rely on the head The dragon's horn.

So some saints killed two twin dragon teeth beasts and made them into dragon teeth tokens with their magical dragon horns. No matter how far apart they were, they could communicate with each other.

However, this kind of sound transmission order is also extremely rare in the great universe.

After a while, there was a voice in the order, "Hey, brother Maha is killing people in the matchless world, do you miss me?"

"I must have thought about it," Wu erjiao replied.

"Where is my brother?" Maha asked again.

"I hate it Wu er's face is suddenly dyed with a blush. Just as she says that, her eyes are inadvertently swept, but she accidentally sees Luo Zheng opposite the blood pool.

"Why?" Dance son suddenly tiny a Leng.

"What's the matter, Wu er?" hearing Wu er's voice, Maha asked at the other end of the messenger.

Wu'er looked at Luo Zheng's body, and the color of surprise on her face became more and more intense. Then she said, "I seem to see a familiar person."

On Chongxiao mountain, under the confrontation between the saints and Tianwei, the faces of the ten Taoists were all recorded by them, including Luo Zheng's face. She just swept it at random. She felt that Luo Zheng was very familiar, as if she had seen him somewhere.

At this moment, she noticed Luo Zheng and naturally felt strange

"Who is it?"

"It's like one of the ten Taoists mentioned by brother Maha last time." Wu er's face showed a trace of excitement. The wolf tooth birthmarks on both sides of her cheek suddenly became bright red, and a faint black light flickered from her pupil.

Luo Zheng did not change face. Although her face was covered with mud, she could see through the original appearance of Luo Zheng at a glance.

There are so many mortals in this world, and there are always several of them with similar appearance. However, Luo Zheng has never had a rest in the special art of concealment. His means of concealment and cultivation can only be quite simple for martial arts of the same realm, and Wu er's "colorless pupil" can see through almost all the art of concealment.

She noticed Luo Zheng this time and easily saw the flaw under the exploration!

"What! Are those Taoists back? " Maha's voice came again.

Since the confrontation at Chongxiao mountain, the ten Taoists of the Tianwei clan have disappeared into the world. No matter how the saints explore, they can't catch any news. The saints also know that these ten Taoists are the key figures.

What's more, muhaiji, their master and creator of the great universe, has also given an extremely important task to the holy people to do their best to eradicate these Daoists!

The saints secretly pursued for several months, but there was no news about the Taoists. Finally, they came to a conclusion that the Tianwei clan had sent the Taoists to the forbidden area of Shenlian.

It's not that the saints didn't think of other ways. They tried to send some of the world masters into the forbidden area of Shenlian to pursue and kill these Taoists.

However, after they spent a lot of energy to build a transmission array to the forbidden area of Shenlian, the saints found that they were rejected by the forbidden area of Shenlian!

That is to say, they can't enter the holy land at all.

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