It is a common practice to send the best talents in the world to the holy land for cultivation. Maha of the holy family has been to the holy land, which is an open world.

However, the forbidden area of Shenlian is Jiusheng's territory after all. At this time, how can Jiusheng allow the warriors of dajiyu to enter?

Hatoyama and muhaiji, as members of the congregation, are harmonious on the surface. They are not shameful under the rule, but they have a long history of struggle in secret.

The saints could not pursue Daozi in the forbidden area of Shenlian, but muhaiji thought of a way, that is, to arrange a "big space technique" outside Dayan's house, which was quietly performed by the true God of the saints.

When the Taoists in the forbidden area of Shenlian return, the big space technique will start and distort the way of those Taoists' return.

So when Luo Zheng returned, he didn't return to the transmission array of Tianwei clan directly, but fell into the seven Jue realm

"Are you sure?" Maha asked cautiously.

If Daozi returns, they will fall into any big world of Dayan under the influence of big space. This is a very important opportunity for the holy people!

"I'm not sure. Just have a try."

The wolf tooth birthmark on wu'er's face is more and more red, which means that she is more and more excited. Staring at Luo Zheng on the other side of the blood pool, she is quietly brewing the true yuan in her body

"Wu'er, don't start. I'll come as fast as I can!" Maha exhorted.

As the Holy Son of the holy people, Maha is extremely arrogant, but his mind is very detailed!

These Taoist doctrines are carefully shaped by a saint, and they are also a counterattack of the saint before he dies. They are the crystallization of the saint's shaping. Every Taoist is not simple!

They practiced for three years in the forbidden area of divine cultivation. Now that they are willing to return, their strength and cultivation will soar.

Maha, who has been in the forbidden area of Shenlian, naturally has deep experience.

But wu'er didn't intend to listen to Maha's advice?


While Luo Zheng was sliding towards the blood pool, the power in his body was constantly brewing.

His goal is not only this blood pool. If everything goes well, he will completely destroy the four blood pools in the seven Jue immortal city in the shortest time.

But Luo Zheng doesn't know. At the moment, he has been targeted by a holy woman

One hundred feet

Fifty feet

Ten feet

Luo Zheng is getting closer and closer to the blood pool. The smell of blood seems to solidify in the air, but Luo Zheng is not moved by it.

Just as Luo Zheng slowly moved to the edge of the blood pool, and the invisible force lifted him up, he stepped on the edge of the blood pool with one foot. Suddenly, his body was shocked, and immediately threw away the invisible force!


The invisible power is the release of a divine pattern in the blood curse array. When Luo Zheng breaks away from the invisible power, the power of Luo Zheng exceeds the limit of the divine pattern. The divine pattern bursts in an instant. At the same time, the mortals on this road suddenly feel a light shoulder, the invisible force that pushes them to death All of a sudden, it disappeared.


Luo Zheng has been brewing for such a long time. Once he starts to do it, he will not hesitate any more. He is just like a hidden yellow finch. Suddenly he is in trouble and rushes towards the blood curse array above the blood pool!

"Hee hee, the camouflage is good," at the same time, the dancer who has been observing Luo Zheng also chooses to move.

She stepped lightly in the void, just like a dancing butterfly, and black beads appeared around her. In an instant, she moved out and stood in the way of Luo Zheng.

"What do you want to do? The handsome man of the Terran, "wu'er said with a smile to Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng didn't realize that the woman had found herself before, and now she was slightly surprised. But Luo Zheng's surprise only existed in the blink of an eye, and then he drank coldly: "get out!" The voice fell, and I clapped my hand!

"Yo, how angry," wu'er said with a smile. She also clapped her hand, but she didn't have the slightest fear.

There are Daozi in Dayan's universe, and there are also Daozi in Daji's universe.

This "wu'er" is one of them. She has become the leader of the world. The next step is to condense the divinity and impact the position of the true God. Their holy blood is noble. Everyone is also the existence of Taoism. How can wu'er put Luo Zheng in front of her eyes?

But wu'er's face suddenly changed when she touched Luo Zheng!

She didn't expect that Luo Zheng's hand was so powerful that she couldn't resist it!

I'm afraid the power contained in this palm is enough to kill the ordinary world Master!

"Pa Pa Pa!"

The huge force poured in along Wu er's arm, and the black beads around her body suddenly burst one by one!

It exploded as many as four in an instant!

Under the pressure of the huge force, wu'er was directly photographed into the blood pool below, splashing a huge wave of blood.It's almost indescribable that wu'er, who is immersed in the pool of blood, is shocked.

The seven black beads around her are the precious treasures given by the Holy Family God. The name of the black beads is "sacrificial beads". Each bead can bear a fatal injury, which is enough to replace her to die once!

That is to say, every black bead burst is equal to her death once.

After all, she has a high status in the holy family, and she seldom has a chance to face the crisis of life and death.

But wu'er never thought that this guy slapped her in front of her and broke her four beads! This is equal to Luo Zheng slapped her four times!

At the moment, wu'er's mood can be imagined. She just remembered the warning of Maha, and asked her not to act rashly!

Wu'er in the blood pool was frightened and scared. At the same time, she crushed a lavender divine grain in her hand. When the divine grain was crushed, there was a sharp cry in the whole seven Jue immortal city.

Hearing this voice, all the holy warrior changed their faces at the moment. The cry was the highest degree of warning!

Luo Zheng's eyes didn't stay on the holy woman at all. The only goal in his eyes was the blood curse array. After that slap, his body suddenly swung in the air, and he continued to rush towards the array!

When Luo Zheng rushed up, he heard a "buzzing" sound coming. A light yellow transparent light curtain appeared in front of Luo Zheng, blocking his way.


Luo Zheng had looked at it for a long time before, and naturally knew that there would be a protective border in the blood curse array. Following his own impact, Luo Zheng punched the border head on!


To Luo Zheng's surprise, the border shook twice, but it didn't break.

Wu'er slowly floats up from the blood pool. Seeing Luo Zheng's action, she shows a sneer on her face.

Even if the Taoist has infinite power, it is impossible to break the boundary with his own brute force. The boundary is designed for brute force destruction.

as like as two peas in the four blood pools of the seven immortal cities, four identical boundaries are laid out, while four circles are interconnected with each other, four paths are mutually hurting each other, and they want to destroy them, unless they break up four circles simultaneously.

With the power of a world leader, this is impossible!

He said that he was not afraid to attack the Mobi, but he was so optimistic

Dance son's words didn't finish saying, her pupil already at this moment open of eldest brother.

She saw that Luo Zheng suddenly raised his hand, and the space with his fist as the center of the circle began to be constantly distorted!

It's a piece of cake for the warrior who dominates the world to distort the power with the law of space.

But she didn't feel the law of space in Luo Zheng, that is to say, this guy didn't use the law of space to distort space!

He used a terrible force to her unimaginable power! It is by virtue of a force that produces the gravity that distorts space!


Under the distortion of gravity, the blood in the whole blood pool also waves. In the sight of people, the center of the blood pool is directly sunken, as if there is an invisible ball pressed in the blood pool, and this ball is centered on Luo Zheng's fist!

"The power of this guy..." Wu er's big eyes full of flattery widened, and a bad premonition surged into her heart.

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