When wu'er gives out a warning, there are several ways of escaping light everywhere in Qijue immortal city!

One is black and the other is white. They are the most powerful. They are just like two clouds of smoke, rolling up into the sky, emitting a great spirit.

"Who is so bold, dare to enter my seven absolute immortals city!" There is a big figure in the black light. This man is wearing a black robe, with a fierce face. He is not angry and arrogant. He looks like a tiger with eyes hanging. He will choose people to eat him anytime and anywhere.

"Maybe it's a lost mouse," said the white man, but he was a handsome and thin young man. He was dressed in a very charming way. He was more beautiful than a woman, and he also had three wolf tooth birthmarks on his face.

In the holy family, only women were born with wolf tooth birthmarks, while the young man tattooed them on himself.

One black and one white are the two great masters of the holy family who are on duty in the seven Jue immortal city. They are also well-known in the great universe. The black one's name is red magic East, and the white one's name is mazan.

"Well, I'd like to see what this little mouse can do," said red devil with a sneer. He shot at the south of the city, as if someone had smeared a line of black smoke in the sky.

With a faint smile, mazan also twisted his body, and then disappeared in the same place. Although the Qijue immortal city was huge, it was just like his own courtyard for the world masters, and they could walk all over it in a few steps.

The other world masters looked at each other and shot towards the south of the city.

Although wu'er's warning is the most severe one, indicating the invasion of a strong enemy, these World Masters did not pay attention to it.

From the perspective of the whole war situation, if the Terran Tianzun comes to break the blood mantra array in person, he will have to bear the risk of falling. For an unimportant Qijue realm, it's definitely not a good deal to let Tianzun do it.

If a world leader sneaks into the seven Jue immortal city, it's even less frightening. There are two world leaders stationed here. With one human world leader, they want to destroy the blood curse array. It's a bit naive.

In the blink of an eye, these World Masters appeared above the blood pool in the south of the city.

Before that, Luo Zheng had accumulated part of his strength in front of his fist. The strength extracted from the nine stars had been condensed to the extreme, and the impact on the surrounding environment had become smaller.

Of course, they didn't see that amazing scene.

At the moment, Luo Zhengshan is fighting towards the border, but he turns a blind eye to the sudden emergence of these world masters.

"Sure enough, he is a leader of the human race. It's interesting, but he has a lot of courage," the red devil looked at Luo Zheng and said with a faint smile.

"Hey, this guy is really imaginative to break the boundary of time with brute force," said mazan with a sarcastic smile on his face.

The boundary that envelops the four blood pools is called the time boundary of the four elephants to protect the four blood pools from damage. The mystery of the boundary also needs to be arranged by the divine power of the holy family, because the four boundaries are connected with each other and bear the force of each other. It is almost impossible to break it by brute force.

Therefore, the present masters of the holy Kingdom have full confidence in the boundary.

The two World Masters didn't stop them. They wanted to see how the human world Master, who didn't know the heaven and the earth, could break the time barrier of the four elephants.

Neither of the two great world masters ever made a move, and naturally other holy world masters present would not be vanguards.

"Stop him..."

Since wu'er issued that warning, she naturally hoped that Ma Zan and red devil would stop Luo Zheng!

She just saw the terrible scene of Luo Zheng's fist. How big is the power to distort the surrounding space?

Red devil East and others looked at wu'er in the blood pool, and they were a little puzzled. Although this "Shikong dance" has just stepped into the world leader, the realm is not stable, but she has a high status after all. Moreover, she is one of the Taoists in the great universe, and her strength is not inferior to that of the ordinary world leader. Why is she so anxious?

Mazan saw something wrong and guessed the possibility in his heart. Is this boy really special? But now it's too late to stop.

Luo Zheng's fist has touched the edge of the time boundary of the four elephants!

How powerful is the power extracted from the nine stars, which pours out in an instant, is an irresistible torrent, scouring on the boundary of time of the four elephants!

"Zhi -"

in the eyes of the warriors of the great universe, the time boundary of the four elephants can't be broken by brute force. This impression is like a rule imprinted in the hearts of the saints, because they have never seen anyone break it by brute force, even the Heavenly God can't do it!

Tianzun carries the destiny. To some extent, they are the incarnation of the rules. Even Tianzun can't break the boundary. That's the rules!

However, the time boundary of the four elephants is not immune to power. It can't be broken by brute force. When the power reaches a certain degree, and exceeds the critical point that the time boundary of the four elephants can bear, the time boundary of the four elephants will still break!The shrill sound lasted a full breath.

Ma Zan, red devil Dong, and other world masters have heard this voice, and they have already faintly felt that something is more and more wrong

Originally, they were full of self-confidence. Suddenly, they were worried that the four elephants would not be smashed by this boy, would they? There is a little worry in their heart, but subconsciously they still think that this kind of thing is unlikely to happen.

But in this world, things often go against our wishes.

The sharp sound is more and more harsh, and a little bit of knock gradually appears in the sound. When these knock sounds continue to accumulate, there is a violent burst sound in the end.


Then everyone saw that Luo Zheng's arm had penetrated the boundary of time!

At the same time

The boundary of time between the four images above the other three blood pools in Qijue immortal city is also broken in an instant!

These four boundaries of time are connected with each other and share the damage with each other, which really greatly improves the strength of this boundary. But the disadvantage is that once one of the boundaries is destroyed, the other three boundaries will also be destroyed, because they are a whole!

The red devil East stares at Luo Zheng in the middle of the blood pool, and the whole person is a little stunned. As for the red devil East, there are other world masters with the same expression.

Only Shikong dance under the blood pool frowned. Judging from the power that Luo Zheng had shown before, she had already expected this scene

"He wants to destroy the Falun!"

"No, stop him!"

The other world masters were immediately flustered. It was not easy to arrange the blood curse array. If it was really destroyed, they would be punished by the holy family!

Among the martial artists present, except Shikong dance, all the other world leaders have to bear the responsibility, and none of them can escape.

But they have some distance from the blood pool. Is it so easy to stop Luo Zheng?

The two World Masters reacted very quickly and moved in an instant. But after Luo Zheng smashed the four elephants, he dashed upward without any pause. The whole person turned into an awl and penetrated into the inside of the blood curse array!

At the same time, an invisible aperture diffused along Luo Zheng's feet.

Luo Zheng, who had penetrated into the inner part of the Dharma array, left the aperture, and then showed a strange smile to several boundary masters on the scene, that is, he took a step and scattered the brilliance of the law of space under his feet. He had already used the big move technique and disappeared in the original place.

The world leaders who rushed forward were stunned again

What on earth does the Terran Lord want to do? With so much effort, I finally broke the time boundary of the four elephants. Without destroying the blood curse array, I just left?

All of a sudden, they were confused

They are here to guard these Dharma arrays, so that the blood curse can be performed smoothly. However, these holy lines in the seven Jue immortal city are their lives, which can't be lost at all!

These ringleaders are confused, and at the same time they feel a little relieved. They seem to have met a madman who doesn't know what to call.

But after a few breaths, they realized that this guy is not crazy at all!

From the sky began to brew out a diamond pieces, those diamond pieces constantly juxtaposed together, and then there are a thunder from the air, unexpectedly is a disaster to come!

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