The old patriarch has never fully released his power. The world does not know much about the destiny of the old patriarch.

This lotus seems to seal up an incredible power.

Under the pressure of Lianhua, Luo Zheng's body is sinking rapidly.

In the face of the pressure from the old clan leader, Luo Zheng stood still, and his whole body strength was mobilized, as if the sea water poured back, flowing crazily along each of his meridians!

The nine stars in the inner world speed up the speed of rotation, and the power in the stars turns into silk threads, constantly pouring into Luo Zheng's meridians.

After experiencing the forging of craftsman saint, Luo Zheng's physical strength has been greatly improved again, but even with Luo Zheng's current physical strength, it can't accommodate all the power sources of the nine stars.

At present, Luo Zheng can only bear about 30% at most, which is the limit of Luo Zheng's physical body. If more than 30% of the power source is applied to Luo Zheng, his physical body will also tend to collapse!

In order to fight against this slowly pressed lotus flower, Luo Zheng draws more and more power sources, and the stars rotate faster and faster!

Ten percent

Twenty percent

Because of the rapid rush of strength to Luo Zheng's body, his body also began to make the sound of bone interlacing. The strength of the trained steel has surpassed the supreme artifact. The sound of bone interlacing is like the mountain sliding, fierce and fierce!

That lotus stopped its decline, and was finally held by Luo Zheng!

"Really hold on..." Not far away, the magic God saw this scene and was extremely speechless.

"What kind of power does this boy have? It's the skill of sage. No one can follow him down under the true God!" Qianlan Tianzun was also quite surprised.

Old man Feng's eyes flashed, his hands pushed gently, and he put out two index fingers, but they were slightly down.


The lotus flower, which Luo Zheng held abruptly, began to press down again.

"How heavy!"

Luo Zheng felt the weight of his hands increased a lot in an instant!

This old man Feng's destiny is really amazing. A lotus flower can turn into such a weight, which is countless times heavier than the "golden fork stone" of the bengshan people!

Seeing this heavy weight coming, Luo Zheng can only draw out the source of power in the body world!

"Thirty percent power!"

The 30% power of the nine stars is the limit that Luo Zheng can bear now.

The power surged out. The channels on Luo Zheng's body were like earthworms. These channels were as tough as dragon tendons, and they were as thick and thin as thumbs. They looked terrible!

"Boo boo..."

The skin film between the bones crackles, and the space squeezed out between the bone gaps compresses each other, which is similar to the sound of insects.

At this moment, Luo Zheng seems to have become a human musical instrument, and every part of his body makes a strange sound

"Give me a lift!"

Luo Zheng backhand a top, originally toward the bottom of the heavy pressure down Lianhua, so was Luo Zheng rigidly top up!


Magic God is the boss with open mouth.

Qianlan Tianzun's expression is almost the same.

These celestial beings are old monsters who have lived for tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of years. After countless years, it's hard to see this kind of expression on their faces. In the long years, they have seen all the new things in the world. What's the shock for them?

Such expressions have not appeared on their faces for countless years

But the gods around, it is not like this expression.

As for the old man Feng himself, he can only watch that Lianhua is picked up by Luo Zheng!

He noticed that the state of Luo Zheng's body seemed to have reached the limit of carrying capacity, and there was a faint sign of collapse, but this may not be the limit of Luo Zheng's strength, this boy seems to have some spare power!

But it's about the same.

"That's all," the old clan leader waved slightly, and the lotus flower flew out of Luo Zheng's hand. It kept turning, and soon disappeared in the air. He just sighed, "today I'm too persistent, but Luo Zheng's performance is really amazing! "

After that lotus flower was removed by the old clan leader, Luo Zheng said with a smile, "the old clan leader praised me for a second, and I'm at the limit. Thanks to the old clan leader's hand, otherwise I'll make a fool of myself."

The old clan leader glanced at Luo Zheng and said with a smile, "if you don't tell the truth, I'm curious, but I know how to handle it..."

In fact, Luo Zheng can't measure his own limit. If a saint exerts one third of his power, he can't be sure how powerful he is.

What's more, power is only one aspect of a warrior's strength, and its effect is very different when it is used purely or with some kind of skill.This limit can only be considered in combat.

After the old clan leader's strength test, it was the turn of magic heaven.

At this moment, the magic God has already made preparations in his heart.

What he tested was Luo Zheng's soul strength, and there was no trick in this kind of test.

The magic celestial figure floated down to Luo Zheng, which was opposite to Luo Zheng's four eyes. The golden war spirit in his body was like a lurking beast, suddenly releasing a strong pressure.

The soul of the warrior is also very important.

Power, truth, soul

When the two fighters fight, it is likely to be a trinity attack.

For example, when you come up, you use the method of urging Zhenyuan to attack and kill the opponent, and then look for opportunities to get close to the opponent and fight physically with strength. If these two methods still can't solve the opponent, you will use the method of soul attack to break the deadlock under the lack of defense.

However, the test of the magic God lasted only a few breaths, and his mighty soul pressure was covered. With a flash of gold in Luo Zheng's eyes, the magic God's soul pressure was easily resisted, and his face was extremely calm.


The soul power exerted by the magic God disappeared without a trace.

Then the magic God's face showed an expression of both laughter and tears, "Luo Zheng, do you already have the golden war spirit?"

Luo Zheng nodded slightly. He didn't deny the conjecture of magic heaven.

"Well There's no need to test, "hunmiao Tianzun shrugged his shoulders. He was not as persistent as old man Feng.

As for Zhenyuan

The Tianwei people still know the details of Luo Zheng. His skills are special and far beyond the scope of ordinary martial arts. There is no need to test them.

So today's little test on Luo Zheng is over.

In fact, in the face of Daozi's test, it was just a short examination. It was only Luo Zheng's appalling performance that caused such a big stir.

With Qianlan Tianzun waving his hand, Ning yudie and mu Mingxue, who had taken refuge on the top of the mountain, came down one after another and returned to Luo Zheng.

At this moment, the resurrection God, who had been silent, said, "now that Luo Zheng has such strength, I have a proposal."

The character of the resurrection God is a little lonely. He is usually silent. Now when he opens his mouth, other people's eyes naturally focus on him.

"What proposal?" The old patriarch asked lightly.

"Help Luo Zheng carry a destiny!" The resurrection God stares at Luo Zheng and says.

"Destiny?" The old clan leader was slightly stunned.

The resurrection God nodded, with a smile on his face. "Luo Zheng didn't have a destiny, but his own strength is enough to match that of the God. If a destiny is selected, how far can his strength go?"

Hearing these words, the faces of several Tianzun suddenly had the color of intention.

Since the last time the humanitarian alliance took the initiative to fight against the saints, the three gods fell, and the Terrans once fell into passivity.

At the boundary level, the human race can't resist the holy race, and at the heaven level, the number of heaven is far less than that of the holy race. After all, there are 128 heaven lords in Dayan, and the human race only occupies more than 50 seats. The only optimistic thing is that the old patriarch, Lei Xing, Oracle and original sin heaven, all of which belong to the human race.

However, the number of heavenly orders in Daji universe is larger than that in Dayan universe, and all the heavenly gods are holy people. Therefore, the holy people still have an overwhelming advantage over the number of heavenly gods.

The only Terrans that can compete with the saints are probably the four top gods.

If Luo Zheng carries the destiny and becomes the God, he can be a great help in a short time.

"No way!"

The old patriarch rejected the proposal to revive the God for the first time.

The resurrection God's eyes slightly coagulated and asked, "why not?"

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