What the resurrection God is thinking about now is the immediate crisis.

But the old patriarch knew better that Luo Zheng was too important in the layout of Saint Luo Xiao to confine him to the world.

Once a warrior carries heaven's destiny and achieves heaven's glory, he will never be able to jump out of the world!

Then Luo Zheng lost his qualification to go to the divine realm

Now in order to deal with the crisis of the holy family, let Luo Zheng carry a destiny, let Luo Zheng become the God.

Let's not say whether it can really save the world, even if Luo Zhengzhen plays a huge role in driving the holy family back to the world, it only solves the immediate crisis!

It is impossible for the holy halls in the divine realm to pass Luo Xiao.

It's muhaiji who is in trouble with Dayan's house now. It's not sure that other saints will break through the wall of sighing and attack Dayan's house in the future. It's endless. Even if Luo Zheng has three heads and six arms, he can't block the means of the saints.

Hearing what the old patriarch said, the resurrection God fell into silence.

Give Luo Zheng a mandate. It's a dead end.

Once the destiny is carried, it will leave a brand, which is deeply engraved in the soul. It is impossible to put it off, and it will lose the qualification of becoming a true God.

"We'll talk about it later!" The old patriarch said with a smile,

as soon as his voice fell, a voice suddenly came from a distance, "I have a proposal!"

"Lord startail!"

"Lord startail!"


Hearing that voice, the gods became respectful.

Not far away, a white figure floated. The old man was dressed in a white robe, and his whole body was spotless, as if the dust would retreat when it was near him. This was the only true God in the heaven family, Xingwei.

When Luo Zheng saw the star tail, he also bowed his head and cried, "the star tail."

Before that, Luo Zheng entered the Tianwei clan for the first time. He didn't understand the purpose of the Tianwei clan, and even had suspicion in his heart. He had a strong resistance to the Tianwei clan.

But now when I see the star's tail, I have a little bit of other thoughts in my eyes.

This is the real star tail It's Luo Xiao's disciple, it's his father's disciple!

If not for the presence of these celestial beings, Luo Zheng really wanted to ask him what kind of person his father was?

Luo Zheng's childhood impression of his father has been gradually blurred over the years, but his father's harsh voice is still in his ears.

A saint, who has become an inner incarnation, becomes a kind father and teaches himself.

Now Luo Zheng also has two completely different views on this "father". On the one hand, Luo Xiao is a saint, on the other hand, he is a kind father with flesh and blood. Which one is the real father? Luo Zheng can't say clearly now

Star tail light looked at Luo Zheng one eye, but is the mouth say: "Luo Zheng whether still remember, that year that a destiny crown?"

"Crown of destiny..."

Luo Zheng nodded immediately when he heard Xingwei's words.

At the beginning, it was because of this crown of destiny that Luo Zheng startled many celestial beings in the world.

However, he did not carry the crown of destiny. After all, the minimum requirement of carrying destiny was to step into the realm of the Lord. At that time, Luo Zheng's realm was not enough.

"Xingwei, the crown of destiny!" The old clan leader's eyes suddenly brightened.

The crown of destiny in Luo Zheng's hand is inherited from the last round of Yanji, that is to say, it belongs to the 129th destiny in the world!

This crown of destiny is still in Luo Zheng's immortal mansion

Xingwei nodded, then said faintly: "in the last round of Yanji destruction, there was a God who wanted to escape from the extinction of the world. Just before he was about to fail and die, I saved the life of this God, and his crown of destiny was also preserved."

Tianzun's Shouyuan is also limited. The longevity of Tianzun Shouyuan can reach more than 300 million years, but it still can't resist the erosion of time. It will fall one day.

The purpose of Xingwei's saving Tianzun is to preserve a crown of destiny, which is just for Luo Zheng!

"The God's life! You saved it? " Luo Zheng was stunned.

Xingwei nodded.

When Luo Zheng entered the reincarnation, he was also very curious.

Once every 3.6 billion years, there is a reincarnation, accompanied by the collapse of the way of heaven and the extinction of all living beings

Up to heaven, down to mortals, no one can escape.

Why can this God survive safely by hiding in the disk of reincarnation?

The one who survived with the God was lianshenzi. However, lianshenzi was no longer a living creature because of his own puppet body, so he continued from the last round of the way of heaven to the present. However, the God finally fell into the five failures of heaven and man and died.

"The way of heaven to which that destiny belongs has been broken and reorganized into the way of heaven now. You can already carry the crown of that destiny. It will not be branded, nor will it affect you to cross the way of heaven in the future." Star tail adult light smile way.Hearing this, all the people present, including Luo Zheng, could not help sighing that Luo Xiao's layout was very carefully considered, and the layout had been planned since tens of billions of years ago, almost every point!

I'm afraid the only miscalculation is the time when muhaiji invaded Dayan.

The time of the invasion of the saints was almost three hundred years earlier.

It sounds like a lot of errors in hundreds of years. For the time span of tens of billions of years, it is quite accurate!

Luo Zheng also showed a strong interest in the crown of destiny that day, but he nodded to the star tail and said with a smile: "then I will go to get the crown of destiny now!"

After thinking about it, Luo Zheng said to the old patriarch, "my friends are still in Xianfu. They can't adapt to the vitality pressure of the upper world. I wonder if there is any way to make them adapt?"

The old clan leader nodded, "it's just a small matter. Qian LAN, go and help Luo Zheng..."

Then Luo Zheng, led by Qianlan Tianzun, went to the immortal mansion.

After waiting for a while at the gate of the immortal mansion, a warrior of the heavenly family came at a gallop, with a purple and gold vase in his hand.

The group of warriors still felt strange in their hearts. The things in this bottle are just for the lower martial arts to adapt to the vitality of heaven and earth. Why do they need to send them to the emperor in person?

Qianlan Tianzun reached for the bottle and handed it to Luo Zheng beside him. He said faintly, "what's in the bottle is the dust elixir. The pressure of the vitality of heaven and earth needs the warrior to adapt himself, and we can't change the position of heaven. However, the dust elixir can neutralize the vitality of heaven and earth around us. After eating the dust elixir, they can walk in the upper world for a period of time I'm not in the way

"But I don't know how long this dust elixir can last?" Luo Zheng asked.

Qianlan Tianzun said with a smile, "this dust elixir is a high-level elixir. It can last for about 30 years..."

Luo Zheng thought in his heart that it would be good if the pill could last for dozens of hours. As soon as he heard it for 30 years, he was speechless.

Worthy of being a member of the heaven family, he reached for the dust elixir and stepped into the immortal mansion.

Luo Nian, mother-in-law Yu and the people in the Duoyun temple have been waiting for a long time.

They have been living in the immortal mansion for several years. Although the environment in the immortal mansion is good, it seems like a prison to them.

Luo Zheng took out the dust elixir and put it into the hands of the people. After the people ate it one by one, Luo Zheng went to the immortal mansion to take out the crown of heaven's destiny.

When Luo Zheng's hand touched the crown of destiny, a slight vibration came from the whole heaven!

The tianzuns of the Tianwei clan are still OK. They already know that Luo Zheng touched the crown of heaven's destiny, but the other tianzuns in the world are surprised to look at the sky, and the way of heaven is shaking again

Luo Zheng himself had some helplessness about this kind of vibration. There was a connection between the crown of destiny and the way of heaven, and he began to vibrate when he didn't pay attention to it.

After taking out the crown of destiny, Luo Zheng left the immortal mansion with Luo Nian and others.

Luo Nian is bored in the immortal mansion. He can only use his talent to decipher the golden Sanskrit, but he is only 11 years old after all, full of curiosity about the world.

After being released by Luo Zheng in this way, he was naturally jubilant. Looking at the soaring mountain like a huge crystal, he almost jumped up with excitement.

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