Before Luo Zheng's return, the tianzuns on Chongxiao mountain had held twelve consultations.

There were some festivals and contradictions in these gods, but in the autumn of life and death, they have been completely diluted.

Even the humanitarian alliance has been sacrificed. What else in the world can't be sacrificed?

However, in the previous 12 consultations, almost no feasible solution has been reached.

In fact, Luo Zheng's plan is not particularly excellent.

They support Luo Zheng because of his appeal and identity.

At the beginning, in order to appease the oracle and the alliance of humanity, old man Feng had already informed the three forces of the human race of Luo Zheng's identity and Luo Xiao's purpose.

After the return of Luo Zheng, they believed in the old patriarch more.

It's only three years. With a flick of the finger, Luo Zheng has reached such a point.

If it's carrying that destiny, Luo Zheng's strength will be stronger than that of the gods present

These Taoists really have the ability to change the situation!

The key point is that even if they don't believe in Luo Zheng and Tianwei clan, the three forces can't be rivals of the holy clan.

At this time, Tianzun can only choose to follow blindly, because they have no choice!

Obviously, Luo Zheng also realized this, so he put forward this solution, and won the support of the gods!

In a corner of the sacred place.

Dozens of World Masters are shuttling back and forth

When each Lord arrives here, he will release his Xumi ring completely!

From the ring, weapons and magic weapons fall down like raindrops.

Most of the weapons are spirit weapons, immortal weapons and holy weapons

This process has been going on for years.

Since Luo Zheng's first visit to Tianwei clan, Tianwei clan has ordered people to prepare.

Most of these weapons are intact. In the eyes of ordinary fighters, every blade is valuable.

They are all collected from all over the world!

After years of accumulation, these weapons have been piled up into tens of thousands of high mountains!

Under the sunshine, the weapons are shining with different lights, just like a treasure mountain standing here

"What do you mean they want to collect so many weapons?"

"Who knows, you can't eat it?"

"It's been piling up for several years. Although it's some junk, I'm afraid it's worth a lot of money to add up so much junk?"

Some of the warriors in the holy land of Chongxiao always sigh like this when they pass through this huge mountain.

Not everyone knows the decision-making of the senior management, but since the Tianwei people are willing to spend so much money and collect so many weapons, they must have a very important purpose

At this moment, the sky is shining with streamers.

The breath in the streamer was so powerful that the warriors below noticed it and then stopped one after another.

Naturally, those people are the human and celestial beings gathered in the holy land of Chongxiao.

Tianzun naturally has the pride of Tianzun. Since he has accepted Luo Zheng's proposal, he will not have the slightest hesitation.

Now all the layouts should be expanded quickly and be on standby at any time.

And Luo Zheng's body, there is also a big help, that is, the nine real dragons.

When the gods stand around the top of the mountain, they will not advance any further.

However, Luo Zheng stepped on the top of the mountain with one foot. Under the collision of the blades at his feet, there was a scattered and clear sound of collision.

"Luo Zheng, you can start," the voice of the old patriarch came down.

Luo Zheng looked up and nodded to the gods. His eyes flashed slightly, and a bright light flashed from his eyebrows.

"Whew, whew, whew..."

The sharp whistling sound came, and the spirit of nine real dragons rushed out of his eyebrows.

The nine real dragons hovered for a while, each keeping a different posture.

The five clawed Golden Dragon nodded to the old patriarch, "thank you for shaping the body of Tianyan for us in Jiulong!"

The old patriarch said lightly, "you and I serve the same master. Our purpose is the same. You don't need to thank me."

Five clawed Golden Dragon nodded, huge head circled again, looking down at Luo Zheng, they are ready, next we will see Luo Zheng.

At the moment, Luo Zheng's eyebrows flashed again, and the black flame reappeared!


The black fire, like a bird, penetrates into the huge mountain of the sword in a very nimble manner and disappears in front of the crowd in an instant.

Luo Zheng stands on the top of the mountain, while the spirits of Jiulong surround him, while the gods float in the sky, watching this scene quietlyIt seems that there is no movement after that little magic fire escapes into the huge mountain.

Some of the warriors in the distance, looking at this side secretly, were also full of great curiosity in their hearts.

"Are they really going to eat these weapons?" Asked a warrior.

"Don't talk too much. The gods are very powerful. It's not good to hear that," others explained.

As soon as their voices fell, Luo Zheng turned his face slightly. He stood on the mountain, tens of thousands of feet away from the two warriors, but he could hear each other's voice clearly!

It's not about perception, it's about pure hearing.

After his body was transformed by the craftsman saint, his potential in many aspects exceeded Luo Zheng's own estimation.

"Look at it!"

"Who is that young man?"

The two warriors were startled.

Who knows Luo Zheng just smile, give two people a smile.

These two warriors are just living and dying. From such a long distance, they can only see a vague smile. However, they feel the kindness released by Luo Zheng, which calms them down

An hour later.

There is still no reaction in this huge mountain.

Luo Zheng is like a sculpture, motionless

He could feel the fire.

The black flame penetrated into the bottom of the blade mountain and was constantly burning.

It is a little spark that can be ignited, and the whole weapon mountain is a huge dry firewood pile for Shenhuo!

At the beginning, the spread range of Shenhuo was very small. At the bottom of the sword mountain, about three feet of the sword was melted away. However, as time went by, the burning speed of Shenhuo became faster and faster, and the black ring of fire spread rapidly in the situation of the sword mountain!

The weapons melted by the divine fire are all turned into smoke, and any substance in them is burned completely, only Tianyan purification is preserved.

Two hours later


With a burst of dense crisp sound, the whole sword mountain suddenly began to collapse from the middle.

The black fire has melted a big hole at the bottom of the sword mountain, and these swords are just randomly placed together. If the bottom can't support them, the swords will naturally collapse in the middle


When the mighty fire was burning inside, it showed to the people!

The black flame continuously erupted toward the outside, surrounding the bottom of the whole blade mountain.

Once the fire is on fire, it will only be more and more vigorous, and the burning speed will be faster and faster!

The crackling sound of "Hua la la" lingered in people's ears, while Shenhuo quickly spread upward, and the black flame extended out, just like the most deadly poisonous snake.

Even the eyelids of the gods kept beating when they saw the dazzling fire.

Even if the body of heaven is ignited by these flames, I'm afraid it will have disastrous consequences.

Only Luo Zheng stood still, still standing on the mountain, completely wrapped in the black flame

The flame spread all the way to the top of the mountain, and the blade below began to turn into Tianyan purification, and flowed along the groove built in the mountain, and the height of the mountain was constantly reduced and shortened.

Less than half an hour

The huge mountain, built by countless weapons, has disappeared into a sea of fire, and the fire is getting smaller and smaller. Finally, it dissipates in front of the public and turns into a black fire again. It hovers in the air and penetrates into Luo Zheng's eyebrows.

After the mountain disappeared, nine huge grooves appeared on the ground!

These grooves had been built before countless weapons were transported here. They were the most skillful craftsmen of the Tianwei clan. They worked hard for several months.

From the sky, we can see the shapes of dragons in the nine grooves, which are like the silhouettes of real dragons carved on the ground.

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