The essence of these days converge in these nine trenches, releasing the silver brilliance under the reflection of light.

Tianyan body is originally a puppet refining method!

's puppet body made of Tian Yan's essence is almost immortal. Even if the body of heaven is penetrated, it will heal itself in a short time.

but for others, refining the essence of heaven is not an easy task.

takes a lot of effort to extract the essence of Tian Yan, and the essence of heaven is often not pure.

Therefore, even if some puppets have Tianyan's body, they will not be particularly big. Moreover, Tianyan's body puppets need to seal their souls in it, which is actually a kind of cruel magic. With the help of Luo's fire,

can completely burn out the essence of these weapons in a short time without any impurities.

Clap your hands with the old patriarch.

The two sides of the lower groove suddenly flash out a serpentine pattern, which has been drawn for a long time!

In each divine pattern, red silk threads are springing out. These silk threads are like countless insects pouring into the groove!

"Buzz..." The

's low buzz came, and the numerous silk threads were completely covered on the essence of Tian Yan. Luo Zheng looked at it as if there were more than nine red genuine dragons on the ground.

"Get up!"

, with the orders of the elder patriarch, waved his hands and waved down to the bottom. The red silk threads were bound to the essence of the solidified Tian Yan essence, and soon they were pulled up from the trench and suspended in mid air.

Every Dragon is alive now.

Drag the tail like a fire cloud, the dragon's body full of scales, and the vivid dragon's head!

It seems that Tianwei clan really spent a lot of effort. There is even a slight difference in the appearance of the nine Tianyan bodies!

For example, the biggest dragon's claw is five claws. Naturally, the body of Tianyan belongs to the five clawed Golden Dragon. As for the other bodies of Tianyan, they all have four claws. In addition, there are many other differences, but they all correspond to the nine real dragons one by one.

Some Tianyan's body has two beards, some eight, some real dragon heads have two sharp corners on the top, and some have four corners

The old patriarch raised his hands in the air, then cheered to the soul of the nine real dragons: "it's now!"

To have a complete body is the dream of the nine dragons!

the essence of this day is not weaker than the original body of the nine genuine dragons. It is even stronger in some respects. The only drawback is that the body can not be trained, and nine real dragons can not grow with the body of heaven.

If they can only stay in Tianyan's body, the only one who can cultivate and grow in the future is probably their soul.

But they also have no choice, can get such a huge body, is their best choice!

"Whoosh, whoosh..."

Nine real dragons coiled in the air, and went into those Tianyan bodies from several directions!

The details of the nine heavenly bodies are exactly the same as the nine real dragons, but the only difference is a pair of eyes on the dragon's head!

These eyes are dim and devoid of the unique look of the real dragon.

The five clawed golden dragon was the first one to enter it. The huge body of Tianyan suddenly vibrated in the air, and then the whole body was like a swimming dragon, constantly rolling in the air. In the process of rolling, the red silk thread wound on the body of Tianyan was constantly broken!

Soon, that pair of dragon eyes glowed with a different color, which showed the powerful power of the five clawed golden dragon soul!

This is the real Longwei!


The five clawed Golden Dragon wriggles its new shell and goes straight up to the sky!

It doesn't fly to the sky, but all the way up!

That sharp dragon claw grasps in the air, then condenses the space rule, then the dragon claw grasps on the space wall which appears out of thin air! So every time the five clawed Golden Dragon climbs, its claws will shine white light, and its claws will be nailed in the air


The five clawed Golden Dragon soon surpassed the height of the gods, then raised its huge head and roared into the sky!

The huge roar of the Dragon almost spread all over ChongXiao kingdom in an instant. Even in the passage of Dajie on the edge of Dajie, the roar of the five clawed Golden Dragon could be heard

After the five clawed Golden Dragon successfully integrated into the body of Tianyan, other real dragons also danced one after another!

Green dragon, red dragon, green dragon

Let the Dragon spirits of the real dragons merge successfully, and the surface color of these Tianyan bodies also becomes the color they own!

"Whew, whew, whew..."

One by one, the real dragon plates go straight up, and they also raise their heads and roar in all directions!The penetrating roar of the dragon is constantly echoing

The strength of a real dragon can match that of Tianzun.

No matter physical strength or supernatural power, they are more powerful than ordinary heaven, but what they lack is heaven's destiny. After all, in this world, to be able to use the highest law of causality is really powerful means.

Of course, the real dragon clan also has their own magic powers, some of which are not much weaker than the destiny.

These nine dragons successfully acquired their own body of Tianyan, which is a powerful supplement to the strength of the human race.

After the five clawed Golden Dragon broke out the earth shaking roar of the dragon, he twisted his body and turned the huge head around. The head of the Dragon faced Luo Zheng.

Compared with the huge head of the five clawed golden dragon, Luo Zheng is just like a mosquito in front of him. One eye of the golden dragon is several feet in size, far larger than Luo Zheng's body

With a smile on his face, Luo Zheng is opposite to the five clawed Golden Dragon's huge pupils and four eyes.

These nine real dragons lurking in the depths of his mind almost always accompany him, because he misunderstood that he had conflicts with the five clawed golden dragon, but now Luo Zheng was a little reluctant. Although they kept silent all the time, they gave themselves help and tips at many critical times.

"We are the real dragon people. Originally, we were the contract beast of Xiaosheng. Now Xiaosheng is on the verge of falling. Our nine brothers should devote themselves to it You are the son of Xiao Sheng. We should regard you as our master! "

This contract requires the spirit contract between the warrior and the beast, and there is a soul blend between them, so that it can really work.

The real dragons have signed a contract with Luo Xiao. They will only submit to Luo Xiao, and this kind of submission cannot be disobeyed.

They regard Luo Zheng as their master, but they are not the contract beasts of Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng nodded. He didn't refuse the five clawed Golden Dragon. He said with a smile: "I believe we will get through this disaster! It's my luck, and it's also my dad's luck... "

In the face of the Holy Family's disaster, it may be the end for the heavenly beings in the world, but it is only a starting point for Luo Zheng.

He knows that the root of all this comes from the divine realm. If he wants to reverse all this, he still needs to embark on the journey of the divine realm in the future

After the nine real dragons got their bodies, they also lurked in the holy land of Chongxiao. Another drawback of Tianyan's bodies is that they can't transform themselves. They can only sink their huge bodies into some mountains and lie dormant quietly.

After helping the real dragons acquire the body of Tianyan, Luo Zheng began to plan a plan to attack the demon night clan. But before that, he had to figure out something.

Luo Zheng was sitting on a blue stone in his mansion in the holy land of Chongxiao, his eyes closed.

In his mind, there is a huge memory

Once this group of memories only recorded all the information in a vast world.

Four years ago, because of the ancient witches, this group of memories expanded a million times, that is to say, Luo Zheng integrated the will of a million worlds.

When Luo Zheng stepped into the forbidden area of Shenlian three years ago, the wills of those great worlds continued to spread along the ascent path towards all the great realms. The speed of the spread was stable and rapid, but Luo Zheng didn't have time to pay attention to it after his return.

Now Luo Zheng is under investigation, but he is frightened by this group's will.

The will of a million worlds has begun to spread in the upper world, in more than 6000 worlds

And it also includes all the big realms of the demon night clan and the demon clan.

Theoretically, he can get all the information of the demon night clan from ancient times to the present, such as witnessing the whole process of Xun from birth to becoming king.

The whole demon night clan has no secrets for Luo Zheng. He wants to find out some key information.

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