Moon baby mother-in-law does not know the origin of Luo Zheng.

She is not popular in the purple soul hall, but she is an impossible or missing figure in the purple soul hall.

Although there is no hierarchy in the purple soul hall, and all female disciples are like sisters, there is always a need for one person to maintain the minimum rules.

Therefore, aunt Han Jiuyi has given her mother-in-law Yueying such great power. Her status is similar to that of some law enforcement elders in the clan. It is also so many years of experience that she has developed her suspicious character!

Although Luo Zheng was appointed by Han Jiuyi to enter the floating island of Han family, Han Meng also went to the ancestral land of Han family in person, but Yueying's mother-in-law thought she wanted to help the master.

"Your opponent?" Yueying's mother-in-law sneered, "it's too much! In this jade wall of gods, you can find your opponent at will! "

"How to find your opponent?" Luo Zheng looked at the huge jade jade again. He was puzzled, but he had a little speculation in his heart.

"Put the jade card I gave you before on the jade wall," and then mother-in-law Yueying pointed.

Under the guidance of Yueying's mother-in-law, Luo Zheng goes to the jade wall. Only then can he find that the bottom of the jade wall is not an absolute plane, and there are small grooves in it. Luo Zheng takes out the jade card that Yueying's mother-in-law gave her, places it in one of the grooves, and activates the jade card at the same time.


When this jade plate was activated, a ripple of water appeared on the jade wall in front of Luo Zheng, and the word "Luo Tianxing" appeared on it.

Luo Zheng used the pseudonym of "Luo Tianxing" when he entered the floating island. Naturally, it was the same name after zihundian helped to register. In addition to his own name, it also recorded his competition times and points, but it was shown as "zero" at the back.

Just at this time, a faint light came out of the jade wall, enveloping Luo Zheng in it.

"The light..."

Luo Zheng's eyes brightened slightly. He seemed to have understood something.

Luo Zheng once saw this kind of brilliance. In the beginning, Dayan's universe held a battle for the great world. In name, it was to select a round of great world talents. In fact, it was to sharpen ten Taoists with trillion warriors!

At that time, it was this kind of light that enveloped us when we entered the dream battlefield.

It is likely that the dream war constructed by his father also refers to Yubi, the gods on the floating island. After all, dayanzhiyu is the world dominated by his father, and the dream war constructed by him is more huge and complex.


At the same time, Luo Zheng felt that his mind was buzzing.

All the realities around him began to collapse quickly. He quickly immersed himself in a illusory world. At the same time, Luo Zheng could not feel the existence of the evil old man!

"So it is!" Standing between heaven and earth, Luo Zheng has roughly understood the use of jade Bi.

There must be more than one jade wall of gods like this. There should be a large number of these floating islands over the sea of time. Through the jade wall of gods, all the true gods can be projected into the illusory world for competition

The evil old man just said that Yubi could decide the ranking of the floating islands, and Luo Zheng also understood.

Just now, Luo Zheng put his jade card in front of the gods' jade wall, and you can see that his score is zero. That's because he entered the gods' jade wall for the first time.

Now, as a member of the Han family, he represents the Han family and gets a small amount of points every time he wins a game. However, those who prove the magic and martial arts on the floating island of the Han family, the true God and even the great perfection, have to choose their own battles to accumulate points!

According to the score of the whole floating island owner, we can get the ranking of floating island.

In this competition, the saints did not directly participate in the whole process, but were replaced by the disciples.

"The more powerful people are, such as Yu Taibai and Yu Shenfeng, the points they get must be a terrible number. Those who prove that they are powerful should get less points, but even if they are few, the big families will still attach great importance to them, so the three women in juemingge will be severely punished when they fall to the bottom three hundred..." Luo Zheng stood in the same place and thought to himself, "I don't know who is the first opponent I encounter when I enter Yubi, the gods this time?"

Just at this time, a light slowly flickered in front of Luo Zheng, and a little dust floated out of the light. Under the constant condensation of the dust, it soon turned into a human figure, and a man in brown brocade slowly showed up in front of Luo Zheng.

The man looked at Luo Zheng and looked at him with a look of cruelty. "Are you entering the arena for the first time? According to the rules of the arena of the gods, the match given to my opponent should also be the first time to enter. "

Luo Zheng nodded slightly. It turned out that the heaven and earth that he entered through the jade wall of the gods was called the arena of the gods. This is the territory where the gods compete.

It's also strange that the old lady didn't even bother to make it clear. She didn't even tell Luo Zheng the rules. She just asked him to come in and challenge him. Maybe the Yueying mother-in-law thought she was a liar, so she threw herself into the arena of the gods. If she lost, she would really drive herself out of the floating islandSeeing Luo Zheng nodding, the man's abusive smile became more intense. "Your luck is really not very good," he said, shaking his head and sighing, as if in silence for Luo Zheng.

"Why isn't it so lucky?" Luo Zheng asked in surprise.

The man laughed and said, "because your first time is doomed to lose to me! Remember my name, my last name is Tang, my name is Tang Yu! It should be a great honor for you to fight with me

Tang Yu is very confident.

As one of the top ten families in the floating island, Tang Yu is also the son of Ya Sheng of Tang family. After 17 years of hard work, he finally set foot on his own road!

Tang Yu's fame is not small in the floating island. At least many true gods know that there is another evil in the Tang family.

Tang Yu stepped into the arena of gods for the first time. In the level of certifier, he plans to win all the way. After all, his strength has far exceeded that of certifier in the same level. It can even be said that the vast majority of certifier are not worthy to fight with him!

Looking at Tang Yu's passion, Luo Zheng responded indifferently, "Oh, can you do it?"

"Of course..." When Tang Yu was laughing wildly, his left and right hands began to produce two completely different fingerprints.

But Tang Yu could never have thought that it was his misfortune that he first stepped into the arena of gods and met Luo Zheng

Compared with Tang Yu's complicated methods, Luo Zheng seems clean and neat.

With a sudden stroke along the ground, he came close to Tang Yu at a very fast speed. The golden light in his eyes flashed slightly, and a strange smile appeared on his face.

"Soul attack? Stupid... "

Tang Yu felt the soul pressure from Luo Zheng's eyes. For a moment, he still felt disdain.

However, his disdainful thought only lasted for a moment. When Luo Zheng turned that wisp of soul oppression into a sharp arrow and completely rushed into his mind, he realized that the soul oppression was more terrifying than he imagined.

Stupid is not the opponent, but yourself!

Bad luck is not the opponent, but yourself

In other people's eyes, Tang Yu is a new evil of the Tang family. He also boasts that there are few opponents among those who prove the martial arts. However, he never thought that in the first battle of his expedition, he met a monster with such a strong soul.

As the son of Yasheng, Tang Yu's quick reaction is far from being comparable to those grass-roots practitioners of Shenwu. In fact, the practitioners of Shenwu on the floating island are more powerful than those among the major practitioners of Shenwu, because the talents of the whole divine realm gather here and gather over the sea of time!

Feeling that Luo Zheng's soul was under great pressure, Tang Yu also made a corresponding strategy. He knew that after his opponent stabbed his soul, he would immediately make up a killing move.

Luo Zheng used this skill to defeat Hulan Zhuo in hanyue building before.

But after all, Tang Yu was much better than Hulan Zhuo. He clenched his teeth and almost used all his strength to retreat to the rear, trying to avoid Luo Zheng's killing move!

Unfortunately, although he realized this, he still couldn't avoid Luo Zheng's pursuit!


Tang Yu didn't have much skill in this fight, but the strength of this fight was far beyond his ability.

"The speed, the strength and the soul are far beyond imagination. Is this really the proof of magic power?"

Before his body broke up, Tang Yu's face also showed confusion

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