On the floating island of the Tang family

A young man in his early twenties retired from the jade.

This young man is Tang Yu who lost to Luo Zheng.

In addition to Yubi, there are more than ten people from the Tang family.

In the middle of the room, there was a gray haired middle-aged man with long beard and eyebrows. His face was square and his eyes were round. There was a faint flame flowing in the seal hall, which unconsciously sent out a momentum.

This man is Tang Yu's father, the second sage of the Tang family, Tang jianchou!

He sent Tang Yu to the forbidden area of Shenlian to practice, then returned to tangjiafu island. Today is the first time that Tang Yu stepped into the arena of gods.

Tang jianchou also put a lot of effort into Tang Yu. Naturally, he wanted to see his son's performance, so he accompanied Tang Yu to Yubi.

Tang jianchou has no doubt about Tang Yu's strength.

Among the floating islands, even those who prove their martial arts are not weak, but Tang Yugang has just stepped into the arena of the gods, and the opponents he encounters are generally not too strong. Tang Yuli should win. According to Tang jianchou's estimation, Tang Yu can win at least 10 consecutive victories in two hours, or even 20 consecutive victories before he encounters a real opponent.

But from the moment Tang Yu quit the jade wall, the green handwriting flowing slowly below the jade wall showed that Tang Yu was defeated!

"Is Tang Yu defeated?"

"Did nephew Tang release the water on purpose?"

"Or have you met the talents of other big houses?"

The presence of many real gods also looked at each other, completely did not understand what happened.

Even Yasheng Tang jianchou's face also showed an unexpected color, "yu'er's Liyang body, no one in the same level can solve it, how can the first battle be defeated?"


The light that shrouded Tang Yu on the jade wall of the gods dissipated. Tang Yu got up from the ground with a depressed face. His eyes were still straight.

"Yu'er, what kind of opponent have you met? Why did you lose the first game? " Tang jianchou asked.

Although Tang jianchou is a sage, he does not have many children, and Tang Yu is the best gifted son in recent decades, so he naturally takes great care of him.

Other people around Tang jianchou also stare at Tang Yu and want to hear his explanation.

Tang Yu puffed his mouth and said helplessly: "Dad, I'm not lucky. I met a monster in the first scene..."

"Monster?" Tang jianchou and other real gods were all slightly stunned, "is the opponent very strong? Can he break your Liyang body? "

Tang Yu's face was full of bitterness. "The boy didn't have time to launch liyang's body, so the guy started. The other party's soul is so powerful that it seems to be more powerful than the ordinary lower true God..."


"The strength of the soul of the witness is comparable to that of the true God?"

"Which rich family cultivates the little fellow, has such ability?"

In fact, the people on the scene questioned Tang Yu's words, but since Tang Yu said it, they did not dare to refute it.

On the floating island, there are not a large number of excellent practitioners. Almost every family has a few rebellious little guys, but it's the limit to cultivate the golden war spirit. Even Tang jianchou has never seen any children who can cultivate the true spirit

"Pure soul is not strong enough to defeat you," said Tang jianchou, shaking his head.

"It's not just that the soul is powerful. Whether it's speed or power, it's far beyond the scope of the person who proves the martial arts. He only used one move to defeat the child, and he didn't use martial arts and Shinto. The child suspects that the guy used cheating means, and he is the real spirit! It must be Tang Yu said quickly.

The gods did not speak. They knew that there was no such possibility

Tang Yu's face was so upset that he couldn't win the competition

"I understand," Tang Yu nodded.

In the first challenge of the gods arena, he was hit hard. It may not be a bad thing for him, but also let Tang Yu know his strength!

"But what's the name of your opponent? Which family do you belong to? " Tang jianchou asked.

"That guy's name is Luo Tianxing. He comes from Han's family!" The information of Tang Yu's opponent will not be displayed except the jade wall of gods, but before entering the arena, Tang Yu can see the name of the opponent and his family.

"Surname Luo Han family's surname is Wu, "Tang jianchou murmured," and it's the first time that he stepped into the arena of gods. It seems that the boy didn't grow up in the floating island... "

Although Tang Yu gave very little information, Tang jianchou made quite accurate judgment.

However, Tang jianchou didn't pay too much attention to it. The genius of time sea would come up every day. Most of them just like meteors across the sky, and then disappeared in the years of time sea. The only proof of supernatural power was not enough for Yasheng to pay attention to it.On the floating island of Hanjia

Luo Zheng also cleanly left the gods Yubi.

After the light that shrouded him dissipated, he jumped up with a relaxed face, and the jade wall of the gods behind Luo Zheng already showed the victory of Luo Zheng, and wrote a small "one" after his victory.

Yueying's mother-in-law naturally saw this scene. There was a slight surprise on her face, which did not match her bloated figure. She was not surprised that Luo Zheng defeated her opponent, but that Luo Zheng was able to solve the battle in such a short time

"Fortunately, Luo won the first game," Luo Zheng said with a smile.

Who knows that mother-in-law Yueying shakes her head and says, "it's just good luck. In your first battle, you also encounter an opponent who entered the arena of gods for the first time. Such an opponent is too weak to count?"

Luo Zheng shrugged his shoulders and said, "it's really too weak."

If Tang jianchou and Tang Yu hear the conversation between Yueying's mother-in-law and Luo Zheng, they will probably vomit blood.

Yueying's mother-in-law doesn't know who Luo Zheng's opponent is. If she knows that Luo Zheng's opponent is Yasheng's son, she won't say it anyway. But Luo Zheng really feels that Tang Yu's strength is average

"Challenge again, you have to win at least five games in a row to prove your strength," said Yueying's mother-in-law.

Hearing the words of Yueying's mother-in-law, the female disciples on the scene also looked at each other, and some of them were silently worried about Luo Zheng.

There are strong and weak opponents in the arena of gods. Even if you are lucky enough to win this game, you can't guarantee that you can defeat the next one. Maybe you will encounter some elite talents. If you meet such talents, you are almost sure to lose. Let Luo Zheng win five games in a row. This is what mother-in-law Yueying is trying to do for Luo Zheng.

Of course, these female disciples are fighting for Luo Zheng in their hearts, but no one dares to jump out and say a word.

Luo Zheng didn't have any ambiguity. For Luo Zheng, such a battle was not even a warm-up. After he turned around, he activated the jade card again and entered the jade wall for the second time.

In the illusory world, Luo Zheng's second opponent appeared again.

It was a rough looking man with a fierce face and a fierce appearance. As soon as he appeared in the arena of the gods, he began to speak ill of each other and wanted to take the lead to suppress Luo Zheng's momentum.

However, as soon as he opened his mouth, he felt a flower in front of him, and he was trampled by Luo Zheng. "It's far worse than the last guy, and the rich family's children are far less powerful than he imagined," Luo Zheng said, shaking his head.

"You, you..." At the foot of the big man constantly struggling.

Luo Zheng looked down at the man at his feet and said with a smile, "to remind you, momentum doesn't come from your mouth, momentum It is the embodiment of strength After that, Luo Zheng's toes made a light effort, and then there was a sound of broken bones, and the second battle was over.

In the first battle against Tang Yu, Luo Zheng only spent about 20 minutes from entering the arena of the gods to the end, including the time for Tang Yu to talk nonsense.

The second battle, however, is the nine breath time.

Yueying's mother-in-law sees that Luo Zheng activates her jade plate, is covered with light, and enters the arena of the gods. Almost before she returns to her senses, Luo Zheng has finished the battle, and the jade Bi of the gods shows that Luo Zheng has won again

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