In such a short time, we ended a battle and won.

The female disciples in this nameless hall are all confused.

With their strength, it's hard to understand what means Luo Zheng won the battle. Can't Luo Zheng's opponent stand up to him in such a short time?

"The strength of Luo Tianxing is not more powerful than elder martial sister LAN?"

"There's no comparison now. Elder martial sister LAN has already proved the Shinto. Moreover, elder martial sister Lan's points at that time were high, so she encountered more opponents..."

"I don't think it can be compared with Luo Tianxing. After all, Luo Tianxing has just entered Yubi, the gods. He won't encounter too many opponents."

Finally, the female disciples could not help talking in a very subtle voice.

Elder martial sister LAN, as they say, used to be the first person to prove the martial arts in the purple soul hall. After entering the purple soul hall, she showed great talent. After entering the arena of the gods, she also won all the way

But not long ago, elder martial sister Lan was promoted to a real spiritual state.

Now they see this new comer's performance is so eye-catching that they can't help comparing him with elder martial sister LAN.

Yueying's mother-in-law didn't expect this. With her skeptical attitude towards anything, she once thought that there was something wrong with Yubi, the gods. There were two fights in a row, one took 20 breath, the other less than 10 breath.

Even if Luo Tianxing's opponents are weak, they will not be so weak. After all, this is a floating island. Luo Tianxing's opponents are not the grassroots overseas.

It can only explain one problem. Luo Tianxing's strength is too strong, and the gap is big enough to crush!

Yueying's mother-in-law has identified with Luo Zheng in her heart, but her face is not relaxed at all. She is still tense and says, "come again!"

Luo Zheng did not speak, turned to activate the jade card again.

As Luo Zheng was covered with soft light, Granny Yu began to calculate time in her heart.

She wants to see if the boy is really so magical. Does it take only a few breath for each opponent to solve it?

One, two, three

In fact, it is not only Yueying's mother-in-law who does this, but the female disciples are also curious about Luo Zheng.

When they counted to six breath, the writing on the jade Bi of the gods changed, and the soft light that enveloped Luo Zheng dissipated. Luo Zheng had retired from the arena of the gods.

"Six breath..."

"He added another winning field and has accumulated 12 points."

"His points have surpassed mine!"

Points in the arena of the gods are obtained from opponents.

Generally speaking, the higher the points, the more wins, the higher the ranking and strength.

For example, the three female students who were punished by Yueying's mother-in-law all had negative points, so they ranked in the last 300 of the whole floating island.

To be exact, it is the last three hundred of those who prove the magic and martial arts.

In the arena of gods, the general competition is divided into five grades. The one who proves the martial arts is the first grade, while the three grades of the true gods are the first grade.

And the last level is called "Tianwang battle". The characters in this level are yutaibai, yushenfeng and their level strongmen

After Luo Zheng wins continuously, the opponents he encounters will be stronger and stronger. However, Tang Yu, the first opponent Luo Zheng encounters, is actually qualified to be in the forefront of the ranks.

As for Luo Zheng's own strength, it has already been able to completely crush this level. It depends on whether those who have the highest ranking points in the Shenwu can be qualified to stop Luo Zheng.

However, Luo Zheng's current points are too few to foresee those people.

After three fights, mother-in-law Yueying's eyes at Luo Zheng changed a lot.

Although this month baby's mother-in-law is extremely strict and disliked by many experts and true gods, she is so loyal that she starts out for the benefit of master Han Jiuyi!

Now that she understood the value of Luo Zheng, she would not mention the words of driving out the floating island of Hanjia.

This time, before Yueying's mother-in-law could speak, Luo Zheng activated the jade brand again

However, the fourth game is shorter than the fight.

From the time he entered the arena to the time he came out, it was only two minutes.

This is a bit unreasonable, because there is no time at all. However, Luo Zheng's winning game is added again, and the points are also increased by eight points at one stroke, with a total of 20 points.

When the light dissipated, Luo Zheng looked at people's inexplicable expression, he was embarrassed with a smile, "meet the first opponent, the other party directly admit defeat."

It turns out that Luo Zheng once again encountered his first opponent Tang Yu in the arena of the gods.

After losing to Luo Zheng in the first game, Tang Yu also won two consecutive victories. With Tang Yu's strength, he can also crush ordinary martial arts practitioners and accumulate points quickly. Unexpectedly, when he meets Luo Zheng again after two consecutive victories, he can only blame his own misfortuneTang Yu is also a wise man. Although he is very confident in his own strength, he has fully analyzed the strength of "Luo Tianxing". He knows that he has no chance to win at all, so he might as well give up.

Therefore, in the view of Yueying's mother-in-law and others, Luo Zheng has created a record by magic.

Soon after, Luo Zheng agreed to the end of the five contests of Yueying's mother-in-law. Yueying's mother-in-law didn't ask Luo Zheng to continue, but asked Luo Zheng to take back the jade card. At the same time, she said to the female disciples on the scene, "go into the arena of the gods by yourself."

At the command of Yueying's mother-in-law, the female disciples took out their jade plates and put them in the groove under the jade wall.

The jade wall is 100 Zhang wide and can accommodate 300 or 400 people to enter the arena of the gods at the same time. In the floating island, there must be a lot of such jade walls.

"If you can go there in person with dream, your vision will not go wrong. Luo Tianxing, you are excellent," said Yueying with a faint smile.

After hearing this, Luo Zheng said that he had doubts about the master and wanted to drive me out of the floating island of the Han family. Now he has changed the story. This old woman is really

"This hall is specially for you to use. If you have any doubts in your cultivation, everyone can be your teacher in the purple soul hall. If you have time, I suggest you come here more often and enter the arena of gods to earn points," mother-in-law Yue Ying added.

"What are the benefits of earning points?" Asked Luo Zheng.

To be fair, Luo Zheng is not interested in letting him enter the arena of the gods every day to challenge those who prove his magic and martial arts.

At this stage, Luo Zheng is eager to break through his own bottleneck and gather his spirit

If you enter the gods arena to earn points, only to help Hanjia floating island improve its ranking, Luo Zheng will not have much motivation.

"The use of points?" With a strange smile on her face, Yueying mother-in-law said, "don't you know that all the floating islands on the sea, all the families and all the people's status are measured by the jade of the gods?"

As the evil old man said, the only reason they want to enter the floating island is because all the entrances to the forbidden area are occupied by the rich and powerful floating island families. It's very difficult for the grass-roots gods like them to enter the forbidden area, and they rarely have a chance in their life.

The warriors and true gods in the floating island have to fight for their own points if they want to enter the floating island. The points are a standard of measurement, and the requirements for points are different in each forbidden area.

In addition to obtaining the qualification to enter the forbidden area, according to the ranking of points, Hanjia will also provide extremely attractive rewards and even give privileges.

It can be said that the points of the gods arena are second only to the Shenwu coin, and sometimes even more important than the Shenwu coin.

Yueying's mother-in-law is patient enough to explain so much to Luo Zheng

"I see," Luo Zheng nodded.

I have to admit that the rich and powerful families on the floating island have indeed found out a set of effective ways to motivate all people to work hard in countless times.

Although the gods arena does not involve the saints, if their true gods' strength declines, the ranking of floating island will also decline, which also forces the saints to train their disciples on floating island and their own.

Luo Zheng will surely earn points in the arena of gods, but before that, he would like to see what the reward of Han family is.

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