Looking at the scene on the wall, Luo Zheng was also speechless.

That is to say, he doesn't need to find opponents immediately. He just needs to accept who he wants to challenge. 196 people are free to choose.

"Do I look really weak..." Luo Zheng touched his nose.

Naturally, the 196 people who challenge Luo Zheng will not think that Luo Zheng is really weak.

The hall of gods is a very reasonable system. By constantly adjusting the ranking, it can most accurately reflect the real strength of a true God.

Of course, Luo Zheng is not included in the list, because he has never been defeated since his first day in Yubi. His real ranking doesn't exist at all, and there is no record of this anonymous person in Yubi. It's just the change of the room that puts him in the 96th place.

"Since I am free to find my own opponent..."

Luo Zheng stretched out his hand and swam slowly on the wall. These names were listed neatly in front of him. Finally, his fingers stopped at random on a name, Fang Xiaoyu, who ranked 196.

The strength gap between the top 200 rich families is not too big.

But Luo Zheng in order to get more consecutive wins, naturally will choose the weakest opponent, although the other side is not really weak.

In the hall of the gods

This competition about the ranking of floating islands has reached the most intense time.

Some rich families estimated that the points were good for them, so they asked their children not to accept the challenge as much as possible, so as not to lose points after being defeated.

Other rich and powerful families feel that their ranking will drop, naturally forcing their children to fight in the hall of the gods!

Fang's family ranks sixth in the floating island, but Fang's ambition is very big. The Three Big Macs, the Oriental family, the sword family and the xuanyue family, can't be shaken. However, Fang's efforts are qualified to squeeze the cold family down, so the true gods of Fang's family are also very active this time.

Leng Yu is also looking for her opponent in the hall of the gods today. She has won four games in a row, ranking from 247 to 196. Then she immediately challenged the anonymous.

Anonymous people carry such a huge amount of points. If they win anonymity, their contribution to each other's family is almost the same as the great perfection of the family. Everyone hopes to get this honor and the highest praise from their own family.

If you lose, you just lose dozens of points

But she also knows that anonymous people have little chance to choose themselves.

To her surprise, she just sent a challenge to the anonymous this morning. Two hours later, the anonymous accepted it.

Seeing the light on the wall, she looked a little stunned, and then her face showed a look of surprise and joy.


She entered the arena of the gods.

After that, he was immersed in the rain of the world and saw the world changing.

"The world is pretty good," Luo Zheng said after taking a look.

He knows that the arena of the gods arena can be chosen, and some rich families will choose the venue that is good for them. But in this rainy world, except for the good environment, there must be no other use

After a while, Fang Xiaoyu appeared opposite Luo Zheng. When she saw the anonymous, she said with a smile, "it's really lucky. Why do you accept my challenge?"

This woman looks gentle, a I see still pity appearance, hear her words, Luo Zheng light reply way: "because you rank lowest."

Fang Xiaoyu smiles and shakes his head, "I'm afraid you've chosen the wrong person."

"What do you mean?" Luo Zheng asked.

Fang Xiaoyu suddenly spread her hand gently, and a drop of clear rain fell into her hand. The drop swayed gently, as if she had the power of life, and jumped slowly, attracting the surrounding raindrops one after another, turning them into a transparent water color dagger.

She gently moves her five fingers, and the water colored dagger floats to aim at Luo Zheng and begins to rotate continuously. At the same time, she says: "what anonymous people are good at is pure power, and the soul is also very strong. In addition, they also understand the complete ice spirit and evil flame, which is the inheritance of Jiusheng. With these abilities You will not be my opponent

Luo Zheng's eyebrows were slightly raised, and his face was full of unexpected color. The only one who knew that he was using the ice spirit demon flame was Xuan Yuemu, the fat man. "What did Xuan Yuemu tell you?"

Fang Xiaoyu's beautiful eyes showed a trace of pity, "don't you know? The fat man covered the news tightly at first, and then he sold it for money... "

Xuanyuemu is the top 20 in the world after all. Anonymous people have accumulated huge points, which naturally attracts people's attention. The elders of rich families are also willing to obtain the first-hand information of anonymous people. At first, xuanyuemu was too lazy to disclose, but he still spoke under the temptation of Shenwu coin.

In the hands of the top 200 real gods, there is a piece of information about Luo Zheng, and even an analysis of his strength and weakness."It will make money," Luo said, shaking his head.

"If you are just like xuanyuemu said," Fang Xiaoyu reached out and waved gently towards the top, and thousands of raindrops began to gather continuously. With Luo Zheng as the center of the circle, there were countless water colored short swords within a hundred Zhang radius. She then said, "then I will be very honored to end your winning streak!"

"Brush, brush, brush..."

Those water colored daggers are like a torrential rain, shooting at Luo Zheng from all directions

"Even if the water in the divine realm is much more massive than that in the world, can it really hurt people?" Luo Zheng's face showed a strange color.

The dense water colored short swords shot at him, and he could hardly avoid them. Luo Zheng didn't dodge and let these "water Swords" hit him.

"Puff, puff, puff..."

These water swords are almost powerless and can't do any damage to Luo Zheng.

But Fang Xiaoyu's face is still that light smile, as if winning chips in hand.


Soon, Luo Zheng also found the problem.

After these water swords hit themselves, they turned into a pool of rain, but the rain did not flow down on the ground, but absorbed on themselves.

Realizing the oddity, Luo Zheng shakes his body to shake off the rain. He never thought that the rain would stick to him like a paste, but he couldn't shake it off

"The water is very strange," Luo Zheng frowned slightly. He didn't have any delay after he had a premonition of something bad.

Previously, he suffered a big loss in the face of Xuan Yue Mu Luo Zheng. Almost all of these top talents have very special skills. With this in mind, Luo Zheng's body suddenly flashed and rushed to Fang Xiaoyu.

"Is it just now? It's a little late... "

Fang Xiaoyu, standing on tiptoe, glides backward rapidly, retreats on the street full of rain, and sets off bursts of spray.

Those splashing water, also into a rain dagger, continue to shoot toward Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng didn't go far after him. There was more and more rain on him. A thick layer of water, including him, couldn't be thrown away, which greatly hindered Luo Zheng's speed. Where could he catch the light rain?

"Burn it for me," Luo Zheng frowned, and a rudimentary fire was brewing in his body. The blazing fire just came out and went out instantly!

"Lishui conquers all the magic fire in the world, not to mention your still immature fire," Fang Xiaoyu shook his head. "It's impossible to break away from Lishui just by strength. I want to know what ability you have to fight against me?"

As she spoke, the rain on Luo Zheng had formed a water ball about the size of Zhang, which wrapped Luo Zheng tightly in it.

Compared with ordinary rain, this water is thousands of times thicker, and Luo zhengkong can't exert his power. He is really trapped in it.

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