Fang Xiaoyu stands not far away and looks at Luo Zheng, with a playful look on his face.

Countless raindrops are still gathering in this world, turning into rain, and the water ball that envelops Luo Zheng is getting bigger and bigger

After looking at Luo Zheng for a long time, she suddenly lowered her head and said, "in fact, if you think about it carefully, it's meaningless to defeat you."

Through a thick layer of water, Fang Xiaoyu's voice passed to Luo Zheng's ears with some hazy feeling, but Luo Zheng also showed a strange color. I don't know what the woman's words mean.

Fang Xiaoyu slowly walks to the big water ball, and points out her finger at the edge. A small vortex appears on the edge of the water ball. Under the constant rotation of the vortex, a fist sized hollow channel runs through Luo Zheng's head. Her control of the water is already in a trance.

"Shenyu is so boring. It's a pity that a 22 game winning leapfrog is defeated by me," Fang Xiaoyu said with a smile to the channel.

"Are you sure you can beat me?" Luo Zheng asked.

He couldn't speak in the water, but the passage contained his head, so he could speak naturally.

Even if their actions are limited, it is impossible to kill themselves by these waters alone, and it is impossible to drown themselves alive, right?

Fang Xiaoyu smiles, "I have the ability to trap you, naturally I have the ability to kill you, so I ask you, do you want to win me?"

"What if you want to win?" Luo Zheng asked.

"Can you tell me your true identity and which family you come from?" Fang Xiaoyu said with a smile, "if you can tell me the truth, it's not impossible for me to admit defeat..."

Hearing this, Luo Zheng looked strange again.

What is in the minds of these children of Shenyu all day long? Fang Xiaoyu seems to be normal. How can he make such a request.

"Don't you care about points?" Luo Zheng asked again.

"Points? Of course I care, "Fang Xiaoyu said with a smile," if I beat you, I can get a lot of points. Even my brother will look at me with new eyes, but what's the use? In fact, it's meaningless to upgrade the ranking of floating islands by one place... "

Fang Xiaoyu's brother is Fang henwan, who won the second consecutive victory in the open war. This time, the Fang family's rising momentum is very fierce. The Fang family, which originally ranked sixth, may hit the fifth or even the fourth place.

"When you think about it, it seems more interesting for an anonymous person to be born and remain invincible in the leapfrog war," said Fang Xiaoyu with a lonely look on his face It's boring. "

The highest pursuit of many creatures is eternity.

From the mortals in the world, to the great power of the divine sea, and then to the heaven, is it not to pursue a higher level of Shouyuan and get rid of the shackles of time.

But no matter who lived in heaven for hundreds of millions of years or who lived in mortals for sixty or seventy years, no one can fight against time. Sooner or later, time will kill them. Time is the greatest enemy of all living beings.

But since the beginning of the divine realm, everything has been different.

The longevity of God and people is not short. Once the Shinto is proved, the meaning of life will be sublimated, which is a leap from "limited" to "infinite", thus completing the ultimate pursuit of all creatures!

But when this pursuit is satisfied, many creatures lose their goals.

Luo Zheng stepped into the floating island all the way from the long sky. He experienced it for a short time and didn't see the negative side of the divine realm

In fact, some real gods in the realm of God soon fell into depression. They can build their own world, experience all kinds of life in their own world, and have everything easily.

This is true of one God era, and so are the two God eras, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand. Time has lost its meaning to the real God. Some real gods understand that maybe this is not a wonderful thing.

After two or three divine eras, many true gods even choose the way of self understanding to end their lives.

Of course, more true gods are still climbing towards the peak of Shinto, hoping to achieve great perfection. One day, they will be canonized as saints, build floating islands, and become pillars of powerful families.

As for Fang Xiaoyu, who was born into a rich family, she has a brother who loves her very much. In her eyes, the unchanging realm of countless gods is so boring, so she is interested in everything that can be beyond expectation.

For example, the anonymous, who won 22 games in a row, was very excited when he chose her. At first, she wanted to take points from Luo Zheng. In fact, she was fully prepared, but now she has changed her mind.

"I'm sorry, I can't meet your request," Luo Zheng shook his head. It's normal for other people to have strange ideas in their minds, but Luo Zheng has no reason or time to play with them.

Fang Xiaoyu's face showed disappointment, "I promise not to tell others..."

"Impossible." how can Luo Zheng believe a stranger's promise when it comes to life? Although Luo Zheng seems that Fang Xiaoyu is likely to keep a secret."Then I can only kill you," Fang Xiaoyu's eyebrows slightly threatened.

Looking at her serious expression, Luo Zheng suddenly laughed, then slowly raised his hand, palmed at Fang Xiaoyu, "you seem to fall into a misunderstanding, think that if you use these water to trap me, you will surely win me?"

"According to the news from xuanyuemu, it is true," Fang Xiaoyu said seriously.

"What a simple child..." Luo Zheng sighed.

When they grow up in the most advantageous environment, they seldom fall into the trap of intrigue. When they really have the strength and can crush their opponents by relying on their strong strength, those cunning tricks are really useless to them.

As the voice fell, an invisible force appeared in front of Luo Zheng's palm. The invisible force quickly drained away the surrounding water, and the shape of a sword was slowly condensing.

Fang Xiaoyu didn't care too much. She thought that Luo Zheng had offered an ordinary magic weapon and sighed, "then I can only do it..."

With that, Fang Xiaoyu reached out and made a sudden move, wrapping Luo Zheng's huge water ball. Suddenly, there was a twist. On the surface of the huge water ball, there were continuously black water droplets forming, which turned into four dark black turbidity currents, slowly surging in the water ball, as if four fast creeping poisonous insects were crawling towards Luo Zheng.

The five elements Shinto is a combination of the five most common principles.

Jinmu shuihuotu also has a separate Shinto, such as "Xiaohuo Shinto" and "Lishui Shinto" built by Fang Xiaoyu.

In the eyes of many real gods abroad, Lishui Shinto is not powerful. At least this Shinto is good at assisting others, and its own power is the last.

But in fact, after the Lishui Shinto is cultivated to a certain level, several powerful magical powers can be cultivated. For example, Fang Xiaoyu's "spirit biting turbid current" often has miraculous effects in the face of extremely solid objects. Therefore, the more solid Luo Zheng's body is, the more powerful "spirit biting turbid current" will be.

When he noticed that four black turbid currents were slowly drifting towards him, Luo Zheng felt a sense of crisis in his heart. In a flash, a trace of Taoist implication of the cut emotion Shinto came out of his mind.

After constant attempts, Luo Zheng has been quite proficient. He will remove Daoyun completely at the moment when the ruler is activated!


His eyes were plated with two rings of gold.

"Lishui Shinto If you practice to the extreme, it's really powerful... "

"It's a kind of corrosive water. Even the most precious treasure of Hongmeng can melt away..."

At this moment, Luo Zheng's eyes suddenly see through the Taoist connotation and constantly interpret

Luo Zheng didn't hesitate to realize the power of the biting turbid current!

The Shentai nine stars in the inner world move rapidly, and an invisible force gushes out quickly. The sword handle at the end seems to have a Maitreya Buddha, and the middle part is as wide as a wheel.

Buddha king sword!

The killing sword in the killing sword array.

It doesn't take four swords to kill Fang Xiaoyu. Now Luo Zheng sacrificed this sword.


Because Luo Zheng only controls a single sword, he doesn't need to urge Ziqi Shinto. With a single thought, the emperor's sword breaks through the water at a very fast speed and shoots towards Fang Xiaoyu. The emperor's sword is made of power. Leaving the water doesn't hinder it at all.

"This sword..."

At this moment, Fang Xiaoyu's eyes showed the color of surprise.

"The mirror of water!"

Fang Xiaoyu, who is aware of the bad situation, claps his hands suddenly, and a water mirror has been quickly solidified. This is also a very powerful Shinto away from the water mirror. It can copy and reflect everything reflected by the mirror in extreme time!


also has as like as two peas in the mirror of water god a Buddha sword.


The two swords collided in the air, and both of them broke up in an instant.

However, Fang Xiaoyu's ability is limited after all. It is impossible to perfectly copy each other's magic power without the water mirror. The Buddha emperor sword flying out of the mirror collapses and disappears naturally, while the Buddha emperor sword controlled by Luo Zheng condenses again.

"Kuang Dang" smashed Fang Xiaoyu's mirror. The sword of the emperor of Buddha was against her white neck, and the edge of the sword had penetrated into a small part. The blood flowed slowly along the invisible body of the sword and gathered on the wheel in the middle of the body of the sword, forming the word "kill".

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