In any case, Luo Zheng won the favor of the cloakers after he helped them kill two Jinpeng.

For Luo Zheng now, he needs to understand the world as soon as possible. Through these cloakers, people may be the only choice.

Without much hesitation, Luo Zheng stepped on the eagle!

The cloakers also carried the broken winged eagle to another one.

One of the cloakers played a melodious flute, and all the eagles immediately spread their wings and soared into the air, constantly walking through the dark depths.

These eagles have extraordinary physical strength. They need to have a rest after flying all the way for two hours, and the places where Eagles land are all simple camps.

Cloaks people are familiar with these simple camps. It seems that they built them.

"It seems that they really know the way out of the desert," Luo Zheng said secretly.

After half an hour's rest in the camp, they set out again.

Along the way, Luo Zheng is trying to communicate with these cloakers. Although the languages of different races are very different, there is always a trace of regularity in them. It is not difficult for Luo Zheng to learn.

After the night of communication, Luo Zheng also initially mastered some simple vocabulary of this race and was able to communicate succinctly.

About six or seven hours later.

In the dark, suddenly appeared a yellow crack through the sky, the crack like an infinite length of sword across the sky, the crack rapidly expanded, the whole world in the blink of an eye into the day!

When Luo Zheng saw for the first time that day and night were changing in such a way, he naturally felt very shocked.

For people with these cloaks, it's not strange to see them.

At the same time, Luo Zheng also noticed that the surrounding scenery had changed, they had already flown out of the desert!

Sitting on the eagle's back and looking down, Luo Zheng's face also changed a lot!

From the desert, there are patches of yellow canyons. These canyons are distributed on the ground like cracks. In the middle of these canyons, black monsters with a length of 230000 feet and a width of 100 feet are sticking out their heads and swimming around in the canyons.

The shape of these strange insects is almost the same as those in the desert, but I'm afraid they are thousands of times larger, and the power they contain is thousands of times larger.

If you really cross the desert by yourself, I'm afraid it's hard to cross these canyons

"What kind of ghost world is it?" Luo Zheng was secretly shocked when he thought of the dead Da Yuanman God of the sword clan.

Another cloaker on the eagle saw Luo Zheng staring at the giant insects below and said, "Wow, Nana!" Then he pointed to the giant insect below and said, "no, Nana karu!"

Luo Zheng nodded slightly.

The first game of the cloak man said that Jin Peng was very dangerous.

The second sentence is that those black giant insects are extremely dangerous!

As soon as the voice of the cloaker fell, he heard the other side of the cloaker yell, "Huo Huo, Huo Huo!" That means to let people be careful!

At this time, not far below, seven or eight giant insects that used to roam in the canyon suddenly raised their bodies. These giant insects, hundreds of miles long, even put their huge bodies upright, opened their mouths big enough to swallow a mountain, and rushed towards them.

The eagles were scared to see this scene. They spread their wings and rushed to a higher place. Under such violent shaking, a man with a cloak rolled down on the eagles' back!

Before the cloaker had time to scream, Luo Zheng's hand flashed out like lightning, grabbed it, swung it in the air, and then pulled him onto his eagle's back. His skill only made the eagle sink, and then continued to rise.

Those giant monsters rose so fast that they rushed towards the crowd in the blink of an eye. They disturbed the surrounding air and set off a series of hurricanes.

Fortunately, these giant monsters can't fly. After all, their body length is limited. Even if the whole body is completely stretched, it can only reach the length of two or three million feet. The eagles are high in the sky, and they can lift their height infinitely!

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh..."

The group of eagles spread their wings and climbed up almost at a right angle of 90 degrees. The height of the final leap was beyond the length of the giant insects.

These giant insects failed to swallow Luo Zheng's group of people. They fell in all directions one after another. The huge body fell into the canyon and produced a violent vibration, as if the whole world was shaking with it!


After getting rid of those strange insects, the cloak man on the eagle's back immediately began to cheer, with a sense of survival. The cloak man behind Luo Zheng also expressed his thanks to Luo Zheng. If it wasn't for Luo Zheng, he would have fallen into the mouth of the strange insects.

Luo Zheng just nodded lightly. The danger just now was very dangerous for these cloakers. It was very common for Luo Zheng.

He was still staring down, and saw that the canyons, like the scars of the earth, were becoming wider and wider, in which there were more and more giant insects, and his face was becoming more and more dignified. These huge people needed terrible energy to survive in the world, and they were bound to devour a lot of food.But in that desert and this canyon, there are no other creatures except these strange insects. How did they survive?

The next scene makes Luo Zheng feel that the world is unreasonable

Below the canyon to the distance continue to stretch, more and more open, and eventually formed a huge ocean!

However, there is not a drop of sea water in this ocean. All the strange insects are crowded together, rolling and twisting constantly. In addition to the black ones, there are also some purple and gray ones. This scene makes people feel numb!

This is the real insect sea!

Fortunately, the eagles are carrying people to soar in the very high place, and will not be attacked by those strange insects.

Luo Zheng couldn't help asking about the origin of those strange insects, but he didn't completely control the language of these cloakers, and the cloaker and Luo Zheng didn't say a reason for that for a long time.

"It seems that we can only take our time..."

Luo Zheng's face showed a trace of helplessness. Fortunately, it's not difficult to learn a race's language. In a few days, it should be almost the same.

After flying over this sea of insects, we are faced with a broader world, continuous emerald green mountains and rivers, and lakes dotted with gems, which are full of vitality.

Not long after that, a towering fortress appeared. The shape of the fortress was like a huge eagle shaped head. On the wall of the fortress, there stood rows of eagles. The number of eagles reached tens of thousands!

"Whoosh, whoosh..."

The eagle carrying Luo Zheng and others glided down and soon entered the fortress.

Unexpectedly, just as Luo Zheng jumped off the eagle's back, he heard a loud cry. Then Luo Zheng saw dozens of cloakers carrying black forks around him!

At the same time, the voice of "no strong ah" is constantly emitted from the mouth.

Luo Zheng already knows that it means "enemy".

"The enemy?" Luo Zheng stood in situ and glanced at these cloaked people.

These cloak people are not worth mentioning in Luo Zheng's eyes. If he wants to, he can kill them completely in the blink of an eye!


Just at this time, an eagle like a black sword shot from, standing in front of the roof, staring at Luo Zheng coldly.

The eagle's feathers were like a sharp sword, giving off a fierce momentum. Even Luo Zheng felt threatened.

"Feathers?" Luo Zheng also noticed as like as two peas of a broken eagle, the eagle's neck was covered with a white feather, which was a special white eagle.

The cloakers surrounded Luo Zheng, but the cloakers who brought him back also argued about something. They also pointed to the eagle with broken wings from time to time.

Luo Zheng also understood that they probably helped themselves clarify that they would never be their enemy, and even saved the eagle and so on.

After a while of explanation, the hostility of the cloakers to Luo Zheng also eased a lot, and they put down their forks

One of the leading cloakers even bowed slightly to Luo Zheng and pointed to the eagle with broken wings to express his gratitude. It seems that these Eagles with white feathers around their necks are really important to these cloakers.

Then the cloak leader made an invitation gesture, which should be to invite him to the fort as a guest.

However, Luo Zheng did not walk long with the cloak man, and suddenly stopped.

He turned to look, then saw not far away in a cage, a red figure sitting alone, face is buried between the knees.

"Mu Ning?" Luo Zheng's face expressed surprise.

He didn't expect Mu Ning to come in, let alone be locked up here!

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