These cloakers are not strong enough to capture Mu Ning?

Although there is no way to use Shinto in this world, Mu Ning's own strength is not something these cloakers can fight against.

We should rely on the eagles

Luo Zheng has just noticed that some of these eagles are different, and their strength is much stronger than ordinary eagles. I'm afraid there are some extremely powerful individuals in the eagles domesticated by the cloakers.

Looking at Mu Ning, she was very depressed.

Luo Zheng made a sign to the cloak man, indicating that he would wait for a moment, and then walked towards the iron cage.

Mu Ning didn't realize that Luo Zheng was coming, so she still buried her face in her legs.

"Dong Dong Dong!"

Luo Zheng knocked on the iron fence.

"Go away! I don't eat your disgusting food Mu Ning didn't look up.

After they locked Mu Ning up, they were afraid that they would starve her to death, and they would send her food every day.

How can Mu Ning eat? Besides, as a true God, she doesn't need to eat at all.

Luo Zheng, holding both hands and staring at Mu Ning with a faint smile, didn't say a word.

Mu Ning seems to be aware of something wrong. Every time those damned cloakers mumble a lot of things she can't understand, they will leave. How can they be so quiet this time?

When she looked up at the moment, that pair of twinkling gemstone color eyes slightly a coagulation, the whole person was stunned.

"Why are you here?"

Her unexpected face was tinged with excitement and surprise.

"Why can't I come here?" Luo Zheng said lightly.

Luo Zheng didn't like the herdsmen, although he saved Mu Ning twice.

However, after entering the canyon, Mu Xuerong wanted to kill herself for the first time, which must be the news Mu Ning revealed to her sister.

In his opinion, it's not too much to say Mu Ning's revenge!

"But how can you talk to those cloakers..." Mu Ning saw the cloakers behind him. Instead of seeing Luo Zheng as an enemy, she treated him as a guest.

Luo Zheng shrugged his shoulders and did not answer.

"Can you get me out of here?" Mu Ning then said.

Hearing Mu Ning's words, Luo Zheng had a smile on his face. "Why should I save my enemy?"

Although Luo Zheng knew that his biggest enemy was Dongfang family, his first goal was Mu family. After all, it was Mu Haiji who wanted to destroy Da Yanyu.

Mu Ning's excited expression condensed on her face. She didn't expect Luo Zheng to suddenly say such a sentence

"It's my sister who wants to kill you, not me..." Mu Ning Bei's teeth nibbled and pleaded.

"The result is the same," Luo Zheng said with a smile, then turned and left.

"Bang Dang!" Mu Ning pasted it on the iron fence and continued: "I didn't know my sister would kill you. She just asked me to trace the identity of your anonymous person. I didn't know you were the son of Luo Xiao!"

"The result is the same," Luo Zheng said without looking back.

He is Luo Xiao's son, Mu Ning is mu Haiji's daughter, which is bound to have an inextricable hatred.

The cloaker saw this and asked in their language, "friend?"

"No," Luo Zheng replied in their language.

Then Luo Zheng left with the cloakers and left Mu Ning in the cage.

Mu Ning was very angry.

She and Mu Xuerong general temper, no matter when and where, in the face of anyone is as strong as ever!

But this time she followed Luo Zheng and jumped into the colorful halo. After falling into this strange world, she also experienced some hardships and almost died in the hands of several golden Mirs.

Later, I met the eagles. In a rage, I killed three of them!

Who knew that two more Eagles with white feathers around their necks were so fierce that they were captured by these cloakers.

In addition to her sister and father, she always raised her head, even in the face of the herdsman and other holy emperors.

How had she ever been so frustrated in the past?

When she thought of her elder sister's confirmation of Luo Zheng's identity, she always chose not to believe it, and she was still defending this guy. In such a situation, Luo Zheng admitted his identity as a great Fang Fang!

A very tangled contradiction suddenly surged into my heart, strong grievances can no longer be suppressed, even in the cage wow cry out.

Luo Zheng has gone far with the cloakers. Suddenly he hears Mu Ning's cry. His steps slow down and his eyes show a trace of unbearable color.

Mu Ning's character is very strong, but on the whole, there is no bad heart

The hatred between the Luo family and the herdsman should not be borne by this little girl.

However, Luo Zheng didn't know what hatred she had formed with these cloakers and wanted to be detained here. Next, he could only look at the situation.Later, Luo Zheng was entertained by these cloakers and arranged accommodation.

The cloakers were very kind to him and did not restrict his freedom to walk around the fort.

After living in this fortress for a few days, I gradually became familiar with their language, and could basically communicate smoothly. I also knew more and more about this group of cloakers.

They call themselves the Hawks, the indigenous people of the world.

They have lived for generations by grazing eagles, or those eagles are their weapons and friends.

And those Eagles with white hair around their necks are called "King Eagles". These king eagles are far more powerful than ordinary eagles. They are also the most powerful weapon of their family and their spiritual belief.

On the fourth day, Luo Zheng saw several hawk people escorted out of the square on one side of the fort.

The cloaks on the heads of these hawks were lifted. Luo Zheng looked at them from a distance and recognized them as the people who left the desert with Luo Zheng.

Then I saw them lift up their left arm and tie it to the side railing.

One of the hawk people next to him picked up a long sword of primitive style and slowly lifted it up. It seemed that he wanted to cut off the arm of the hawk people!

Luo Zheng's eyebrows frowned, leaped up, came back and forth on the roof like dragonflies, and landed on the ground lightly. He asked in the language of the hawk people, "what are you doing?"

Carrying a long knife of that Eagle clan light looked at Luo Zheng one eye, then said: "execution."

"What mistakes did they make?" Asked Luo Zheng.

"They didn't protect Wang Ying and let him break his wing," the executioner replied.

"If Wang Ying breaks his wing, they will break his arm. If Wang Ying is killed? They're going to be buried with them? " Luo Zheng asked calmly.

"Yes, that's right," nodded the executioner.

"It's our fault that we didn't protect Wang Ying well."

"We are willing to be punished."

"Willing to be punished."

These hawks said one after another.

Wang Ying is the belief of the hawk people. There should be no accident. If Wang Ying dies in the process of herding the Hawks, the herding Hawks will be buried.

This is the rule of the hawk people, and Luo Zheng is not convenient to intervene, but he still asks, "what can I do to get rid of their punishment?"

The executioner shook his head. "It's impossible, unless Wang Ying can fly again."

After the wing is broken, the king Eagle becomes a waste and loses its fighting power forever. It is a great loss for the eagle family. Therefore, the eagle herders should be very careful when serving the king eagle.

"Let the eagle fly high?" Luo Zheng's eyes flashed slightly, and a smile appeared on his face.

For these hawk people, broken wings can't be reborn, but for Luo Zheng, I'm afraid it's not so difficult.

If Shinto can be used here, Luo Zheng can use the life Shinto to help Wang Ying grow wings again. Since the meaning of Shinto can't be condensed, he still has gold elixir in his hand.

After thinking about it for a while, Mu Ning's shadow flashed in Luo Zheng's mind. After a slight smile, he immediately said, "if I can help the broken wing of the king Eagle regenerate, can you let them go?"

"Can you regenerate a broken wing?" The executioner stared at Luo Zheng with incredible eyes.

Luo Zheng nodded slightly and said seriously, "it should be OK."

The executioner looked at Luo Zheng with suspicious eyes. He didn't quite believe the outsider's words, but he still put down his sword. "I'll report this to the chief first!"

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