At first, these hawks had some reservations about Luo Zheng.

Although Luo Zheng rescued Wang Ying, he only treated Luo Zheng as a guest and did not fully accept him.

But now Luo Zheng can regenerate Wang Ying's broken wing by using pills. The meaning is completely different.

The chief's heart is also hot.

A pill can save a disabled Wang Ying. He calculates how many pills Luo Zheng has in his hand.

He doesn't know the origin of Luo Zheng, but it doesn't matter. If the cost is small enough, he even plans to snatch those pills!

Luo Zheng knows the calculation in the chief's heart.

Luo Zheng still has seven or eight pieces of five turn gold elixirs for healing. If the Hawks really want to rob, they will definitely pay more than they get.

He constantly inquired about the chief, and the outline of the world became more and more clear in Luo Zheng's mind.

There are three major races in the world.

The eagle tribe is one of them, and the golden Dapeng Luo Zheng had seen before is the "Jinpeng tribe", while the other big race is the Xuanniao tribe.

The three ethnic groups all rely on domesticated birds to survive in this world, and almost all of them live around the vast desert.

"The reason for this pattern is because of the insects?" Luo Zheng asked.

The chief nodded, "yes, our Eagles feed on the beetles. Only the eagles that swallow the beetles can thrive!"

It turns out that those strange insects are called "tianlunchong", and Luo Zheng is silent in his heart.

Every once in a while, the eagles will take their eagles to the desert to herd the eagles and let the eagles prey on the rotifers. Luo Zheng happens to encounter the eagles in the desert

The purpose of Jinpeng is the same. They also want to prey on the rotifer, but the three major races in the world have struggled with each other for countless years. When Jinpeng saw the eagle, they would come up and kill it.

The sword in the desert has been dead for many years.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng asked, "are there any special places in this world? Or has anyone ever seen something similar to a jade seal? "

Luo Zheng doesn't know how to control the seal. He doesn't even know what's going on in the world. He can only explore the clues a little bit

"Jade seal, what is it?" Asked the chief in confusion.

Hearing this, Luo Zheng smiles. There is no such thing as "jade seal" in this race.

So Luo Zheng broke a leg of the table and carved it with his finger as a knife.

Under his fingers constantly flying, countless sawdust bloomed, a small snake was slowly carved out, and below the small snake was a square jade seal.

Mu Ning's face was full of doubts when she saw this scene. She didn't understand the conversation between Luo Zheng and these cloak people, and she didn't know what Luo Zheng wanted to do.

However, as the wood continued to take shape, the light in Mu Ning's eyes also flickered, "it turned out to be a jade seal. He also wanted to find a way to control the world..."

Although Mu Ning doesn't know what the world is like, the great perfection and the true gods have a general inference. These inferences coincide with each other. The world is mostly a period of time and space constructed by the jade seal, and the way to control the jade seal must be found in it.

When Luo Zheng finished the carving, he breathed a breath. Then he fastened the seal on his desk, looked at the chief and asked, "this is it."

Luo Zheng's temporary hand carved seal is not to say lifelike, but its appearance is also very close.

When the chief saw the woodcarving on Luo Zheng's desk, his pupils shrank slightly, while the eagle people on the scene also looked at the woodcarving with solemn eyes and whispered.

These people's reaction made Luo Zheng a little happy. It seems that he was right.

Mu Ning could not understand these people's words. She could also understand the expression on the cloak's face. These people obviously recognized the wood carving!

The chief pondered for a moment, and then said, "I know this snake."

"Where is it?" Luo Zheng's eyebrows suddenly raised.

But at this time, the chief's face showed hesitation. After thinking about it again and again, he sighed softly: "this is the king's snake in the temple of heaven's wheel. In the desert, we have to worship the king's snake every once in a while and send the boy and girl into the temple to protect it from punishment..."

At this point, other faces are showing the color of sadness.

Offering is a very solemn and willing thing for a race.

But for the Hawks, they are not so willing. The Peng and Xuanniao who live in this world are in the same mood

There is a Temple deep in the desert. This king snake controls the whole desert. The three races will send the boy and girl to the temple at a certain time.It is self-evident that for countless years, no boy or girl has left the temple alive.

No race is willing to send in their offspring, but the three races try their best to send in boys and girls every time. If the Jinpeng ethnic group sent ten boys and girls, the eagle ethnic group would send more.

If the number of boys and girls given by any race is not enough, or if the number of boys and girls given by any race is less, the king of heaven will be punished

There are countless huge rotifers in the insect sea. If hundreds of them are released at will, the eagle castle like this will be destroyed in the blink of an eye! As long as the king's serpent is willing to release all the tianlunchong in the insect sea that day, it will be quite easy to destroy the whole world.

"So..." Luo Zheng nodded slightly.

The human beings in this world depend on the Jinpeng, the eagle and the Xuanniao to hunt for survival, and the birds can only grow up when they prey on the tianlunwang snake. However, human beings must pay tribute to the tianlunwang snake for their children. Otherwise, human beings will be destroyed, forming a cycle. In other words, the human beings in this world are actually living to support the tianlunwang snake!

Then, I'm afraid this snake is the key to master the seal.

"How often do you usually worship?" Luo Zheng asked again.

"Sometimes Sometimes half a year, sometimes once a month, "said the chief with a sad look on his face.

At the same time, other people in the hall were silent, and some of the hawk people were very sad.

Over the years, many of their children have been sent to the temple. They are all their own flesh and blood. Luo Zheng's problem has aroused their sad memories.

"I'm sorry," Luo Zheng said in a low voice.

The chief sighed. "We've been used to it for so many years," he said, pointing to the carving on Luo Zheng's desk. "The king's serpent is a God that can't be disobedient. To worship it is also something we have to do to survive! Poor Shasha, I'll have to... "

Half way through, the chief's face looked sad, and her daughter was chosen as a sacrifice.

The girl named Sasha is only six years old. She is not fully sensible and doesn't know what the adults are talking about. She has been sitting next to the chief and eating her own dinner quietly and attentively.

Hearing her father mention her name, Sasha smiles and throws a bright smile at her father.

"In half a month's time, will it be offered?" Luo Zheng's eyes were full of surprise.

The chief nodded, "yes."

"May I take part?" Luo Zheng's eyes flashed.

The chief stared at Luo Zheng in surprise, with a trace of vigilance on his face.

Although Luo Zheng helped them to cure a Wang Ying, it didn't mean that they trusted Luo Zheng completely. After all, they didn't know the origin of Luo Zheng, including the woman beside Luo Zheng. No matter what she was wearing or what she was breathing, she didn't seem to belong to this world. As for where they came from, they couldn't guess.

The narrow world creates a narrow world outlook. Whether they are the Yings or the Pengs, they don't care about the truth of the world, as long as their own people can inherit it from generation to generation.

Luo Zheng read the chief's face, it seems that most will refuse, so Luo Zheng silently took out six five turn gold pills from Xumi ring.

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