After these five turn golden elixirs are taken out, the fragrance fills the whole hall.

Other hawk people have never seen the magic of these pills, but the chief has.

The chief's breath became heavy when he saw the five milky gold pills.

The king eagles of their Eagle clan have been fighting for so many years, and there are many dead king eagles. There are many more who can't fly after being injured, and even the most powerful king eagles are Jinling and Xueling!

And the five pills Luo Zheng took out can make them recover their own strength. For the eagles, they can greatly improve their strength.

"Take me, these are yours," Luo Zheng said faintly.

The chief's face was full of emotion.

Recently, the friction between the hawks and the Pengs is growing. A fierce war is likely to break out between the two races. They need this magic pill too much.

"I do, and the other chief may not," said the chief.

It turns out that the hawk tribe is divided into five tribes. In addition to Yingbao, there are four other tribes.

Even if this chief agrees, other chief may not agree.

Luo Zheng frowned.

From the clues now, I'm afraid Tianlun temple is the only place to control the seal. He has to go!

But he had been walking through the desert for such a long time. If he had not been guided by the Hawks, he would not have been able to find the temple

Thinking of this, he turned to Mu Ning.

Mu Ning was holding a wine cup in her hand, with a smile on her head, and said, "so you are using these pills to please these cloak people."

Mu Ning can't understand the conversation between Luo Zheng and these hawk people, but she can understand the look and action.

These Eagles seem to be very interested in these healing pills, and Luo Zheng should want to exchange these pills with the eagles.

Looking at Luo Zheng's face, the hawk people did not agree with Luo Zheng's request.

"Do you have any healing medicine? No matter how many turns of the golden elixir you want to use, it's OK, "Luo said.

Even if it is a turn, two turn of the golden elixir, can also cure those disabled Wang Ying, he only hopes that the number is large.

"Yes, and I have a lot more," Mu Ning said with a smile.

"Bring it," Luo Zheng held out his hand.

"Why?" Mu Ning asked.

Luo Zheng's eyes slightly sank, "I saved you three times!"

Luo Zheng has saved Mu Ning twice in the time sea forbidden area, but in this world, Luo Zheng has just let her escape from the cage, otherwise she does not know what kind of fate she will face!

"You were willing to save me," Mu Ning said with a smile.

Luo Zheng stares at her that clear and lively but slightly proud face and threatens: "don't force me."

Even in the divine realm, Mu Ning is far from Luo Zheng's opponent.

What's more, Mu Ning can't use Shinto in this world. Although she is the lower true God, there is a big gap between mu Ning's strength and Luo Zheng's!

He said: "I want to see the color of Luo Mu's face But wherever you go, you must take me with you

"Impossible," Luo Zheng shook his head.

He doesn't trust Mu Ning, and Mu Xuerong is also in this world.

It is always a hidden danger to bring Mu Ning around.

"There's no need to talk about that," Mu Ning said with a slight sigh. "Maybe I'm not your opponent, but I can destroy those pills in an instant." she said with a smile and looked at Luo Zheng with provocative eyes.

"You Luo Zheng's eyes trembled slightly.

At this time, Mu Ning suddenly said with a very serious expression: "I swear, I will not cause you any trouble, and my sister will kill you. If I meet my sister, I may If you can convince my sister, even if you are the son of Luo Xiao, you don't have to be the enemy of my herdsman... "

Hearing this, Luo Zheng's face showed a strange color.

Although he has not been in touch with Mu Ning for a long time, she has always been very clever. How can she say things like nothing but brain now? Become so naive?

A woman like Mu Xuerong can't be convinced.

Can the crisis of the two families be settled by her words?

Let alone Mu Xuerong, even Luo Zheng can't convince

But mu Ning's face was very serious.

"Promise me," Mu Ning said, staring at Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng pondered for a long time, then nodded and said, "but you should listen to my arrangement."

Mu Ning immediately laughed, and her serious face immediately turned into a winner's expression. Then, with a flick of her long fingers, a gold elixir jumped out of her Xumi ring.

Luo Zheng didn't enter into the divine realm for a long time. The elixirs once in Dayan could not be brought into the divine realm. There were not many gold elixirs collected in the divine realm, and those gold elixirs were only obtained in the exchange of rich and powerful families.But mu Ning is different. She was born in Shenyu and grew up in a rich family. It's hard to imagine that she has abundant reserves in Xumi mustard!

"These are pills that can be used for healing, but the effects are different with different properties," Mu Ning said.

She took out hundreds of gold pills from her Xumi commandment. Among them, there are two kinds of blood minced pills, six kinds of self-cultivation pills, some of which are pungent and some of which are sweet.

These elixirs may have some differences in efficacy, but they can repair the body of those eagles.

After getting these elixirs, Luo Zheng turned and looked at the chief, then said: "these elixirs are enough for you to convince other chief?"

The chief's eyes were fixed on these elixirs and nodded cautiously, "yes."

In order to be on the safe side, Luo Zheng only gave 15 of them to the chief, and the other pills were kept by Luo Zheng. When he arrived at the temple in the desert, he would deliver the remaining pills to the chief of the eagle people.

During this period of time, Luo Zheng only had to wait. During this period, Luo Zheng had a better understanding of the world.

The world is not big. The boundless desert in the middle of China is full of rotifers, and the only habitable area is the surrounding area. When you reach the edge, you can't move forward.

From this point of view, Luo Zheng's judgment is deepened. The world is not a certain period of time and space in the past of the divine realm, but just inside the seal.

If other great consummation's judgment is the same as myself, I'm afraid it's going to Tianlun temple now!

Of course, there is another possibility that those Da Yuanman had already found the temple of heavenly rings and entered it ahead of time.

This jade seal only appeared when the milu was killed. The ability of the jade seal is naturally related to time. Perhaps the great perfection of the sword clan was influenced by the temple of the heavenly wheel and fell into the desert


A purple awn shot at Luo Zheng.

Sitting on the top of the eagle castle tower, Luo Zheng did not look at it. He just waved and grasped the purple awn in his hand.

It was a palm sized purple fruit with a transparent hard shell on the surface, and the transparent pulp inside was very sweet, with a faint aroma of fruit wood.


There was a simultaneous sound overhead.

Luo Zheng looked up. Mu Ning stood on the back of a king eagle and looked down at him from top to bottom.

Her original white skin is as flawless as snow under the light, and her hair is as black as day and night. It radiates almost infinite vitality, and the beauty is so exciting.

Mu Ning found Luo Zheng's way to make friends with the hawk people, and then took out a lot of good things to buy the hawk people!

As a result, the eagles found that Mu Ning was 100 times more generous than Luo Zheng.

From her small Xumi ring, she took out the powerful divine lines, gold elixirs and magic weapons with different uses

Soon Mu Ning got more than Luo Zheng's treatment, and the hawk people even drove a king eagle for mu Ning to control.

After a simple study, Mu Ning has been able to control the king eagle with the bamboo flute in her hand! During this period of time, she was driving the king Eagle around the eagle castle. Every time, she could bring back some strange things and food.

It was Luo Zheng who was the first to taste the fresh food. Fortunately, Luo Zheng was not afraid of poison, otherwise he would have poisoned himself.

"Wu Wu Wu..."

At this time, not far away came a sad cry.

A hawk woman is holding a boy in tears.

Tomorrow, the Hawks will gather and go to the temple of heavenly wheel. At that time, these boys and girls will be taken together, which means that the boy will be separated from his mother forever


Mu Ning jumped down from the king eagle, gently pointed her toes and circled her figure. She sat beside Luo Zheng and looked down at the mother and son's faces. Her pink lips were gently pursed, and her eyes were full of sadness.

This kind of expression is very rare in Mu Ning.

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