Mu Ning is just like the genius in many rich families.

From the day of birth, almost every time of burning incense has been arranged.

She practices hard day and night, and worships her sister very much. She pays little attention to the trivial things around her. She just wants to be the second shepherd.

Mu Ning seldom calmly savors other good things in the world.

These days are just a few opportunities in her life. She feels that her time slows down and she feels totally different about what's happening around her.

"That snake is so cruel. Why do you have to eat boy and girl?" Mu Ning said with a frown.

Luo Zheng glanced at Mu Ning faintly. "When is the young lady of Mu family so sentimental?"

"You Mu Ning stares at Luo Zheng fiercely.

Luo Zheng looked at the mother and son calmly, and said faintly, "this kind of thing, whether in the divine realm or in the world, is performed thousands of times every day. Naturally, the young lady of the shepherd's family is fresh."

Hearing this, Mu Ning felt a little tremble in her heart and looked at Luo Zheng's eyes with a complicated look.

My sister said that he was a stowaway from Dayan.

Step by step from the world to the realm of God, what kind of experience did he have along the way?

More and more curious, there is a strange feeling in Luo's heart.

The next day.

The children selected from the eagle castle were sent to the eagle back.

Hundreds of eagles rose from the eagle castle.

The front is led by thirteen Wang eagles. Luo Zheng and Mu Ning sit on top of two Wang Eagles respectively.

Under the leadership of the chief, they flew to the Northwest for a distance, and then came to a round pass.

It is an extinct volcano. The crater has been deposited for thousands of years, forming a beautiful lake. Around the lake, many eagles have fallen. Other tribes of the eagles have arrived.

The five tribes of the Yingzu are Kang, WA, Chao, Lang and Wu.

Luo Zheng and Mu Ning belong to Kang tribe.

"How come there are two outsiders?" The chief of Chao clan stares at Luo Zheng and Mu Ning.

There are not only Luo Zheng and Mu Ning, but also other true gods.

These tribes are very wary of these outsiders. Just like Mu Ning, some real gods kill people without saying a word, which naturally leads to the resistance of these aborigines.

The Chao clan was attacked by two real gods. At last, eleven Royal Eagles were sent out to kill the two real gods!

Naturally, they have no good impression of these sudden appearance of foreign true gods.

"They are our friends," said the chief of the Kane tribe.

"They are the enemy."

"They are not allowed to step into the temple of the heavenly wheel. If the snake is angered, we will be exterminated."

The chief of the other four tribes expressed their opposition one after another.

The chief of the Kang nationality looked back at Luo Zheng, which had been expected for a long time.

After Luo Zheng nodded to the chief, the chief of Kang nationality took the other four chief to one side and took out the gold elixirs.

Soon after, the big chiefs returned again, and their expressions of looking at Luo Zheng and Mu Ning changed.

These golden elixirs are too important for them. If you take them to the temple of heavenly wheel, you can get these magical golden elixirs. This transaction is undoubtedly very cost-effective, and the chief will not say anything more.

Then the chief of the eagle clan kept yelling, and everyone returned to the eagle's back.

With a melodious murmur, all the eagles spread their wings and soared into the sky. The scene was spectacular


There is a king Eagle shot, blink of an eye to fly to the front of the team.

The size of Wang Ying was a circle smaller than other Wang Ying's, and the feather on his neck was shining with blood red dark light. When he passed Luo Zheng's side, the eagle's eye just glanced at Luo Zheng and immediately shot away!

"This eagle is very powerful," Mu Ning said, staring at the Little Wang Ying.

Luo Zheng nodded. The adult king eagles of the eagle clan threatened Luo Zheng a lot. If they really fight, Luo Zheng is not very afraid.

But in the face of this little Wang Ying, Luo Zheng is not sure of winning.

However, it was very difficult for Wang Ying to hurt himself, let alone take his life.

Thousands of eagles soar in the air, and from time to time there are children's noises.

The five hawk tribes contributed 17 children. At the beginning, these children were surprised and had fun riding on the eagle.

But after a long time, the scenery became boring and began to stir up.

The Eagle Men on the scene all have a heavy expression. This kind of separation is repeated almost every once in a while.During the break, Mu Ning saw that one of the boys had been crying and crying for his mother, so she came forward and took out a small mirror. The small mirror in Mu Ning's hand could be colorful, which immediately attracted the boy's attention.

When the eagles take off again, Mu Ning simply holds the boy in her arms and rides an eagle with her.

Several hours later, after flying over the mountains and lakes, Luo Zheng saw the huge sea of insects again!

Those huge insects are still wriggling day and night

"Ah! How can there be such a huge insect here? "Mu Ning looked down in surprise.

After she entered the world, she directly appeared in the territory of the hawk people, which was much luckier than Luo Zheng. Naturally, she had never seen these rotifers.

Although Luo Zheng knows a lot about the world now, he is also very curious about the origin of these insects.

These huge insects, even if they are placed in the divine realm, are also fierce things that cannot be ignored.

As the saying goes, it's hard to raise a dragon in shallow water, and it's hard to hide a tiger in Pingyang. It's reasonable to say that one or two of these giant insects have already reached the sky in such a world. However, it seems that there are thousands of giant rotifers gathering in this insect sea, which naturally makes people difficult to understand.

After crossing the sea of insects, there is a canyon like the scar of the earth. After crossing the canyon, we return to the vast desert.

The eagle's physical strength is also limited. If it flies for two or three hours, it must stop for a while.

The hawk people often go to the desert to herd hawks. Naturally, they are very familiar with this route.

It took two days and two nights to walk and stop, and the people on the eagle's back finally saw a brown yellow building on the bare desert.

It seems that there used to be a city. After years of continuous development, those buildings almost collapsed, leaving only bare walls standing stubbornly, experiencing the baptism of sand and years.

In the center of the city, there is a huge altar, behind which is a majestic hall.

At the call of the chief, the eagles swooped down one after another, folded their wings and stayed at the bottom of the altar.

Luo Zheng jumped down from the eagle's back and looked up at the altar.

as like as two peas on the jade seal, the black snake is on the top of the altar.

"It's the snake," Mu Ning said after Luo Zheng.

"Tianlunwang snake," Luo Zheng nodded. That's what the Hawks call this snake.

The chieftains and other hawk people jumped off the back of the eagle one after another, and then took down the children.

These children are crying for their mothers. They have been making trouble all the way. Now they are tired of sleeping. Their childish faces are full of serenity. They don't know what fate they will face next!

Mu Ning looked at the innocent face of the sleeping boy in her arms. There was a trace of intolerance in her eyes, and she said in a low voice, "is there no way to save these children?"

"Take a step, look at a step," Luo Zheng light response.

He didn't know how fierce the snake was.

If the fierce object in the jade seal is as powerful as the milu at that time, let alone he can't save it, even if the Da Yuanman comes, it's useless.

Just at this time, he heard a "chirp" of birds in the sky.

In the distance, there is a piece of colorful cloud floating in the sky. Carefully distinguishing, those colorful clouds are made up of colorful birds. There are some people standing on those colorful birds.

"It's the Xuanniao," said the chief.

At the same time, Luo Zheng also noticed that there were three great and full gods standing in the cloud.

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