Luo Yan is like a goddess dominating life and death, cold and powerful.

However, when she sat beside Luo Zheng, Luo Zheng noticed that her fingers trembled slightly.

Aware of this small detail, Luo Zheng smiles and whispers to Zhenyuan: "Yan'er is a little nervous, so don't force yourself. My brother can deal with it."

Luo Yan's experience of killing is not much. It's probably her first time to kill the real God. It's hard to avoid some discomfort.

Perhaps this is Yu Taibai's instruction, Luo Yan will be so performance.

It's hard for her

"Yan'er is not nervous," Luo Yan also replied with Zhenyuan. "Brother, you'd better absorb these springs quickly. Yan'er doesn't need them."

Looking at her serious expression, Luo Zheng smiles.

Then he put his hands into the spring of Ruomu.

these woods are the essence of life, and they can melt everything.

Luo Zheng's hands just touched, the green liquid naturally converged towards Luo Zheng's hands.

The water of Ruomu spring on the platform is absorbed by Luo Zheng at the speed visible to the naked eye.

Luo Zheng did not spread these springs in his own body, but led them into his own Dantian along the meridians.

Oriental ghosts also occupy a platform on the side.

On the edge of the platform, there are two other upper true gods of Dongfang family.

One is dongfangqi, the other is dongfangxi.

This time, the three true gods of Dongfang family were selected by Dongfang Taiqing.

"Brother ghost, these springs are like trees..." Next to the Oriental ghost, the young Oriental Xi said.

"Don't leave it to me, you can absorb it by yourself," the Oriental ghost shook his head. He didn't care about these springs.

Dongfang Qi sees that Dongfang GUI has a lot on his mind, and his eyes are always drifting towards Luo Yan. Then he whispers with Zhenyuan and asks, "brother ghost, are you still worried about Luo Yan? What kind of power does she use? It doesn't seem to be Shinto. It doesn't even seem to have the fluctuation of Daoyun. It's really weird! "

Light ghost shook his head, "I don't know who is wrong."

"Not Luo Yan?" Dongfang Qi was stunned. He turned his eyes slightly and asked, "that must be the people who are worried about the sword clan?"

This time, the sword clan suddenly cut the number of people in the rich family by half, and the number of people in the sword clan doubled. This is tantamount to declaring the position of the sword clan. Their purpose is to help the Luo brothers and sisters get the skeleton inheritance!

Look at the leading sword mastiff, it's not easy to provoke.

"No," the eastern ghost continued to shake his head.

"Who are you worried about?" Dongfang Qi's face was puzzled. He knew that Dongfang ghost was resourceful. Although he was only a superior real God, he was highly valued in Dongfang family. His eyes were much more powerful than ordinary real gods. Then Dongfang Qi's eyes fell on Luo Zheng, who was slowly absorbing the spring of Ruomu. He asked, "isn't that Luo Zheng?"

"That's right," said the Oriental ghost with a slight squint.

Dongfang Qi's face was full of laughter and tears. "Brother ghost, although this Luo Zheng is very powerful, where are the accomplishments? Do we need to be afraid of him?"

Dongfang Xi, who has been absorbing the spring of Ruomu, also raised his head and said faintly: "he can defeat the lower true God when he proves the divine warrior. This strength is really amazing. Now he is promoted to the lower true God. At most, he is just the middle true God comparable to the peak, such as Dongfang Yuhao, Muxin and so on."

Dongfang Yuhao and Muxin respectively ranked first and second in the middle level of true God of Yubi.

Dongfang Xi thinks that his evaluation is already very high.

The eastern ghost nodded, "but Since he entered the tree hole, he hasn't done anything

"There is that strength abnormal sister, where does he need to move?" Dongfang Xi shakes his head and starts to absorb the spring of Ruomu again.

They all know about Oriental ghosts, but they still think something is wrong.

Just now, he saw that Tang Xiuqi didn't stop him. There was another reason. He hoped to use Tang Xiuqi to observe Luo Zheng's current strength.

But Luo Zheng still has no response, Tang Xiuqi is killed by Luo Yan.

Now the two of the Tang family are still red eyed, waiting around and staring at the Luo brothers and sisters, but they dare not fight against the powerful power of Luo Yan.

"Tang Jie, Tang Xu, come here," said Dong Fang GUI Zhen Yuan.

Tang Jie and Tang Xu look at the Oriental ghost one after another.

"If you want revenge, you can only take a long-term view," said the Oriental ghost.

This time, although the members of the rich and powerful alliance each assigned their tasks, there was no leader among the rich and powerful families, just like the Oriental ghost could only command dongfangxi and dongfangqi.

Now the Oriental ghost realizes that he must integrate these people


In Luo Zheng's inner world, there was a green rain.

All these raindrops fall around the world tree

Now a huge land is formed around the tree of life. When it begins to absorb the raindrops, the whole tree begins to sway and shake rapidly."Boom..."

"So fast!"

The world tree was thousands of feet high.

Now it's growing fast

All the branches began to extend, the main stem also began to expand, and the rhizomes buried deep in the ground also continued to creep, and the surrounding ground continued to crack.

In the blink of an eye, the world tree has grown from thousands of feet to tens of thousands of feet, and the rhizomes buried in the ground are ten times more!


When the world tree began to expand, he obviously felt that the world in his body also seemed to expand a bit!


In a flash, Luo Zheng's inner incarnation came to the edge of the inner world.

He looked at the past, his eyes slightly showed a color of confusion, with a flick of the fingers, a thin line will be skimmed from the edge.

There are 1080 golden Sanskrits around his inner world. These Sanskrits are arranged in equal distance. The distance between each golden Sanskrit is 13000 Li, not much, not much

But under the measurement of that thin line, there was a full 16 inch distance!

If the distance between each golden Sanskrit is increased by 16 inches, the distance between 1080 golden Sanskrits will be increased by more than 17000 inches.

"My inner world expanded," Luo concluded.

With the continuous expansion of the inner world, Sanskrit around the inner world also draws a long distance from each other.

The scope of this expansion is very small, so Luo Zheng himself can't detect it, but it is still determined by him.

"if the wood is just the essence of life, why can it expand the world?"

Luo Zheng's face is not clear

The world in his Dantian is very different from ordinary people, so how to break through the next level of cultivation has always been Luo Zheng's own exploration.

It's just an attempt for him to inhale these Ruomu springs into his body, but he didn't expect that there were subtle changes.

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