But this spring is too rare.

Even within the sword clan, I'm afraid there is not much left.

There are more than ten pots of Ruomu spring that Luo Zheng has just absorbed. Even if the sword clan accumulates, it will take more than 1000 years.

And the world has only expanded a little.

It's unrealistic to rely on this to expand one's inner world.

After dispersing and internalizing, Luo Zheng steps on the flying sword again, together with Luo Yan, and goes down with the true gods again.

Along the way, the number of giant Rhododendron attached to the surrounding area decreased and finally disappeared

There was nothing angry about it, but the evil thoughts released from the killing place were more and more intense!

Many people's eyes are red, emitting a strong murderous atmosphere, as if a word can fight.

Especially Tang Jie and Tang Xu, because they have a grudge with Luo Yan, they can't control it several times. They seem to want to fight with Luo Yan, but the Oriental ghost gives each one a pill, which makes them restrain themselves.

After confirming the safety, some real gods are sitting on the flying sword, simply let themselves settle down, close their eyes to rest, and keep a certain speed to decline.

"Brother, look, there are many circles on the cave wall below!" Luo Yan pointed to the following said.

Luo Zheng looked in the direction that Luo Yan pointed out and saw the milky white circles around the wide cave wall.

"What is this?" Luo Zhengqi road.

"Ring," Luo Yan smile.

She knows more than Luo Zheng.

In other words, before going to Ruomu, Yu Taibai had already taught many materials to Luo Yan.

"Is it the ring of Ruomu?" Asked Luo Zheng.

"Well, a ramet will grow in each divine era of Ruomu, and there will be a ring inside the trunk. These huge rings represent the age of Ruomu," Luo Yan explained seriously.

Not far away some of the true God heard this statement, also feel quite novel.

After all, not everyone is qualified to enter here. Although the news is not important, it is impossible to spread outside.

The four sacred trees are the foundation of the divine realm, and they were born very early. Therefore, we can infer the approximate time of the birth of the divine realm

"Yan'er knows a lot," Luo Zheng said with a smile.

Luo Yan heard brother's praise, head a crooked, proud said, "that's of course!"

People in this circle and circle of rings in the continuous downward.

Two days and two nights

I heard Jian mastiff warning: "almost to the bottom, everyone slow down!"

Under the warning, the true gods were slightly surprised.

Since the top of the wood dived down, everyone kept a very high speed.

If you don't slow down, you'll fall directly to the bottom, and the impact will split your body!

Fortunately, the sword mastiff issued a warning in advance.

All of them slowed down. After a little half an hour, they finally saw the bottom.

"Here it is

"This is the place where the Tao fights!"

"It's hard..."

After Luo Zheng came down to the bottom, he knocked the flying sword with his heel. The flying sword turned around and fell into his hands.

Last time, Luo Zheng's Daqian Epee was damaged in the forbidden area of time and sea. Although these flying swords are ordinary, they are also valuable weapons. They can be regarded as a handy weapon, but they can be replaced temporarily.

"Now that you have come to the land of contention, you must not walk casually. You must follow us," he said to the crowd.

"Hum, it's said that there's a great legacy of the other side in this battle. You sword people let this legacy go for so many years. Can you find a fart if you follow me?" A real God of the Bai family said with a smile.

Then the other two members of the Bai family also said: "yes, it's estimated that the sword clan can't get it by themselves, so every time they fight, they are misleading others. No one has been able to find out this great legacy for so many years!"

Like the Han family, the Bai family did not belong to the powerful alliance, nor did it have much to do with the sword family. They belonged to a powerful family of their own.

The three of them also got some information. Naturally, they came here with the purpose of acquiring the Heritage

Hearing this, the sword mastiff said with a sneer: "in this case, you white family can help yourself!"

"Big brother, let's go!"

The three true gods of the Bai family said coldly, and chose a different direction to leave.

At the bottom of Ruomu, the disordered roots form a lot of leaping layers and voids. The environment is complex, and the three of Bai family disappear in the eyes of people in the blink of an eye.

"You still want to act on your own, now you can choose to leave," Jian mastiff said to the crowd.

The upper true gods present are basically the most powerful people in the divine realm.Hearing this, another group of two, a group of three chose to leave

What Jian mastiff most hopes is that the Oriental ghost will leave with his men and horses.

However, the eastern ghosts, as well as the true gods of the Tang family, the Leng family, the Mu family, and the Fang family, are all motionless. It seems that they want to follow them.

"Old fox," Jian mastiff's eyes looked at the Oriental ghost, noticed the Oriental ghost's slightly sarcastic eyes, and then turned his head.

"Childish," the Oriental ghost said softly.

The biggest goal of his business is not to inherit the heritage, but to prevent anyone from acquiring the heritage. Naturally, he will not have a fever to explore the land of contention.

Then jianmastiff took the lead, chose a direction, and took more than 100 people to March.

The bottom is filled with rhizomes of various shapes. In addition, there are some plants with peculiar shapes that grow in dark and humid places.



Not long after walking out, a strange cry came from not far ahead.

There is a real God looking, you can see a bunch of pale yellow Ganoderma lucidum.

The glossy ganoderma lucidum looks very attractive. They are nearly 20 feet in a row.

"This Ganoderma lucidum has a good Aura!"

"It must not be anything!"

Nanlonghua and other real gods were slightly moved. Before the people reacted, they just rushed to step on them.

Seeing this, the mastiff turned and said, "younger martial brother Mo Nan?"

"Well," Mo Nan stepped out behind the mastiff, and his sword shot out like lightning.


It's a lightning that's completely integrated with the sword, or lightning that's completely integrated into the sword.

In a flash, the sword shot hundreds of feet away, and ran through the Ganoderma lucidum.


With the blue electric light around, those Ganoderma lucidum began to distort madly, and at the same time issued a shrill scream.

And Ganoderma lucidum, like a millstone, also turns into a body like a fierce ghost, standing in the same place, crazily twisted

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