"Elder sister, you say that guy is who after all!" Fu Chu asked curiously, holding the scroll in his hand.

Xiaoyun pondered for a while, then said faintly: "he doesn't seem to be a person in our world."

"Not the people of our world?" Fu Chu's face looked strange. "Is there any other world?"

Xiaoyun looked up at the sky outside the thatched cottage. "Naturally, it is said that our ancestors all came from the deep space. In a very high, very high place, it was called the mother world And we are a group of people who were exiled by that world, and we are their descendants... "

Looking at the sky from her point of view, it was just thick brown clouds that could not be dissolved. It was a mass of chaotic air.

"Is he from the mother world?" There was a strange luster in Fu Chu's eyes.

Xiaoyun smiles, "I'm just guessing! How are you doing You can see that Luo Zheng has such a powerful way to cultivate the true God. If you have a chance to return to your family in the future, maybe you can use the true God to correct your name? "

Fu Chu turned his lips and continued to study the scroll in his hand. Some of the methods recorded in it made him eager to open up his own sacred sea.

Just at this time, a sound came from outside the thatched cottage. When they looked over together, they saw Luo Zheng.

"Back," Xiaoyun showed a gentle smile on her face.

"What's the harvest? Didn't you get a piece of bone? " There was a trace of dissatisfaction on Fu Chu's face. Although he was not a god of waste, he had rich experience in distinguishing the location of waste bones. In his opinion, Luo Zheng would get nothing if he entered the ancient wasteland.

Noticing Fu Chu's expression, Luo Zheng didn't speak and walked into the hut.

"The shape of the bones is similar to that of ordinary bones. It's really difficult to find them. Hundreds of people in the tribe only find a few pieces by luck in a month. In fact, there's no need to worry," Xiaoyun said.

"It's said that if you take me, you won't get nothing," said Fu Chu.

After Luo Zheng sat down with his knees crossed, he gave a little smile to his sister and brother and put out his hand to brush them gently.

A row of bones appeared in front of him!

Seeing those bones, Xiaoyun and Fuchu's brothers and sisters were all in a daze.

Fu Chu, in particular, opened his eyes wide at Luo Zheng, and then at the bone, "one, two, three, four Twelve! And there are three extra big ones! "

Last time, Fu Chu had to work hard to find three bones. He almost died in the wilderness. He didn't expect Luo Zheng to find so many bones in one day, which made him unable to accept.

Even if is always calm small Yun, is also incomparably hot looking at those waste bones.

Although the tribe has a few pieces of bones every month, they are the property of the whole tribe. Xiaoyun can't use them without permission. She has been extremely short of bones.

This time, Fu Chu risked her life to get her two pieces of bones. Although Xiao Yun scolded Fu Chu, she was still very happy. It was too precious for her.

In the eyes of the two brothers and sisters, Luo Zheng reached out his hand and wiped it again. Twelve pieces of bones were arranged in front of them.



Xiao Yun and Fu Chu's eyes are a little straight.

However, when they saw that Luo Zheng's hand was moving again, there were twelve pieces of bones.

As Luo Zheng flicks his hands again and again, rows of bones are laid out in front of the two brothers and sisters

Xiao Yun and Fu Chu were surprised and unimaginable at the beginning, but almost numb later!

"This, this There are 89 pieces in total, "Xiao Yun looked at the bones, and the power of the God in the bones had great attraction to her.

Fu Chu also looked at Luo Zheng foolishly, "did you turn over the whole ancient wasteland?"

We should know that the area they are in is the most barren area in the ancient wasteland. The skeletons have been sifted over and over by countless people, and the number of skeletons is extremely rare.

For the powerful God of famine, this area is no longer worth searching for. Finally, it's the tribe's turn to pick up the relics

Occasionally lucky circumstances, really can find one or two pieces of bone.

But Luo Zheng found almost a hundred pieces of bones in one day. It's incredible!

If we let some large businesses know, I'm afraid they will take back this area.

"How did you do it?" The shock color on Xiaoyun's face only lasted for a short time.

She's not a woman who hasn't met the market.

If she didn't live here, let alone less than a hundred bones, even tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of bones, it would be hard for her to move. It's really nothing for the really powerful God of famine.

However, in this barren land to dig out so many bones, that is another matter.

"Luck," Luo Zheng said with a smile.

Fu Chu rolled his eyes, "idiots believe in luck!"Finding two or three bones or even seven or eight can be attributed to luck. Eighty nine bones are also luck, and children can't be coaxed.

Luo Zheng didn't continue to explain. He gently pushed 12 pieces of bones and sent them to Xiao Yun. "These bones are for you. You also need to practice."

Although Luo Zheng is also in great need of bones to cultivate, it's not too difficult for them to come. He has a short destination when he first came here, and he is willing to share it with Xiao Yun.

"These Is it all mine? " Xiaoyun's face was excited.

She really needs bone to hit her own bottleneck, but she knows the value of bone.

Luo Zheng has gained so many bones. She is very satisfied with just sharing two or three of them. Seeing that Luo Zheng pushes 12 bones to her face without hesitation, she feels ashamed of it, but she is reluctant to give up.

Fu Chu originally planned to run on Luo Zheng and asked him to send more bones to his sister. Seeing that Luo Zheng was so generous, he was embarrassed to speak again.

"Well, there is still a piece of bone, I'd like to ask," Luo Zheng said.

Xiaoyun some wonder, then asked: "there is a piece of bone?"

Luo Zheng's Xumi ring flashed a ray of light again. With a "Dong", a triangular bone more than one person's height fell on the ground, and the whole thatched cottage was shocked.

In front of them, it was the bloody bone.

This time, Xiaoyun looked at this huge bloody bone, completely stupid.

Stunned, she had four or five breaths. After she reacted, she hastened: "put it away quickly

"What's the matter?" Luo Zheng is a little puzzled, but he still brings the bloody bone into the ring of Xumi.

Xiaoyun went to the door of the hut and looked out warily. After locking the door of the hut, she said, "if this bone is seen, it will be a big trouble..."

Although these scavengers in the tribe rely on Xiao Yun, they are not a trustworthy group. If they know Luo Zheng has such a bone, they are willing to sell the news to outsiders.

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