Xiaoyun opened his eyes and looked at this bloody bone.

She slowly approached, stretched out her jade hand and gently rubbed the surface of the bone.

Luo Zheng doesn't say anything when he looks at Xiao Yun's actions. It seems that Xiao Yun is going to draw the power of the wild God out of the blood and bones

See small Yun in constantly rub under, finger is in the surface of blood color waste bone lightly a button.


A wisp of blood red wasteland God's power is constantly around her fingertips.

"What a manic power of the wild God," Luo Zheng's eyebrows slightly picked.

In general, there is no special emotion, just a strange energy.

But there is a violent breath in the power of the bloody God, as if this energy will burst anytime and anywhere.

Xiaoyun's face showed a natural expression and a smile. Then she limited the power of the wild God to her hands and let the power of the wild God precipitate.

The power of the wild God is like a drop of ink in the clear water, changing into an incredible shape.

Finally, the power of the wild God finally settled down and turned into a bloody wolf. The head of the wolf had a big mouth, showing a ferocious color and emitting a strong sense of fury

"What kind of creature is this?" Luo Zheng's eyebrows were slightly raised.

Xiaoyun gently breathed a breath, with a smile on her face and said: "as expected, it's the blood skeleton of Lingsha wolf God!"

"Spirit evil wolf God?" Luo Zheng asked.

"Well!" Xiaoyun looked at the little blood bone in her hands, and her eyes were shining. "I didn't expect that we could find blood bone in this barren area, and it's still so big! In the blood heritage list, Lingsha wolf God ranks 61, which is also a very powerful blood. "

At the beginning, Xiaoyun dug out two pieces of bone with Chiyou blood, which was only the size of an egg, but because of the blood in the bone, the value of the bone was 100 times greater than that of the ordinary bone!

"It is said that people from a big family in beixiegu pagoda inherit the blood of Lingsha wolf God from generation to generation. They are extremely eager for the blood of Lingsha wolf God. You can't absorb this blood bone, but if you sell this bone, you can get at least 50 pieces of bone of this size!" Xiao Yun's voice is a little trembling, you can see that she tries to calm her excited mood.

Fifty pieces of bone, which is more than one person high, is an amazing wealth.

"This bone I really can't absorb it? " Luo Zheng asked.

He heard Xiao Yun say that the bones between different blood lines can't be refined at will, unless they also contain this kind of blood.

Hearing this, Xiao Yun smiles, "you can try."

Naturally, Luo Zheng didn't believe in evil. He was more inclined to absorb this bone than to sell it.

So he stretched out his hand and gently brushed the surface of the bloody bone. He used the Liquan method taught by Xiaoyun to extract the power of the wasteland God.


In a short time, there is a bloody power of the wild God slowly gushing out.

Looking at the power of the wild God, Luo Zheng reached out and gently led him. Unexpectedly, the power of the wild God seemed to have his own consciousness, but he refused to obey!

However, the consciousness of the power of the wild God is too weak after all. How can it endure Luo Zheng?

After Luo Zheng strengthened his mind, he finally forced it into his body

This bloody power of the wild God really penetrated into his body, but Luo Zheng soon found something strange.

The ordinary power of the wild God and his own body have no obstacles, and instantly integrate into them, but the bloody power of the wild God constantly repels his own body, and has never been able to integrate!

After several attempts, Luo Zheng had to withdraw his mind.

Then the power of the waster God escaped from his body

"Sure enough, it can't be absorbed," said Luo Zheng with a bitter smile on his face.

Xiaoyun light smile, as if used to see not strange, "naturally, in this world, blood is the biggest advantage, those who occupy the big forces of bone tower, have extremely strong blood! They are born noble, not you It's comparable to me. "

In Xiao Yun's opinion, Luo Zheng's cultivation of the true God is so powerful that it is not worth mentioning. It's just that compared with the real strong people in the world, he is not very good at it.

Luo Zheng didn't care. "In this case, this bloody bone can only be used to exchange for ordinary bone."

Only when you have enough bones can you make yourself a god of famine and improve your strength.

After collecting this blood colored bone, Luo Zheng asked, "by the way, what is the blood inheritance list you just mentioned?"

Xiaoyun has been used to Luo Zheng's "ignorance", she explained: "this blood inheritance list is a list made by those big forces who live on the bone tower, which is a list according to the strength of blood."

Hearing this, Luo Zheng's heart read slightly move, asked: "I don't know Chiyou blood, in this blood inheritance list ranked number?"As her mother said, Chiyou is also a top power in her mother's world, and Limin was once one of several big powers.

These bones at the bottom of chaos seem to have come down from the mother world. Luo Zheng naturally wants to know the ranking of Chi You's blood.

"Third," Xiaoyun replied without hesitation.


"Well," Xiaoyun said, "Chiyou's blood is also a very powerful blood. In fact, it's almost the same as Xuanyuan's blood, which is the second place. These two great forces of blood inheritance have been fighting with each other for countless years."

"Xuanyuan Luo Zheng's eyes flashed.

He knew that Xuanyuan, the enemy of Li people, had the ship of Shenyu.

I didn't expect that the struggle between the blood lines of the two ethnic groups continued to the bottom of chaos. This desolate land full of bones

"What's the first blood in the blood heritage list?" Luo Zheng asked again.

What is it that can surpass the existence of Xuanyuan and Chiyou?

"Nuwa's blood," Xiaoyun said with a faint smile.

"Nuwa blood..."

Luo Zheng wrote it down silently in his heart.

He doesn't know much about his mother's world, but here he can also learn some news.

However, Luo Zheng did not hear his mother mention the Nuwa family. Is it a big family in the mother world?

He even thought of the "wa shadow" called by Luo Yan. His mother said that Luo Yan's blood is different from her own. Does Luo Yan have Nu Wa's blood?

These are only preliminary guesses.

Now that he knows more about it, Luo Zheng stops asking questions and sits down with his knees crossed. He uses the Liquan method taught by Xiao Yun to extract the power of the barren God from the barren bones and integrate it into himself.

As before, there was no omission after the power of these wild gods was immersed in Luo Zheng's body!

Xiao Yun sees this scene, the corners of the mouth hang up a silk smile, also sat down, begin to refine Luo Zheng to give her those waste bones.

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