One night

Luo Zheng refined all the seventy-seven pieces of bones.

Because he has no real body and no power to escape, his efficiency is more than three times that of Xiaoyun.

The power of these immortals infiltrated all aspects of Luo Zheng's body, and this growth brought him a very intuitive feeling!

Early the next morning, Luo Zheng left the thatched cottage. With a slight movement of his mind, he aroused the power of the wild God in his body.

"Hoo Hoo..."

I saw his body soar in an instant!

Luo Zheng's height was only eight feet, but in the blink of an eye, it became three feet high!

Compared with Xiaoyun and the youth in the ancient wasteland, they are far inferior.

However, the growth brought about by refining and refining waste bone to Luo Zheng is very intuitive.

Luo Zheng stood in the same place and looked at his hands. The height of the hut in front of him was only to his knees

"The power of the wild God It's powerful! "

There was a tinge of excitement in his eyes. This new method of refining body was very suitable for his body.

How strong will it be if it absorbs enough of the power of the wild gods and turns into a giant hundreds of feet tall?

Luo Zheng is looking forward to this day in his heart.

Just a few days later, I've reached this level of cultivation. This guy is really

Xiaoyun at the door of the thatched cottage observes Luo Zheng. Her eyes are very complicated. She has another abacus in her heart, but now she knows that she can't show it.

Although Luo Zheng is generous, he can't risk for her and Fu Chu at all, unless he can really help him. If he is really worthy of trust, maybe he can reveal the secret.



These days, Fu Chu has been comprehending the scroll that Luo Zheng gave him.

If you encounter some problems you don't understand, Fu Chu will also consult Luo Zheng.

However, Luo Zheng would not stay in the tribe most of the time, but went to the ancient wasteland to continue looking for bones.

Luo Zheng's method of looking for bones is too efficient. He just needs to expand his mind and have a panoramic view of dozens of miles. The bones hidden in it can't escape.

But his luck soon ran out.

After all, no matter how efficient it is, the bones of the ancient wasteland are limited, especially this barren land.

For three days in a row, Luo Zheng only harvested seven or eight pieces of bones.

For ordinary people, it's a big harvest, but it's still too little for Luo Zheng.

So Luo Zheng planned to sell the bloody bone.

Xiaoyun just let Luo Zheng wait.

Luo Zheng's bloody bones are very important. If he is known by those big forces, he will certainly snatch them.

She suggested that Luo Zheng wait for those who purchase the bones to come to the tribe, and then follow those people to the nearest city, and then sell the bloody bones.

Two days later

Luo Zheng then saw that there were three people in the sky, wearing black clothes, flying away. Without exception, these three people were all wild gods.

In the twinkling of an eye, the three men had already landed on the square in the center of the tribe, and then walked towards the hut where Xiaoyun was.

"Bintie tribe, how many bones have been collected this month?" One of them yelled, and the voice immediately spread to every corner of the tribe.

For generations, bintie tribe made a living by picking up bones, and only bones could be exchanged for some necessary means of life.

Hearing this, the young people of the tribe came out of their huts and gathered around them.

All the bones they picked up were put in Xiaoyun's hands, but they would also supervise and not allow Xiaoyun to be greedy for the bones belonging to the tribe.

Xiaoyun also left her hut, and she said to the leader, "brother Ji, I have picked up 23 pieces of bones this month."

"Only twenty-three dollars?" Brother Ji showed a trace of contempt.

Every month, they go to this place where birds do not shit to buy bones. These tribes are so poor that they can only accumulate dozens or even several bones in a month, which is not worth their trip.

"The number of bones in this area is getting less and less, and the people of our tribe are unable to go deep into the eternal wilderness. This number has been the result of great efforts," Xiaoyun replied.

The other one of them gave a faint smile and then said, "come on, brother Ji, do you still want them to be lucky and dig out hundreds of bones? Get rid of the bones quickly. We have to go back before dark! "

"Hum!" Ji Ge snorted coldly, "if there are only 20 pieces of bones next month, don't let us go in person!"

Xiaoyun just helplessly smile, just hand over those bones to Ji Ge.

Ji Ge threw out a big pocket and said coldly, "these are rewards."

Then the three were going to leave.

At this time, Xiaoyun suddenly said: "brother Ji, wait a step."

When the leader heard this, he frowned and asked, "what's the matter?""My friend has something that he wants to entrust to your caravan's auction house. Can I ask my friend to go with you and recommend it?" Xiao Yun asked.

"Auction?" Ji Ge is slightly stunned. Generally, the things that are qualified for auction are extremely rare treasures. What is worth auctioning in this remote place?

Ji Ge calm face says, "what broken thing, still want our caravan to auction?"

Xiaoyun pursed her mouth, then said: "this can't be said for the time being, just trouble brother Ji to take my friend back."

After that, Xiao Yun points to Luo Zheng in front of the grass house.

That piece of ghost wolf God's blood is too precious.

If these people knew that Luo Zheng had a bone in his hand, they could not let it go to the auction house. They were afraid that they would kill people or even the tribe on the spot

Ji Ge glanced at Luo Zheng faintly. Now Luo Zheng has absorbed a lot of waste bones and has the power of waste God.

But his time of cultivation is still short, and the amount of waste bone absorbed is not enough, so he can't get into brother Ji's eyes. Now Brother Ji is very impatient, "no spare time!"

With that, brother Ji is about to fly away.

But Xiaoyun is quickly step forward, suddenly put three pieces of bone into the hands of Ji brother, said with a smile: "small mind, or to trouble Ji brother a trip!"

These three bones were excavated by Luo Zheng. Naturally, the people of the tribe would not say anything.

Brother Ji looks at the bones in his hand, with a strange expression on his face. He can't figure out what's good in this boy's hand, which is worth Xiaoyun's spending three bones to bribe himself?

But three pieces of bone as a reward is good, and Ji Ge just recommended Luo Zheng to the auction house in his caravan, which is a small matter.

So Ji Ge toward Luo Zheng smile, "boy, follow up!"

Previously, Xiao Yun had already explained that Luo Zheng nodded with no expression on his face. When the three men flew away, his body was also dancing gently, and then he flew away.

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