Ji Ge and his party are flying away, very fast.

"Brother Ji, can that boy keep up?" One of them asked.

Ji elder brother in front of light smile, "can keep up with, see his own ability."

Three pieces of bones want to buy him, which is too cheap, so brother Ji didn't want to do a good job at all, so he just dumped the boy?


The voice falls, this Ji elder brother is to accelerate speed intentionally unexpectedly, the other two people also closely follow.


Luo Zheng has been connecting at a slow speed.

Suddenly, the corner of his mouth also slightly accelerated.

That Ji elder brother light glanced at the Luo Zheng behind, the eye peeps out a trace of surprised color.

The boy was still firmly behind him, more than ten feet away, but he never fell.

"Brother Ji, that guy is not slow."

"Looking at him, it seems that he is the first monk?"

"I think he has the cultivation of the true God, and it's not low. It's strange."

The two men muttered.

Ji Ge, with a smile, immediately said, "whatever he is, you two have followed him!"

After that, the power of the wild God in Ji Ge's body flashed out, and his momentum became stronger. "Whoosh" he suddenly turned into a startling Hong and shot forward at a higher speed.

After two people looked at each other, they could only stimulate their own power. Even if they wanted to keep up with brother Ji, they could only do their best.

When Luo Zheng saw this scene, he looked indifferent.

The chaotic Qi in his inner world turned a little and kept up with them again.

This one breath spurred a time of burning incense, the Ji elder brother in the front thought that this time should throw away? When he looked back again, his eyes suddenly glared.

Luo Zheng was still close behind them, still keeping a distance of not more than ten feet, and even his expression didn't change.

"This guy!" Brother Ji is more energetic.

"Brother Ji, slow down!"

"I can't keep up!"

Those two people can't stand it any more. Even if their bodies are infiltrated by the power of the wild God, they are much more powerful than ordinary people, but their cultivation is weaker than brother Ji. Such a sprint has already pushed their own power of the wild God to the extreme. The body can't bear it. Now they are out of breath.

Ji Ge and Luo Zheng are working hard now. Where can I listen?

I saw that the power of the wild God that he burst out was even stronger, and the speed increased by 30% again. This is his limit!

The two men couldn't keep up, so they simply stopped.

See the rapid away Ji Ge, Luo Zheng smile, body shape such as light swallow, the wind and gallop, speed is still improved by three points.

Luo Zheng passes by in the blink of an eye, passes by those two people, and chases Ji Ge away.

"Hoo Hoo Hoo

As he passed by, the strong wind struck the two faces, and they could only stare forward.

"That guy can keep up with GIGO's full speed?"

"Can the cultivation of the true God be so powerful?"

In the eyes of these barren gods, the cultivation of true gods is a sign of not doing their proper work. They have never seen a powerful true God, so Luo Zheng's speed has fundamentally subverted their cognition.

About three incense after the time, Ji Ge himself can not support.

When he looked back, Luo Zheng still kept a distance of more than ten Zhang hanging behind, not slow, his face was not happy.

Ji Ge was finally desperate. He realized that it was impossible to get rid of Luo Zheng. He could only slow down the speed.

At the same time, he also had some admiration for Luo Zheng. After all, in Ji Ge's eyes, Luo Zheng was just a novice God, but his performance gave Ji Ge an unfathomable feeling.

Along the way to the north, Luo Zheng saw large areas of gray brown soil.

Now he has known that there are quite a lot of areas at the bottom of chaos covered with those skeletons, and all the places covered by skeletons are collectively referred to as the eternal wasteland.

The ancient wasteland is not suitable for living. For example, Xiaoyun's bintie tribe belongs to the lowest class of untouchables, so they will live on the edge of the ancient wasteland and make a living by picking up waste bones.

But in addition to the ancient wasteland, there are many cities.

This "brother Ji" belongs to a deacon called Falcon caravan in Shaxin city.

Xiao Yun tells Luo Zheng that the blood skeleton can't be directly auctioned by the Falcon caravan.

Falcon caravan is just a small caravan. It has no credibility. Luo Zheng takes it out directly, and the only result is endless pursuit.

She let Luo Zheng pass this Ji Ge and get an auction qualification of Falcon caravan. You can't find them in real auction.

For almost a day and a half, a huge pit suddenly appeared in front of Luo Zheng's eyes, which seemed to be a huge pit formed by quicksand. In the center of the huge pit, there was a city."No wonder it's called Shaxin city." Luo Zheng looked down and thought faintly in his heart.

After arriving at the center of the huge pit, under the leadership of Ji Ge, four people came down at the gate of the city.

"Luo Zheng, just follow me," Ji Ge said faintly.

It's strictly forbidden to enter or leave the city, even if it's out of the city.

After Ji Ge and the two people behind him show the name plate of the caravan, the guards at the door let it go,

but when it was Luo Zheng's turn, one of the guards put his long gun in his hand and blocked Luo Zheng's chest, "stop!"

"He is a guest of our caravan," Ji Ge said. He threw another light green name plate to Luo Zheng. Every one who entered the city should have a corresponding identity. When the guard saw the green name plate, he let it go.

After experiencing this scene, Luo Zheng knows clearly in his heart. No wonder Xiao Yun lets him follow brother Ji into the city. If he wants to go into the city, he may have another trouble.

After arriving at Shaxin City, Ji Ge led Luo Zheng to the Falcon caravan.

After entering the gate of the Falcon caravan, Ji Ge communicated with the caravan people, and then an old man wearing cloth came out.

After looking at Luo Zheng, the old man asked, "young man, what do you want us to entrust our Falcon caravan to auction?"

Ji Ge and other people's eyes also fall on Luo Zheng. They all know that Luo Zheng is afraid that there is something good to auction, but whether it is Xiao Yun or Luo Zheng, they have always refused to reveal the slightest. Is it a treasure?

"This is what I want to entrust your caravan to auction," Luo Zheng said, pulling out a large piece of bone.

The bone was the size of a fist and black.

At first glance, brother Ji and the old man saw this bone, and they all felt a slight jump in their hearts.

The pure black blood skeleton ranks very high in the blood inheritance list. One is tianxinxie blood, ranking 19, and the other is Taiyin Youying blood, ranking 11. The value of the two kinds of blood skeleton is quite amazing.

Even if it is a small piece, many people will flock to it.

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