This maze is very quiet, except for Luo Zheng's own footsteps, there is no sound emitted.

At the beginning, Luo Zheng was still walking in the maze quickly, but when he realized that the maze was very huge, he flew in the maze again with a little toe.

However, the maze is still beyond Luo Zheng's imagination. After a day and a night, there is still no end to it.

Until the third day

Luo Zheng followed a dark corridor to the end. After turning a corner, the corridor in front suddenly changed.

The walls around the corridor are full of colorful light.

"This is Fragments of time? "

Luo Zheng felt as like as two peas of the time sea in the air.

He tapped the fragments on the wall and found nothing unusual.

Only when Luo Zheng continued to move forward, there was a faint breath in his ear.

"Hoo Hiss... "

It was as if someone was sleeping in the maze.

Moreover, the sound reverberated in Luo Zheng's ear, which should be very close to him.

Luo Zheng's eyebrows slightly wrinkled and galloped down the corridor. He wanted to find out the source of the breathing sound.

But after running thousands of feet away, the breathing sound still floated in his ears. He felt that the sound was still around him, but he had walked out of such a long distance.

Although Luo Zheng felt strange in his heart, he still went down with a stiff head.


Mingwei sits on the top of Shenyu and stares up at the vast Shenyu.

She has missed the days in Lishan many times

But when he broke free from that prison, he became more and more melancholy.

After breaking the divine realm, you should be able to return to the mother world. I don't know what's going on in baiweimen now?

If a sect leader disappears or falls, a new sect leader will be selected.

If she returns to Lishan, she will lose her position as the leader of the sect.

But Mingwei doesn't worry about this. What she misses is her disciples and relatives in her family.

As she gazed, she saw a faint green light in the distance.

Looking at the vast chaos, this trace of blindness is so small that it can be almost ignored, but the speed of the green light's flying still arouses Mingwei's vigilance.

The speed of that thing is too fast, and it's coming straight to the divine realm!

Mingwei slowly stood up, and at the same time, she gave a voice to remind: "something is coming."

Other people see Ming Wei's cautious face, and they are on guard one after another.

There are not many creatures wandering around in the chaos, but they are very powerful one by one. Even the strong on the other side must be careful.

"How fast!" Chi Yi stares at the front and says.

A woman with black hair in the Nuwa clan stretched out her finger, buttoned it on her own eye socket, and gently spat out a word, "show!"

The black woman's eye twinkled with a strange luster, and the other eye kept blinking. Soon a strange color appeared on her face, and she said, "it's not a living creature."

"What is it?" Mingwei asked.

"A flying boat," said the brunette with a dignified face.

Hearing this, everyone's face changed slightly.

Flying boats are very common in the mother world, but it's not normal for a flying boat to appear here.

This is a place on the edge of chaos. It's almost impossible for anyone to come here by boat. And now it's very close. That boat must have found the divine realm, or even set the divine realm as its goal!

Old Jin stepped forward and asked Mingwei, "what do you think?"

Mingwei shakes her head. "It depends on the purpose of the other party."

"No matter what the purpose is, they find the divine realm, and the situation is very troublesome," Jin said with a frown.

The current situation of the Li people has been understood by Jin Lao and others. The existence of this divine realm must not be disclosed. Jin Lao naturally has this concern in his heart.

Mingwei is a faint smile, "if the other side's strength is ordinary, just leave them, it's no trouble."

Jin also nodded in agreement with Mingwei.

Li Luoshui, Luo Xiao, Li xuanyue and the sages of the sword clan gathered together. Li Luoshui's face was a little worried. "I don't know if ZHENG'ER has succeeded in canonization."

Luo Xiao's face was calm, and he didn't worry. "When ZHENG'ER entered the saint mountain, the biggest difficulty has passed. Whether he can be a saint or not is not the most important thing, but..."

He thought of his calculation of Dayan Shinto, which indicated that there was no peace outside the realm of God.

But how is emptiness in the chaos? I don't know what the evil omen indicates?

At this time, the old king came over and said faintly, "we need to hide."The saints all looked at Jin Lao, while Li Luoshui asked, "why?"

In the Jin Dynasty, Li Luoshui arched his hand and said, "there are flying boats coming towards the divine realm. I don't know whether they are enemies or friends. Please take refuge."

"Flying boat?" Lilo frowned.

Luo Xiao's face was even more slightly heavy, which made him quickly connect "fierce outside". It's not a good thing to have an outsider at this critical time. Luo Xiao asked: "where is it?"

Mr. Jin pointed to them from afar. They took advantage of the situation and saw that there was a light cyan thing approaching rapidly.

"For the sake of safety, Lady Wang can enter the small world I prepared," said Mr. Jin.

Who knows Li Luoshui shakes his head, "I will not enter the small world."

Old Jin wanted to persuade Li Luoshui, but Li Luoshui insisted that he had to give up.

It's safe to hide in the small world, or their inner world, but it doesn't know anything about the outside world. Not only liloshui doesn't like it, but other saints don't like it.

"In that case, I'll let Fu Er arrange the array and hide us," said Mr. Jin.


Two hours later

The distance between Lingxiao and Shenyu is very close.

There was a small jade plate floating in front of Lu Jia, and a light cyan diamond crystal in his hand.

There is amazing energy in this rhombic crystal, which is the so-called "divine crystal", which is widely used in the parent world.

He flipped Shenjing gently and put it on the jade plate. At random, Shenjing sank into the jade plate.

"The last crystal has been placed," Lu Jia reported.

"The xuanyuanwei in Shenyu reported that the chiyouwei of Li nationality should be at the top of Shenyu, but now they are not aware of their existence," another xuanyuanwei said.

Wei Xian was enjoying the huge divine realm ahead. Naturally, he was in an excellent mood. He ordered in a light tone: "first, spread out Tu Zhu Yue Hua, and then Let's go down! "

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