Under the order of comfort leisure, Lu Jia clasps the jade plate in his hand and twists it gently.

From the jade plate emerged a bright new moon, the new moon only appeared for a moment, and then there was a circle of invisible waves spread out.

This invisible wave spread to a distant place quietly

"Tu Zhu Yuehua has been arranged," Lu Jia reported.

Comfort leisure nodded, floating in the sky of the boat or slowly down, and finally stayed in the upper layer of God domain.


Wei Xian leaped down from the boat and looked around. The top of the divine realm was flat. There was nothing in sight, which made it very desolate.

A xuanyuanwei who jumped down from behind said: "this divine realm is much bigger than we imagined..."

"After all, it's the world created by Chiyou," he said faintly.

After that, Wei Xian squatted down and knocked on the ground, making a dull sound.

After thinking about it for a while, I suddenly jumped up.

When Wei Xian jumped up, a bright red blood amulet appeared in his hand. When the whole person fell towards the ground again, he also slapped the blood amulet on the ground.


The moment the blood amulet stuck to the ground, a bloody halo spread out with his palm as the center, and at the same time, it made a dull loud noise.

The upper level of the divine realm trembled for a while


Under the tremor of the upper layer of the divine realm, a triangular shield quietly flashed out and appeared on the surface of the upper layer of the divine realm.

"What is this?" Comfort leisure frown to stare at the shield shadow at the foot to ask a way.

"It's a powerful treasure. Master Wei Xian can't break it with one blow..." Lu Jia said.

Other xuanyuanwei shake their heads one after another, they don't know the origin of this treasure.

But the last xuanyuanwei, who was slightly young, pondered for a while and then said, "I heard that Chiyou has a treasure, which is Tianjing shield. It looks like a triangle. All the forces in the world are indestructible. Is this the Tianjing shield?"

Comfort leisure surprised to see that Xuan Yuan Wei one eye, say: "Zhong Ling, are you sure?"

Xuanyuanwei, who called Zhongling, nodded, "the shape is right, and this is the world created by Chiyou. It should be correct."

"No wonder Pang Miao said that we can't directly enter the divine realm," Wei Xian said. "They said that there are barriers in the space passage, and I don't know if they can stop us!"

Then he took a step at will. With a little space fluctuation in front of him, the whole person entered the space channel with a very elegant posture.


With a dull sound, Wei Xian's figure stumbles out of the space channel again. It's probably because of his overconfidence that he bumps into the space barrier unprepared and naturally looks very embarrassed.

"This damned space barrier!" I'm a little angry.

"It seems that the space barrier of Shenyu is not so easy to break," Zhong Ling said.

Wei Xian breathed a sigh and said: "Pang Miao said that it took them more than ten years to open a gap in the space barrier, and it was not easy for them to break it for a while and a half, but Those chiyouwei have already arrived here. They must be destroying the space barrier day and night. "

"If we find them out and kill them, we can continue to go down along the space barrier they cut down, which can save a lot of time," Zhong Ling said. "The space barrier they break down is bound to send out strong spatial fluctuations. Although the top of this divine realm is broad, it's not difficult to find it."

Comfort leisure ordered to nod, satisfied of saw Zhong Ling one eye.

Although this Zhongling is a xuanyuanwei, and his cultivation is the lowest among these people, his brain is the best one. If he cultivates it vigorously, he will become his own arm in the future.

"Just follow the front to check the spatial fluctuation, let's go!"

Back to the Xuanwei, the flying boat kept close to the God again.

Xuanyuan guards have extended their divine consciousness as far as possible

The further the diffusion of divine consciousness, the more insensitive their perception will be. However, they are not looking for people, but for spatial fluctuations, which is enough.

Thirty thousand miles away

Fu 2 has arranged a square Fu array.

It's the four spirits hidden talisman array. This talisman array can block all the breath, whether it's the breath of life or the breath of soul.

Even if there are people standing face to face, they can't feel their presence.

The Nuwa people, chiyouwei, liluoshui and the saints in Shenyu are all in the four spirits shenyinfu array.

"The boat is coming..." Luo Xiao frowned.

"I don't know if it's the enemy or the friend. If it's the enemy, I'll go into the realm of God immediately. Hee hee," the green demon landlord said with a smile.

Li xuanyue glanced at her, "since our xuanyue family has chosen this road, how can we retreat when we encounter difficulties? Although my strength is not good, I will try my best! "Li xuanyue is very clear about the gap between the strong and the saints on the other side.

"They're coming this way! Let's not talk! " Said the sage of the sword clan.

Fu Er then faintly smile, "my four square Shenyin Fu array can shield everything. Whether they can find us has nothing to do with saying or not. Even if you shout, they can't hear us."

Although Fu Er said that, he watched the boat come from far and near, but everyone could not help but hold his breath and said nothing.

Thirty thousand li distance, such as let the roller coaster full speed flight escape, only takes the blink of an eye time.

Even if these Xuanyuan guards try to slow down the speed of the roller coaster as much as possible in order to find space fluctuations, it's only a matter of ten minutes.

Wei Xian closed his eyes tightly, and the divine consciousness spread out like silk thread, which was spread over thousands of miles

The space in chaos is the most stable, more stable than the space in the parent world. As long as there is a trace of spatial fluctuation, it will be very eye-catching.


At this moment, I feel a faint spatial fluctuation, but the spatial fluctuation is fleeting.

At the same time, Lu Jia stopped the roller coaster. Although other people also used the divine sense to sense the spatial fluctuation, they obviously didn't find the spatial fluctuation.

"My Lord, do you notice?" Lu Jia asked.

Comfort leisure's eyes toward the left side to look past, stretch out a hand far away to point, "that direction!"

"Which way? Nothing... "

"I'm not aware of spatial fluctuations either."

"Lord Wei Xian's divine sense is stronger than ours. Maybe he can see something."

So the roller coaster corrected its direction and went in the direction of comfort.

Seeing this scene, Fu Er's fist had been clenched tightly, and a trace of tension finally appeared on his face.

Of course, they know that the spatial fluctuation is likely to expose their position, and they can't give up after the space barrier has been dug for such a long time, so Fu Er specially arranged another array to cover it up.

But it is very difficult to eliminate the spatial fluctuation completely.

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