The Fuji arranged by Fuji 2 can only cover up the spatial fluctuation as much as possible, but occasionally there is still a trace of fluctuation escaping from the Fuji.

He can only hope that the people on the boat are careless, unable to detect the fluctuation of escape space.

He could see that the boat stopped for a moment and flew towards them. Naturally, he knew that the other side had found out.

"They've noticed, big brother. What should we do?" Fu Er asked.

"Let's see what happened to them first," Mr. Jin said calmly.

Mr. Jin also has a bad feeling in his heart, but he can't panic now, otherwise it will easily affect other people.

After a while, the boat in the distance was slowly approaching, and almost swept by the shenyinfu array. It was ten Zhang before it stopped.

The Xuanyuan guards on the roller coaster jumped down again.

"There seems to be no spatial fluctuation..." A Xuanyuan Wei looked around, he never felt the spatial fluctuation.

"Impossible," Wei Xian said faintly, "just now I feel the spatial fluctuation for the second time. It must be nearby. I'm afraid the other party is hiding it by some means, so the spatial fluctuation is very weak..."

As soon as he finished his words, he suddenly turned around and fixed his eyes on the front. Only then did he feel a trace of spatial fluctuation.

In the magic talisman array, Mingwei's eyes narrowed like a cat and said softly, "they should have found out."

"What are their origins? I don't know whether it's an enemy or a friend. If it's an enemy Shall we do it first? " Chi Yi said coldly.

"It's xuanyuanwei, or they're the people xuanyuanwei came to, they must be the enemy," Mingwei continued.

Li Luoshui heard Mingwei's judgment, blinked and asked, "how do you judge?"

"Fu Er has hidden the spatial fluctuation very well. If they are unknown outsiders and find that the divine realm is here, the first time they should try to break the boundary of the divine realm. If they can't break the sky mirror shield, they will try to break the space barrier just like us But they are looking for spatial fluctuations, "Mingwei continued." someone must have told them that we are digging a space barrier, so they are looking for spatial fluctuations! "

Ming Wei's voice has just dropped. Wei Xian reaches out his hand and gently splits it. He has broken the Fu array, which Fu Er is used to hide. The strong spatial fluctuations spread out and form a huge spiral floating up.

Digging the space barrier can't stop. As long as the space barrier is stopped, it will be quickly repaired. So they put a treasure in the space barrier and let it dig by itself.

"Found it! Hum, this hidden talisman array is ingenious There was a sneer on Wei Xian's face.

Zhong Ling looked around and said, "it seems that they have noticed our arrival in advance and given up here?"

"Lord Weixian, do we have to continue to search for those chiyouwei?" Lu Jia asked.

Comfort leisure thought for a while, then lightly shook his head, "they dug here for so long, I'm afraid it's not so easy to give up, we just need to stay here, and we can continue to dig, as long as we break the space barrier, we can always enter the divine realm before them!"

Although they have a roller coaster, the divine realm is still too large for them to find if they want to hide.

But even Wei Xian and Zhong Ling didn't expect that those people didn't go far, they were hidden more than ten feet away from them

The voice of Wei Xian and others was transmitted very clearly. The people who were hiding in the magic talisman array completely understood that these people were really coming for them.

"They are probably xuanyuanwei," Mingwei said with great certainty.

"Since they are coming for us, it doesn't matter whether they are xuanyuanwei or not. With the help of Fuer's Fuji, we have the first chance," Jin Lao's eyes showed a sense of killing.

Hearing this, Zhan Wuji was excited. "It looks like he's going to start?"

"Wei said," the young man who gives you the most comfort is the one who gives you the rest.

They are also extremely decisive people.

Wei Xian's judgment is correct. They don't need to look for Mr. Jin. They just need to stay in the space barrier.

So Mingwei also made a decisive decision!

Weixian and others naturally can't expect that Mingwei has already killed her. He leisurely issued an order, "Zhongling, you go into the space channel to find out the situation. We should be able to speed up the breaking of the space barrier."

"OK, comfort leisure adult," Zhong Ling nodded. Just as he was about to drill into the space channel, the light of the four square Shenyin Rune array suddenly faded, and the original convergence in which the breath quickly released.

At the same time that Fu 2 removes the magic talisman from the four directions, many colorful rings spread out from Mingwei's hands. The rings are from big to small, and the rings cover each other. At the front is a sharp cone.

Mingwei has seen that the gray haired young man is unusual. She doesn't have the slightest strength to put him to death!Those Xuanyuan guards didn't expect that those people were hiding around. When they felt the momentum beside them, they were all stunned.

Jin Lao, Fu Er, Chi Yi and other Xuanyuan guards, as well as those other shore strongmen of Nu Wa clan, also launched an attack towards their respective targets at this time!

But this comfort is not an ordinary other shore after all, when he felt the momentum of the moment, his eyes is a sharp light, only to see his hand under a pat, a blood amulet was shot by him in the air!


At the moment when the blood amulet explodes, it turns into a mass of black and red dirty blood, which is blocked in the path of Mingwei's sharp cone.


When the sharp cone rushed to comfort leisure, it immediately twisted the dirty blood into it.

Then the whole cone and the colorful ring behind the cone suddenly darkened, and lost its original speed and power. In turn, it was pulled in the hand by comfort.

Comfort leisure is easy to take the attack of Mingwei, but other Xuanyuan Wei is not so lucky.

At the moment of his appearance, Mr. Jin quietly pasted himself on the side of one of xuanyuanwei's body. His big hands like a pair of palm fans were twisted on the other's neck.

Although the xuanyuanwei had already reacted, it was too late. With the golden light coming from old Jin's hands, most of the xuanyuanwei's body had turned into powder, and he could not die any more.

Fu Er, Chi Yi and the women of Nuwa family also killed two Xuanyuan guards.

Under one's face, three people died, and the other Xuanyuan guards quickly opened the distance.

Only Wei Xian stood still, his face as gloomy as water, sneered and said: "good courage! It's amazing that it's so close

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