Obviously, Wen is not the only one who is concerned about this issue.

Except for those students who were stunned, all of them were closely watching the situation in the arena.

Finally, the wisps of Tianmo Zhenyuan slowly dissipated. It was a slightly thinner figure standing in the arena. The figure was not burly, but full of a sense of strength. It was not tall, but it gave people a feeling of standing on high mountains.

"Luo Zheng!" At this moment, tutor Wen felt that his tears almost came out, and it was Luo Zheng standing!

"Incredible, incredible, who can tell me what happened? Why is Luo Zheng standing and Wang Yun lying on the ground? "

"You asked me? I don't know. I want to say that I can't understand this fight any more. "

"It's clearly Wang Yunli who attacks Luo Zheng with such a fierce dragon roar. By the way, Luo Zheng stands. It's hard to understand!"

Obviously, the result of the competition is beyond people's imagination. They can't understand why this change happened.

Luo Zheng, holding the streamer sword, shakes his head and breathes deeply. The light in his eyes is brighter because his soul has been sublimated.

Just now, in the face of the dragon bone disordered ghost stab, Luo Zheng can really go on with his Liuguang sword. However, in the face of the Dragon Wei attached to the dragon bone disordered ghost stab, Luo Zheng feels more difficult. Even if Luo Zheng tries his best, he can only defeat Wang Yun in the move, but it is impossible to defeat Wang Yun, because the Dragon Wei is so terrible.

Fortunately, at the moment when Luo Zheng put out his sword, the green dragon in his mind cooperated with Luo Zheng's action. The roaring sound of the Dragon instantly suppressed the dragon's authority, and at the same time stunned Wang Yun.

So Luo Zheng had enough time to summon the black flame out of his body and devour the dragon's Dragon spear.

lets Luo collect the accident, after the black flame refins the dragon bone spear, it does not get the essence of heaven, but a drop of strong blood. But the blood looks totally different from human blood. Human blood falls on the ground and spits, but the blood of this dragon bone spear is like a small stone, and a drop of blood falls on the ground. But still bounce

In the end, the black fire came back to Luo Zheng's mind after a few drops of blood, which was consumed by the green dragon.

At the same time, two rays of light suddenly came out of the mysterious melting pot, one of which was involved in Luo Zheng's mind, and the other one was directly shot into Wang Yun's mind.

There is a very mysterious power in the glow, which can instantly repair the soul damage. Even the most serious soul damage, as long as the glow is relaxed, it can recover as before, just as Luo Zheng's soul constantly collapsed and almost hovered on the edge of annihilation when he first opened the mysterious furnace, but the glow constantly restored his soul Come on.

Just now Qinglong released such a terrible dragon roar, which may have caused irreversible damage to Wang Yun's mind. Without this glow, it is estimated that Wang Yun will become an idiot forever.

And this colorful glow not only has the function of repairing the soul, but also can strengthen the soul strength, which Luo Zheng deeply understands.

After all, Luo Zheng took the dragon bone spear in Wang Yun's hand. Now strengthening Wang Yun's soul is a little compensation. In other words, what precious things can strengthen the soul? The value of the dragon's long bone spear is no less than that of the dragon's long bone spear. From this point of view, Wang Yun is not at a loss, but whether he can think of it or not depends on himself.

Luo Zheng, holding the streamer sword, waved at the crowd, indicating that the fight was over.

The judge, who had been expressionless, was very dedicated. After waking up, he swallowed the elixir to nourish his soul for a moment and announced: "xiaoyufeng, Luo Zhengsheng, disciple Wang Yun It's a failure

Just as Luo Zheng was preparing for the contest, Shi Jingtian and elder Xu came down again.

"Master Shi, elder Xu," Luo Zheng arched his hand to the two men. Those who should come are always coming. Luo Zheng also knew that he had made such a big move that he might not be able to leave so easily.

Until now, Shi Jingtian's face is a little unnatural, so is elder Xu!

Like all the disciples of Qingyun sect who watched Quanfeng Dabi, they were full of doubts and mysteries.

Before that, Shi Jingtian still felt that he could see through Luo Zheng. He knew very well that Luo Zheng's Tianmo Shenquan was inherited from the demons. One copy of it was stored in the Tianshu Pavilion and later borrowed by Luo Zheng.

As for the method of Luo Zheng's soul attack, "Jing Shen Ci" is a Tianjie skill, but it's just the same in Shi Jing Tian's eyes. It's amazing that Luo Zheng's spirit can be trained to such a level at such a young age.

Luo Zheng's broken Throwing Knife should be a broken ancient treasure that he got by chance. The grade of this treasure is immeasurable, but Shi Jingtian doesn't pay attention to it. The leader of his family will never covet the treasure of his disciples. Let alone Luo Zheng's broken Throwing Knife, even if it is Wang Yun's dragon bone spear, he won't feel too much about it.Then there is Luo Zheng's mysterious "basic sword technique", which should be Luo Zheng's own understanding. Such talent is also worth praising.

All of the above are Shi Jingtian's views on Luo Zheng. Such a genius is enough to make Shi Jingtian move his mind and escort Luo Zheng to Daoyun hall!

However, Shi Jingtian's assessment of Luo Zheng is very accurate. He measures a person's level of genius in terms of the three levels of heaven, earth and man. Luo Zheng is at least heaven level genius. The word "at least" means that Shi Jingtian has room for his estimation, because it is possible that Luo Zheng will surpass the measurement of "Heaven level genius" and may be higher than his estimation.

However, no matter how talented or evil you are, you can't live in peace with the roar of the dragon!

Shi Jingtian has already used his perception to sweep Luo Zheng, but he doesn't feel that Luo Zheng's breath is decaying. Even his soul seems to be more solid. If he can swear as the leader of a clan, he really wants to say: what the hell is going on? Who will tell me?

"Luo Zheng, congratulations on winning this contest," elder Xu said. Seeing that Shi Jingtian didn't ask questions, only he asked, "can you tell me what happened just after he fell to the ground? Why is Wang Yun lying on the ground? "

"Elder Xu, it's a bit strange for you to ask. When two people fight in the arena, there is always one person lying down, either Wang Yun or me. I don't know how to answer that," Luo Zheng replied with a twinkling of cunning in his eyes.

Elder Xu laughed at himself and then said, "I'm in a hurry. I want to know what happened just now when you were fighting."

"I don't know what happened just now. Wang Yun rushed towards me with the bone spear and used a move called" dragon bone and ghost stab ". I couldn't avoid it at that time, so I had to fight back with the sword move. At that time, a terrible dragon roar burst out from Wang Yun, and I felt dizzy. But just after the Dragon roar, there were colorful rays, Then Wang Yun lay on the ground. It's strange to say that after I was wrapped up by the glow, I felt dizzy in my head all right... "

Since Luo Zheng chose to swallow Wang Yun's bone spear, he was ready for this speech. In this speech, there were seven parts of truth, three parts of falsehood, and the mixture of falsehood and truth, so it was impossible to identify his truth.

"Colorful glow?" Elder Xu's head turns quickly, but he thinks that the rays are so magical that he can repair the injured soul in an instant. You should know that even the elixir used by Qingyun sect to repair the soul is not effective immediately. If the soul is seriously injured, the elixir is not necessarily useful! The soul is a very fragile thing, and it is very troublesome to repair.

"Colorful glow? Is it the light of the seven star grass? It's impossible. There can't be such a divine thing in the eastern region. "Shi Jingtian couldn't understand it. Qixingcao also belongs to a legendary plant. It's said that as long as it's close to qixingcao, it will emit seven colors of light, which can recuperate people's spirits. However, the birth of this kind of divine herb will inevitably cause the color change of heaven and earth. Tibet can't be hidden. It's absolutely impossible to live in Luozheng and Xizang Wang Yun is on anyone.

Seeing that Shi Jingtian was successfully misled by Luo Zheng, Luo Zheng also laughed in his heart. At the same time, he said, "I don't know what happened. Even if these things happened, I don't know what happened to elder martial brother Wang Yun now."

At this time, a deacon had checked Wang Yun's body, and then said: "tell master Shi, elder Xu, Wang Yun doesn't seem to be in any serious trouble, but he fainted for a while."

Master Shi nodded. He glanced at Luo Zheng, but his brow was deeply wrinkled. After asking Luo Zheng, the mystery is not less, but more and more!

"I'll help Wang Yun wake up and ask him first." Xu elder hands flashing green true yuan, went to Wang Yun body, those true yuan continuously into Wang Yun body.

After a while, Wang Yun blinked his eyes. Then he woke up and asked, "where am I?"

At the moment, Luo Zheng is still a little nervous. After all, Wang Yun has fought with him, and his dragon bone spear has been eaten by himself. If he finds out, he is afraid that he will be in trouble.

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