Wang Yun just woke up, obviously still a little confused, but when he reached out his hand, he found that his dragon bone spear was missing!

"My dragon bone spear!" Wang Yun was shocked.

This dragon bone spear is a very important weapon for Wang Yun. After a long time of use, it has a sense of heart to heart communication with the dragon bone spear, but now Wang Yun can't feel the existence of the dragon bone spear.

"Wang Yun, did you put your weapon in Xumi commandment?" Elder Xu frowned and asked.

Elder Xu and Shi Jingtian didn't see Wang Yun's dragon bone spear. They thought he had collected it.

"No!" Wang Yun also doubted that he had made a mistake. He searched through his Xumi commandment, but still didn't find his dragon bone spear, "it's impossible! Why did my dragon bone spear disappear? " Wang Yun said as he looked at Luo Zheng, with a suspicious look in his eyes.

Luo Zheng waved his hand to show that he didn't know.

"Wang Yun, what happened when he just fought with Luo Zheng? What's the matter with the last roar of the dragon? " Elder Xu asked again. Although he had just asked Luo Zheng, Luo Zheng's words did not reveal his doubts.

Wang Yun is trying to recall the whereabouts of his dragon spear, but he was stunned by the roar of the Dragon at the moment when he fought with Luo Zheng, and he was a little confused about the fighting with Luo Zheng.

"I just remember that at the moment when Luo Zheng was fighting, there was a terrible dragon roar. When that dragon roar burst out, my head turned black, my consciousness became blurred, and I had no impression of the things behind," Wang Yun shook his head, obviously trying to remember.

Luo Zheng is relieved to hear Wang Yun say that. If Wang Yun insists that the Dragon roar was made by himself, he may be in some trouble today. After all, he scattered and broadcasted Tianmo Zhenyuan in advance to block his sight. This alone will cause doubt. Which one of Shi Jingtian and elder Xu is not a human spirit? It's not so easy to fool them.

"Is this dragon roar from your dragon bone spear? Why is it so powerful? Could it be that your dragon bone spear completely exploded at that moment, and that's why it released such a powerful dragon roar? " Seeing that Wang Yunji was not clear, elder Xu asked about his speculation.

"Is that true?" Wang Yun was also a little uncertain. Although he could not remember what happened at that time, the last roar of the dragon was far more than the roar of the dragon that he used the dragon's bone spear to stimulate. The roar of the Dragon shocked him like a red hot iron on his heart. I'm afraid it will be indelible all his life.

The question is, where did the Dragon roar come from?

Wang Yun still remembers that when Wang Dai, the master of weapon refining, built the dragon's dragon bone spear for him, he told him that there was still a ghost of the dragon in the dragon's spine. However, the dragon's spine and that ghost may be tens of thousands of years old. With the passage of time, this ghost is on the verge of collapse and is very weak.

However, Wang Dai didn't break up the ghost. Instead, he sealed the ghost with the array script. From the point of view of Wang Dai's great master of weapon refining, he felt that the ghost had already lost the ability to resist. If the seal was in it, it would increase the spirit of the Dragon's Dragon spear.

Is that a wisp of ghost broke the seal at this time, and then chose to explode?

Thinking of this, Wang Yun said his thoughts.

Elder Xu nodded. This explanation is the closest to the truth so far, but there is still a big doubt, that is, the problem of Xiaguang. Elder Xu asked: "Wang Yun, do you see the colorful Xiaguang involved in your mind?"

"Colorful glow?" Wang Yun was a little confused. He couldn't see the colorful glow after he fainted.

"Don't you feel that your soul is stronger?" Elder Xu asked.

"My soul?" Xu Changyi reminded Wang Yun that his soul seemed more stable and more sensitive! In other words, his soul became stronger!

With the method of Qingyun sect, we can only produce some secret medicines that can warm and nourish the soul. These secret medicines have a certain repairing effect on the soul. If we want to strengthen the soul, I'm afraid we need to take them for decades, and the effect is very little. But Wang Yun's soul strength has increased a lot at this moment. How can Wang Yun not like it?

Because of the loss of Jiaolong's bone spear, he was very dispirited and depressed.

If you change a person, I'm afraid to faint again, but Wang Yun is not only gifted, but also his luck is also very strong! Although the loss of jiaolongspear was a blow to him, Wang Yun was confident that he would get a better inheritance with his own luck.

For example, after the explosion of Wang Yun's dragon bone spear, his soul has made great progress. In contrast, he is more willing to contribute the dragon bone spear to enhance his soul. After all, there are too few and too difficult means to enhance his soul.

Weapons, however, are extraneous. There will never be better weapons in the future.

He didn't know that the reason why his soul was strengthened was that Luo Zheng gave it to him. Of course, Luo Zheng would not be bored to tell him about it.After elder Xu asked twice, there was no better explanation, so he had to give it up.

However, before he left, Shi Jingtian took a deep look at Luo Zheng. Although from the beginning to the end, even Shi Jingtian didn't see anything wrong or any clue, but with his intuition, Shi Jingtian suspected that this matter must have a great connection with Luo Zheng.

However, Shi Jingtian just guessed, and Luo Zheng was his good-looking disciple after all. Even if he had any secrets, it was his chance. He really had nothing to interfere with.

The impact of this contest is too great.

It can be said that except for a few or two disciples such as Hua Tianming and Pei TIANYAO, almost all of them were more or less affected.

Many of the disciples' souls were damaged and had to swallow the medicine to warm their souls. Fortunately, elder Xu did it in time, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.

After finishing, the referee on the match field changed another person, and the whole peak big match continued!

Wang Yun's defeat shocked too many people, and Luo Zheng rose to a terrible height in people's minds.

How many people can be safe under that level of dragon roar? Many people think that Luo Zheng is the only one who won the first place in the contest.

But there are also arguments against it.

Pei TIANYAO's strength is far from the bottom. Huatianming hasn't drawn the sword yet, while Li Yifeng, the first person in Qingyun list, hasn't appeared yet!

Luo Zheng's ability to resist the terrible roar of the Dragon proved that his soul was extremely powerful, but what about that?

When fighting, it's not only the soul, but also the skill and the application of Zhenyuan. Everyone's characteristics are different. You can't say that Luo Zheng's soul strength is the first. He won the first place in the whole peak by virtue of this. No matter how strong his soul is, can he resist Hua Tianming's sword? Is his soul strong enough to break Pei TIANYAO's defense?

So there are still many disciples who think that the real victory or defeat of Quanfeng Dabi has not been decided yet!

In addition to the three, the competition of reincarnation is still going on. Now with the competition, the ranking of the major peaks has been basically determined.

Now among the top three disciples are Hua Tianming of Tianyi peak and Luo Zheng of Xiaoyu peak, so the first and second of 33rd peak will be produced in the competition between them.

In other words, Xiaoyu peak, which was originally the penultimate peak, will definitely become the top two of the 33 peaks! If Luo Zheng defeats Hua Tianming, then xiaoyufeng will jump from the bottom first to the positive first!

33 Feng's ranking results will bring earth shaking changes to xiaoyufeng. This change does not only come from the internal and external cases, but also from the increase of the reward of pills, and the status of xiaoyufeng's disciples will change qualitatively! Moreover, the resources of Qingyun sect will be more inclined to build a secret place for cultivation on Xiaoyu peak. There are many kinds of benefits, which are hard to describe.

So even if the final battle situation and results are not out, the whole Xiaoyu peak has been boiling.

No matter the inner or outer disciples of xiaoyufeng, their eyes are shining with excitement at the moment. At the beginning, many disciples of xiaoyufeng, who was selected as the penultimate of 33 peaks, were very decadent, but who could have thought of it? There is a magic disciple on Xiaoyu peak. Only Luo Zheng, who is born with two characters, takes Xiaoyu peak into the top two with one person's strength!

This achievement is unimaginable for the disciples of xiaoyufeng, but it really happened in front of them.

Zhang Wuxian, Zhou Xian and Mo can's eyes are also shining with excitement. As Luo Zheng's good friends, they are as proud and honored as many disciples of xiaoyufeng.

Although they have seen the strength of Luo Zheng, they also believe that Luo Zheng is extraordinary, so they believe that Luo Zheng can get a good result! At the beginning of Quanfeng Dabi, they thought that Luo Zheng could at least enter the top 100. However, Luo Zheng easily crossed the top 100, and then the top 80, the top 50, the top 20, the top 10, the top 5, and the top 3

Every step that Luo Zheng takes is a miracle. If Quanfeng Dabi is a drama full of miracles, then at the end of the drama, it is necessary to prove that Luo Zheng is the real son of miracles!

Tutor Wen's eyes are full of joy. For him, it's enough, it's enough! Xiaoyufeng ranked second among the 33 peaks, which has already made him satisfied.

"Luo Yan, Luo Zheng's sister at that time, also brought yunvfeng to the second place with her own strength. Unexpectedly, three years later, Luo Zheng copied this miracle again," sighs a tutor of xiaoyufeng.

Wen shook his head and said, "no, Luo Zheng is stronger than Luo Yan!"

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