Luo Zheng was stunned by the big hole on the wall. He didn't expect that Mo Yijian's sword would cause such an effect!

Almost without any hesitation, he went straight into the hole.

There are also many disciples of Xiong clan and Shennong clan outside the wall. When the smoke and dust wall appears, these people can't help but wait outside.

I didn't expect that there was a hole in the wall, from which a man came out!

"Doesn't it mean that the smoke and dust wall can't be broken at all?"

"How could anyone escape from it?"

"Damn it, stop him!"

Ji Changjin's goal is to annihilate all the elite of Tiangong. Naturally, no one is allowed to escape from it.

"Stop me? I want to die

Luo Zheng showed a cold breath.

There are many people left outside who are weak in soul cultivation.

Even if he is the same level of indigo soul as Luo Zheng, Luo Zheng has the ability to kill them, not to mention those Yang spirits who have never been in Indigo?

In this wall, Luo Zheng and others were frustrated by the winning fish. He had already accumulated anger in his heart. He saw that the Yang spirits were attacking him, and a white cyclone appeared on the surface of his soul.

"Mind the sword!"

The sharp heart reading sword was formed directly from Luo Zheng's eyebrows and shot towards the front.

The invisible sword circled in the air and directly killed the front six people. Three of the six people were close to the indigo soul level!

The disciples of the bear clan in the back were shocked. The guy who came out of the smoke wall was too terrible. He killed six people face to face. I'm afraid all of them are not his opponents!

"Back up!"

"Off the other side!"

"Don't fight with this guy!"

The rest of the people either retreat quickly or leave the other side directly.

Luo Zheng didn't pursue them. He didn't have the means to trap them now. If these people left the other side, they would have nothing to do with them.

The key is that Ling Shuang and they are still trapped in the smoke wall. It's hard to deal with the huge fish called by Ji Changjin. He wants to rescue them as soon as possible.

He looked at his feet. Although he came out of the smoke wall, the blue light was still shining at his feet, and the entangled soul silk did not disappear!

Luo Zheng tried to leave the other side immediately, but he still failed.

"Go to the temple first, find out the solution to these entangled soul silk," Luo Zheng's eyes twinkled.

His physical body has reached the other side of the four heavens. When he has changed his physical body into the other side, you should let the bears and Shennong people see what real fear is!


Luo Zheng's Yang soul turned into a sharp arrow and went straight to the temple of heaven.

In the distance, the disciples of Xiong clan and Shennong clan saw this scene and did not stop them.

The temple of taiyitiangong is now on alert. All the disciples of taiyitiangong dare not step out of the temple and guard at the entrance of the temple one by one.

"Who's coming! Show me your soul sign

When Luo Zheng approached taiyitian palace, someone cheered at him.

We can't see Luo Zheng's appearance clearly, and we are afraid that Luo Zheng is a spy sent by the Xiong clan.

With a wave of his hand, Luo Zheng showed his lines.

After checking, the people in Tiangong put Luo Zheng in. At the same time, several people gathered around to ask Luo Zheng.

"What happened?"

"Why did you come back alone?"

"What about ye Shang? He hasn't come back yet. He seems to be trapped in that wall, too! "

Ji Changjin's plan was so sudden that no one escaped from the smoke wall. The disciples of Tiangong realized that it was bad, but they didn't know what happened inside the wall.

"Now is not the time to discuss this," Luo Zheng said coldly, "help me find a way to get rid of these entangled threads."

Those Tiangong disciples thought that Luo Zheng was timid and only wanted to return to his mother's world. They said one after another, "please make it clear first!"

"We can find a way to save them!"

"It's absolutely safe in the temple. They dare not come in. Don't be too timid!"

These Tiangong disciples even thought that Luo Zheng was afraid, so they were eager to leave the other side.


Luo Zheng sneered and arrested one of them.

Although that person is also indigo soul level, but under the pressure of Luo Zheng's momentum, he has no resistance!

"I managed to escape from it, just to save them, and expect you a group of waste in the temple?" Luo Zheng said angrily, "tell me the way to remove the entangled soul silk!"

The man then said, "in the soul room, where all negative states can be eliminated..."

"Take me," ordered Luo Zheng.

After that man took Luo Zheng away, this group of people in the temple also talked about it.

"Is this guy scared?""Look at him, I'm afraid he'll never come to the other side again..."

"It's selfish to only care about our own lives. The walls still trap so many of our elite Tiangong. If they are damaged, Tiangong will lose too much. Alas!"

The rest of them were groaning, and they couldn't help.

Luo Zheng was brought all the way into the soul clean room. When he stepped into the clean room, the lines on the wall lit up.

As the light continued to flicker, Luo Zheng saw the twining thread under his feet quickly fade away

When the entangled soul silk completely disappeared, Luo Zheng had already cast the breaking magic spell, left the other side, and his consciousness returned to his room.

As soon as he opened his eyes, a flame spread out of his body, completely wrapped himself, and his body returned to the other side.


As soon as he entered the other side, he galloped towards the three temples. On the way, he passed the great bear bottom statue of the bear family. He didn't dodge at all. He ran into it directly.


This bear bottom statue standing at the entrance of the temple for countless years was directly damaged by Luo Zheng and fell to the ground with a roar.

"Who is it?"

"Dare to destroy my statue of the bear family!"

"Eat bear heart leopard gall?"

In front of the temple of the bear clan, several Yang spirits rushed out.

Luo Zheng didn't look at them at all. While he was running, he suddenly kicked at his feet. Some flying stones were like arrows towards the temple gate.

The power of the body is much stronger than that of the soul. It's just a random kick, which is far more powerful than the strongest power of the indigo soul level. Most of the flying stones are directly embedded in the columns of the temple. If they hit the Yang soul, they will directly scatter their souls!

It's not that Luo Zheng is fond of killing. After all, the bear clan has dug out their mind to kill the disciples of the heavenly palace. If it wasn't for Mo Yijian's amazing sword, Luo Zheng would have fed the fish now.

To be kind to the enemy is to be cruel to himself. Now he is in a hurry to save others, otherwise he will completely tear down the temple of the bear clan.

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