For Luo Zheng's escape, Ji Changjin is really surprised.

I didn't expect that Mo Yijian's sword made the wall brittle and cut a big hole.

But Ji Changjin didn't care about it very much. After all, he only escaped from one person, which was insignificant. As for the hole, it was quickly blocked by the people of Shennong clan.

What really surprised Ji Changjin was that the group of Tiangong disciples trapped by him showed amazing strength one by one in the face of life and death.

Just when Luo Zheng was trapped, ye Shang was carrying Mo Yijian on his back.

Because Luo Zheng involved a considerable number of winning fish, ye Shang and they were able to escape. However, when they saw Luo Zheng forced into a corner by the winning fish, their mood was also very depressed. Their five attack not only failed, but also damaged Luo Zheng.

Ye Shang returns to the other side with Mo Yijian, and the crowd defends against the wall again.

"Luo Zheng Swallowed by the winning fish? " When Gao Qizheng heard Ye Shang's words, his face was full of disbelief.

The other elite disciples were also surprised.

"It's too impulsive..."

"Well, he's just going first. I'm afraid we can't escape."

"The big fish are coming."

Five people rushed out, but only one died, and it was an acceptable result to kill Ji Changjin. Unfortunately, the whole situation didn't turn for the better.

They gathered together again and showed their ability to press the bottom of the box.

But these winning fish are not bigger than before. They are not only huge, but also have amazing defense. It is quite difficult to kill them only by the power of the soul.

With the increasing number of winning fish, people's pressure is also increasing, and soon there will be casualties, morale also began to rapidly decline.

"It's over, it's over..."

"I didn't expect to die on the other side like this!"

"I'm not reconciled!"

Ling Shuang hears the words of those dejected, the pupil of the eye twinkles light.

Among these people present, only Ling Shuang knows that Luo Zheng is not dead. Instead, he rushes out of the wall!

The mark she left in Luo Zheng's soul at the beginning can clearly detect Luo Zheng's position!

But Ling Shuang doesn't know what day Luo Zheng's body is in. If he can drive his body back to the other side, the crisis may be solved.

But looking at the way everyone wanted to give up, she was also very hesitant.

There are only a few people who know about Luo Zheng's body entering the other side. She doesn't want to reveal it.

After thinking for a while, Ling Shuang said: "we don't have to be too pessimistic. We still have reinforcements in Tiangong!"


"It's all like this. Where can we get reinforcement?"

"Unless the elders of our family force the bears to stop, the bears are flourishing these years. Obviously, they have a plan for this..."

Quite a number of elite disciples in the heavenly palace are trapped here, but the strong in the desire world can't return to the color world, and they can't count on those elders to help. This is a lonely place.

"There must be, I promise," said Ling Shuang positively.

Ling Shuang is aware that Luo Zheng has left the other side. He moves so fast that he may have changed his body and returned to the other side. Although everyone thinks Ling Shuang's idea is naive, his morale is still encouraged to a certain extent.

Although everyone's desire for survival is strong, it is still difficult to face up to these winning fish.

The number of fish in the wall is almost doubled.

For example, ye Shang and others tried their best to kill a number of them, but more of them continued to kill them

"Ah My hand

There was a scream and the arm was swallowed by the winning fish.

"Help, help!"

Unfortunately, another person was dragged out by the winning fish. In an instant, he was wrapped by hundreds of winning fish, and the Yang soul was completely engulfed.

One after another, some people died under the mouth of yingyu, and the disciples of Tiangong rioted again. Once the formation broke up, it accelerated their death.

With a series of sad calls, more than ten people were dragged down by yingyu!

Seeing that the front was getting more and more chaotic, Ling Shuang's face darkened and immediately clasped the magic soul necklace with both hands.


The blue light blooms from the magic soul necklace, and there is a unique breath in the light. When the breath is released, the winning fish suddenly get into a riot and retreat one after another.

"This necklace is amazing. I must get it!"

Ji Changjin also felt the breath, and his face was surprised.

Because of their fear, the winning fish got out of his control for a short time!

But the ability of the magic soul necklace can't be used indefinitely. The breath only lasted for about ten breaths and then began to fade. The light of the magic soul necklace was much dimmer, and even the sword couldn't be called out.

When the breath of decline, the original retreat of the fish to win again.This time, most people gave up resistance.

Both vertical and horizontal are dead, and it is especially ridiculous to resist.

Ling Shuang sits on the steps of an altar and purses her mouth. She is full of doubts. Is she wrong? Did Luo Zheng really run away? Or is his body not in the fourth heaven, so he can't catch up?

I'm afraid this doubt can't be revealed until death. Ling Shuang's face is full of lonely color, but others can't see it.

Just when everyone was in despair, they suddenly heard a sound of knowing, then came the sound of tearing.

People follow the past, see the left not far from the strange appeared a crack!

A pair of hands tore open this crack directly, expand ceaselessly at the same time, then drill in a person!

Their soul perception is clear, this person is not the soul, but the physical existence!

"Who is he?"

"Why did a body come in?"

"Isn't it a rumor before? Someone enters the sea of true meaning with his body. Is it really this person? "

Although they were puzzled, they did not know whether he was a friend or an enemy.

These people in Tiangong have lost their fighting spirit. Ji Changjin was going to drive yingyu to give Tiangong disciples a fatal blow. Suddenly, he found that the change was also in a daze. Before he asked, he saw that the man stepped on the altar.


It's just a stomp, and an altar to win fish has been turned into pieces

The fish that came out of the altar suddenly lost its flesh and blood and dissolved in the air once with bones.

"What are you doing?" Ji long this greatly anxious, hastily roar a way.

The bear clan inadvertently communicated with the fish winning clan on the other side, and then they were able to obtain these altars. Each altar is extremely precious. Ji Changjin sacrificed here. He never thought anyone could destroy it!

Where did the man care about Ji Changjin? Even though his figure jumped up, he fell on the second altar and stepped down with both feet.


The second altar burst apart, and many of the winning fish lost their flesh and bones.

Every time he jumped out of an arc, he crushed a fish winning altar. In the blink of an eye, he crushed more than ten altars.

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