In the chaos, another Hunyuan Spirit fell down. Under the mutual phagocytosis of Hunyuan spirit, it strengthened itself to a very strong point.

However, the speed of Hunyuan spirit is not fast. Although its defense is amazing, it can only become a moving target in the face of the outstanding people and talents of different races.

There is a light curtain over the body surface of a lunatic.

This light curtain can distort the light and make it completely invisible.

It's hard to detect her existence without divine exploration.

When she saw that Hunyuan Spirit fell down, she crossed an arc in the air with extremely keen speed, reached out and put a handful of Hunyuan spirit into her Xumi ring.

Hunyuan, she has about 300 achievements.

Her brother is still in the Falun. It's too dangerous outside. More than 100 Hunyuan spirits can be given to her brother.

Full of joy, the Yueling people rushed towards a Dharma array not far away.

Entering the array means absolute security, not to mention that no one is aware of her existence in such chaos!

When she saw that the distance between FA Zhen and her was less than ten Zhang, a huge shadow shrouded her.

The moon spirit clansman noticed something was wrong and raised his head subconsciously.

A huge Liyuan clan came down from the sky. A brown sledgehammer in his hand burst out with a powerful force from the other side and crashed down.


This month, the body of the Ling people was directly smashed by the Liyuan people. The Liyuan people reached out and grabbed her Xumi ring, threw the debris on the ground, took away the Hunyuan spirit, and walked into the Dharma array ten feet away.

The younger brother of the Yueling clansman in the falian was hiding inside. After witnessing all this, his face was dull.

The Liyuan people looked at the Yueling people with disgust. "This Hunyuan spirit was killed by the Liyuan people. The Yueling people came to rob it. They didn't know how to live or die!"

If there is no protection of Falun, the Liyuan people will be killed together with the Yueling people.

In front of the super power, the general minority does not have much say at all.

On the other side.

Hozer sacrificed a purple vine.

The vines grow continuously around a Hunyuan spirit.

The vine is very tough and can't be hurt by sword. Even if the spirit of Hunyuan breaks the vine, it can grow quickly.

The Hunyuan spirit roared and roared continuously, but there was no place to pour out his strength, and he could only struggle in vain.

Behind Hunyuan's spirit, Ling Shuang and her two bodies hold the sword at the same time, which turns into the sword light all over the sky.


The sword lights were like silver clouds suspended in mid air.

All the swords merged continuously, from ten thousand swords to five thousand swords, from five thousand swords to more than two thousand swords, one thousand, five hundred

Finally, it becomes a highly concise sword light.

"Taiyi Lingxi sword chop!"


The sword went straight to the spirit of Hunyuan and hit it on the back.


The invincible Lingxi sword still can't break the defense of Hunyuan's spirit. Lingshuang doesn't have too many accidents.

Before Hunyuan spirit falls into fatigue, its defense is unbreakable.

However, the energy of Hunyuan spirit will be consumed quickly. Cut a few more swords. After the crystal of Hunyuan spirit is tired, the Hunyuan spirit will be killed easily.


After a round of lingshuang's attack, the colorful stone followed closely, and blasted at the back of Hunyuan's spirit.

Lan Qing's attack is not as sharp as Ling Shuang's and Feng GE's, but the attack frequency is extremely intensive. The moment in the colorful stone boom naturally disappears and reappears in Lan Qing's hands. With Lan Qing's slight throwing, it smashes again.

The Phoenix song on one side also offered sacrifices to the king of Shiqiu, cutting out countless blazing swords

Chou Si is embarrassed at the moment. Previously, he used the chain of birth puppet again, but now he can only watch around and remind occasionally.

Under the constant siege of the people, the Hunyuan spirit finally fell into fatigue. The huge body was dismembered, and the Hunyuan spirit that integrated into its body flowed all over the place.

Seeing the amber crystal, everyone's faces showed a trace of joy.

A Hunyuan spirit contains 2000 Hunyuan spirit crystals. No wonder it is so powerful.

However, once they kill this thing, their harvest is also quite rich. This crystal of Hunyuan spirit is enough for more than ten people to rebuild Hunyuan!

At the moment they just killed, three figures flew by.

These three people are from Shennong clan. Judging from their clothes and appearance, they should be three brothers.

The three of them had been watching for a long time in the dark. At the moment when the Hunyuan Spirit fell, they rushed to the pile of Hunyuan spirits while they were all converging.

"Big brother! Take itSaid one of the moustaches.

Another strong man bared his upper body and gently waved his hand. All the crystal of Hunyuan spirit on the ground was included in his Xumi commandment.

"Look! Die

Fengge's eyes were red when she saw this scene.

In order to smash this Hunyuan spirit, they also fought hard for a long time. Where can others snatch it?

In her eyes, there was a flash of gold, and the king of Shiqiu wielded his sword with more than a thousand left hands at the same time.

"Ten thousand swords!"

The awns of a thousand long swords are interlaced and become a dense sword net.

"Return to one!"

Shiqiu King's left hand also cut a sword.

This three-dimensional sword net is like a cage, holding a more amazing sword awn. The sword awn is mixed with the golden and black magic fire, sending out a burning breath to the three brothers.

It's not only Fengge that gets involved. Ling Shuang also brews Taiyi sword Jue, Huo Ze, Lan Qing and other Jiuli people. Some later Tiangong disciples also attack the three brothers.

The three brothers also have a long history among the Shennong people. Although their strength is not as good as that of "Shan" and "Mu Mu", they also follow closely.

If you dare to capture the spirit of Hunyuan in front of all the people in Tiangong, you will be quite confident in your own skills.

"The land of shadows!"

The first one of the three brothers patted on the Tianling cover, and a black gem floated from the top of his head.

As the gem spins, the bodies of the three gradually become empty.

"The stone of darkness?" When Chou Si saw the gem, his eyebrows suddenly picked.

This stone is a mysterious other shore keepsake. Once it is activated, it can let itself and the people around it enter a unique state. In this state, all attacks are useless.


Countless swords came out of their bodies. The bodies of the three brothers of Shennong clan were like ripples on the water. They just rippled for a while, but they were not hurt!

Seeing this, the faces of the disciples of the heavenly palace suddenly sank.

The three brothers of Shennong clan had a proud smile on their faces, and the leader said, "go! We will be safe when we enter the array! "

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