After the three brothers of Shennong clan entered the Dharma array, the disciples of Tiangong could only stare.

They can refine these Hunyuan spirits safely, and even give the extra Hunyuan spirits to other Shennong clans.

In the state of shadow, the three brothers move very slowly.

However, no matter how the Tiangong people attack, they will not be affected at all. It is only a matter of time before they enter the array.

Ling Shuang, Feng Ge and others attacked several times, but they had no effect with several means, and their faces became very ugly.

"It's no use!" The tallest of the three brothers laughed and said triumphantly.

"The level of energy is not enough to break through the shadow," says Chou Hsien, who is relatively calm.

Feng Ge said with a straight face: "what is the energy level?"

Chou Si stared at the three people of Shennong clan who were constantly moving. After thinking about it, he immediately said, "all the forces in chaos can be explained as the flow of energy, but the energy itself is high and low..."

Although he didn't have much contact with these knowledge, he still understood the classification of energy levels.

Zhenyuan is the lowest energy flow. Most of the creatures in the inner world are Zhenyuan.

When Zhenyuan is condensed to the extreme, it is Shinto. As a kind of energy, the flow efficiency of Daoyun of Shinto is much higher than that of Zhenyuan, which is the second level of energy.

The power of the other shore Keepsake belongs to the third level, which is also the most widely used level of the strong in the mother world.

But the other side Keepsake itself has all kinds of strange abilities, especially the energy contained in the mysterious other side Keepsake can often reach a higher level. For example, this "Shadow Realm" is not difficult to break. As long as it can be touched or even affected, the shadow realm will be automatically lifted.

Some other keepsakes have unique abilities to break through the shadow.

But the present Tiangong disciples didn't have such ability, so they could only watch the three brothers drift away slowly.

At this time, it was not only the Tiangong disciples present, qiuyin river at the gate of Hunyuan world, Lin zhanting and the leaders of other mountains who were angry.

The Hunyuan spirit that they just got was robbed by the Shennong clan, and the cooked duck just flew away. How could they not be angry?

The leader of Shennong clan looked at qiuyin river with a sneer on his face. Only this time can ten members of Shennong clan be rebuilt. How can they be unhappy?

When the three brothers just moved a distance of one or two Zhang, Luo Zheng and Luo Yan came around from the other side.

He had just sealed the eye of the mind with Luo Yan. Seeing that all the disciples of the heavenly palace were murderous and helpless, he was slightly stunned and asked, "what happened?"

"They robbed us of the spirit of Hunyuan!" Feng Song said angrily.

"Take it away?"

Luo Zheng's eyes flashed, and the snow sword gently picked, and a cold light hit the three brothers face to face.


The sword ran through the three people in an instant. Their figures just flashed slightly, and the three brothers burst out laughing at the same time.

"The boy thought he could hurt us!"

"What a fool

"Most of the Tiangong disciples are ignorant. Forgive them!"

The three brothers were even more proud. Their speed of drifting was very slow. When they saw Luo Zheng, they turned a corner and moved towards Luo Zheng. The meaning of provocation was self-evident.

"Brother Luo Zheng, ordinary means can't break the shadow realm," Chou Hsien suggested, "but it's said that the Shadow Realm itself is very fragile, and it's very easy to be disturbed, because the stone of the Shadow Realm obtained by the shadow Temple of the thirteenth heaven is the lowest level."

"Hum, even if it's the lowest level of the dark stone, it's not the garbage of your heavenly palace that can be broken," one of the three Shennong brothers snorted coldly.

Luo Zheng's eyebrows were slightly raised, and there was a trace of red light in his right eye pupil. After the power of fear bloomed, he rushed to the three people.

"The power of fear?"

"So can this boy?"

The three brothers of Shennong clan felt the power of fear and were also startled.

But the power of fear still failed to disturb the shadow, and directly passed through the three people's bodies.

Next to Luo Yan eyebrow gently a Cu, scarlet wa shadow from her body bloom out, a thin red tentacles also toward three people, but still no effect.

Sorrow sighed, then said: "the energy level of different, the gap will be very big, this shadow of the realm can't break."

"Levels of energy..."

Luo Zheng's eyes were fixed.

This is not the first time that Luo Zheng heard this saying. In order to break the Yin Yang cauldron of Chunjun in the East, he used the truth Fangjing at that time.

The reason why the energy of truth cube can break the Yin Yang cauldron is that the energy level is higher than that of Yin Yang cauldron.

"Give up, Luo Zheng, and we'll find other Hunyuan spirits," Ling Shuang said.The biggest Hunyuan spirit is entangled by the people of bear, Jinwu, Shennong and other ethnic groups. There are many other small Hunyuan spirits. It's troublesome to kill Hunyuan spirit, but it's better than wasting time here.

Fengge's eyes are also on the other side to find new targets.

Looking at the three brothers of Shennong clan walking past under his own eyes, Luo Zheng gently stretched out his hand, and a small green square crystal appeared in his palm.

The eyes of the three members of Shennong clan converged on the green square crystal surface.

This green square crystal can be used to resist the enemy when Luo Zhengshang is in the true divine realm, and it is powerful.

But Luo Zheng lacks the blood of the ancient god of chaos, and can't develop more truth Fangjing. Naturally, the pure power of "star falling hand" is not enough.

The three brothers couldn't recognize the truth Fangjing, but they didn't realize how powerful it was under observation, but they didn't panic at all.

With Luo Zheng's hand down.

A green whirlpool appeared on the top of the three brothers' heads. Under the whirlpool, a little green star light fell down.

Seeing the power of the falling star hand, Luo Zheng also had a bitter smile in his heart. It was too weak to rely on a piece of truth.

When Feng Ge and others see the star light, they don't agree. The power of the star light is not as strong as one ten thousandth of their efforts

But all the people at the gate of Hunyuan big world, after seeing the emerald green energy, their faces were all blue!

"This is..."

"The energy of truth level?"

"It's weak, but it's real."

Many leaders have judged the level of energy contained in the "falling star hand".

After seeing this, qiuyinhe was shocked again and subconsciously looked at Lin zhanting.

They didn't expect that Luo Zheng still had this hand?

What does he have to do with chaos?

Standing on the top of the snow mountain, Fuxi saw the green light of the hand of the falling star, but his face didn't change at all. At the bottom of the chaos, he already knew the result.

In order to break through the shadow, Fuxi didn't feel any surprise.

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