The three brothers of Shennong clan were in a virtual state, like three ghosts floating in the air.

The methods that Tiangong disciples have tried before are all passed by without disturbing them at all.

However, the shadow realm also has a great disadvantage. They rely on the stone of the dark realm to maintain a delicate balance. If they don't pay attention to it, the balance will be broken. Therefore, they are very careful and slow in moving.

This little green star falls down like a pebble thrown into the lake. It is too weak to cause real damage to the other shore.

But this starlight didn't pass through their bodies like other people's attack means, no doubt hit the three brothers!


At the moment of starlight blooming, the three figures were like broken mirrors, bursting out cracks and fragments.

The three brothers of Shennong clan stumbled out of the shadow world after the fragments were quickly stripped from the surface of their bodies

Three brothers obviously did not expect that the appearance is not amazing a little starlight can cause such effects!

Fengge, lingshuang and others also stare big eyes. After all, the power of the "falling star hand" is too weak to be ignored, so it's too outrageous to break the shadow realm.

"It's the level of energy..." He murmured.

He was more confused than others.

When he saw Luo Zheng sacrifice the starlight, he didn't feel the movement of the power of the other side. Instead, he coagulated a green square crystal. This square crystal is not the Taoist implication of Shinto, nor can it be the true yuan meditation. The only possibility is blood.

But the energy level of blood power can only reach about three levels. The energy level of some weak blood power is similar to that of Shinto. What kind of blood is Luo Zheng?

The conjecture of sorrow and death is completely intuitive, but it is infinitely close to the truth.

But in my memory, the blood power of many super forces could not have such a high energy level

The three brothers of Shennong clan are also stupid.

Although they are not weak in Shennong, how can they fight against so many Tiangong disciples?

However, the three brothers were also the best of Shennong clan. When the Shadow Realm was broken, one of them turned his hands, and two ghost swords suddenly appeared in his hands. He opened his bow from left to right and cut at Luo Zheng.

At this distance, he is not afraid of anyone!

But when the dagger just split to Luo Zheng, Luo Zheng's hands had turned into two black hands. At the same time, he looked up and said, "bang! "Bang" with two crisp ring, blade cut Luo Zheng's tiger mouth, could not go further.

"These hands..." The eyes of the man were almost staring out.

Luo Zheng stares at each other indifferently. The power of the other side is surging. His hands are suddenly twisted. The two big knives have been twisted into hemp. If this man does not withdraw his hand in time, his arms will also be twisted into hemp!

"Let's go back!"

Three people a hit not, no longer have the slightest delusion, toward the other side of the retreat.

Now the Shennong clan is working with other big families to deal with the Hunyuan spirit's matrix. As long as they join with their own clan, the Tiangong disciples dare not move them.

But how could they allow them to escape?

Fengge, lingshuang, Mo Yijian and others almost shot at the same time.

Seeing these sharp and powerful swords, one of them yelled: "I, I will return the spirit of Hunyuan to you. Don't, don't kill me!"

The present Tiangong disciples are not three-year-old children. We all know how important the value of Hunyuan spirit is.

This was obtained by Zhongzhong people at the risk of their lives. These guys robbed it. Now they are forced out of their original shape by Luo Zheng, and they want to give it back and write it off? There's never been such a cheap thing in the world.

"If you dare to rob the Hunyuan spirit of our heavenly palace, you have to be ready to lose your life," Luo Zheng said faintly, standing in the same place. Now there is no need for him to do it in person.

Just as the net formed by those swords gathered around the three, a figure fell from the sky and fell on their side.

"Disha guard!"

The man's hands suddenly spread out, and the shadow of a yellow mountain spread out from his body, which immediately enveloped him with the three brothers of Shennong family.

"Ding Ding Zong..."

All kinds of swords cleaved on the virtual shadow of the mountain, making a series of crisp sounds, as if someone was constantly knocking a big bell.

This man is the "mountain" of Shennong clan.

"You Tiangong disciples, the enemy is at hand. Why should we fight each other?" The mountain said calmly.

The origin of "Shan" is very mysterious. Apart from mu mu, he is now the first person of Shennong.

When he was fighting with Hunyuan's spirit matrix, he saw that his people were surrounded and killed by Tiangong disciples. He rushed to stop the attack.

"Fratricidal? Do you shennongs have the face to say this Fengge harshly scolded, "our Hunyuan spirit was taken away by these three people. Since they are looking for death, naturally, no wonder we."Feng song was so scolded, Shan's brow wrinkled, he did not expect the three brothers will do such a thing, listen to him calmly said: "Zhao Chen, the Hunyuan spirit back to them."

When the three brothers saw that the "mountain" appeared at a critical time, they realized that they had a backer, and their arrogance, which had been weakened, became arrogant again.

The Shennong clan is not afraid of Taiyi temple. Besides, there are bears, Jinwu and other clans standing behind the Shennong clan. If they dare to bully them, they will die.

When Zhao Chen, the eldest of the three brothers, was ready to ridicule Fengge, "Shan" asked them to return the spirit of Hunyuan.

"Why give it back to them? Are we afraid of them? " Zhao Chen, the eldest of the three brothers, said defiantly.

Hearing this, Luo Zheng, Luo Yan, Feng Ge, Ling Shuang and others all see a flash of murder. It seems that it's useless to talk nonsense with these guys.

"I'll let you return it. What nonsense?" There was a trace of anger in the eyes of the mountain.

The younger generation of Shennong people are very afraid of "Shan", but "Shan" has a mild personality, no one has ever seen him angry.

After feeling the anger of "mountain", Zhao Chen's three brothers felt a slight tremor in their hearts and quickly poured the spirit of Hunyuan out of Xumi's ring.

That Zhao Chen hand so many Hunyuan spirit back, naturally very distressed, but helpless.

But when the mountain was about to leave with the three brothers, Luo Zheng's voice came faintly, "just give back the spirit of Hunyuan, and it will be ok?"

"Shan" staring at Luo Zheng without expression, while Zhao Chen's three brothers were angry, "we've all returned. What else do you want?"

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