Luo Zheng sat on the metal plate, with a trace of helplessness on his face.

The little monster in his hand gave out a strange laugh, which seemed to laugh at Luo Zheng who fell into the trap.

The metal plate was originally a cage.

Nothing in the ruins belt can block the blue light. No matter who is facing the attack of these little monsters, they will look for a shelter.

Those little monsters deliberately hit a blue light on the metal plate, which is tantamount to reminding Luo Zheng that the metal plate can block the blue light

Luo Zheng pours on the metal plate and is naturally locked in this cage!

Luo Zheng touched the metal plate for a moment, reached out his hand and knocked it gently, which burst out the power of 800 Shenjun.


There was a dull sound from the metal plate, not moved at all.

The metal plate was so strong that it was impossible to break it.

As for the blue light around the metal plate

He took out a yellow shield from Xumi's ring. The shield was dropped by the alien people in Hunyuan world. It was a good treasure on the other side. He grabbed the shield and glanced on the blue light like a fence.

The shield didn't stop the blue light at all. The edge of the shield had been sliced.

Although Luo Zheng is confident in his physical strength, his belief in Zhibao is also vulnerable. He dare not try again with his body.

"Space moving..."

Luo Zheng's idea moves slightly, and he wants to move around.

But his space law can't build any space channel!

The prohibition of space movement in Hunyuan world relies on powerful people to confine the space. Ordinary space magic can't break through the confinement.

But it seems that there is no law of space in this ghost place, and it is impossible to move space.

After several methods have been tried, Luo Zheng can only sit quietly on the iron plate.

The little monster at hand still gave out "chirp" strange laughter. With a frown, he grabbed the little monster and handed it to the fence formed by the blue light.

"Haw haw!"

Although the one eye of these little monsters can release blue light, they are also afraid of blue light.

It is in the hands of Luo Zheng crazy struggle, twisting the body.

Luo Zheng is now a prisoner. Naturally, he won't really kill the little monster. After a scare, the little monster is finally honest. After Luo Zheng let go, he lay on one side and didn't say a word.

"Since these little monsters can set such traps, it shows that their wisdom is not bad. The key is how to communicate with them and how they will deal with themselves..."

Luo Zheng is thinking in the heart, originally scattered in the small monsters around, in the ruins of the jump, has gathered in the metal plate below.

They carried Luo Zheng behind the metal plate and kept jumping among the ruins, lifting Luo Zheng up all the way.

After shuttling up for a long time like this, there are more and more ruins above. However, as the direction turns, Luo Zheng sees a scene that surprises him.

The ruins above have completely disappeared, and in front of Luo Zheng is a city formed by ruins.

Because the whole city is made up of a pile of rags. The materials, colors, sizes, shapes and styles of the connected houses are different, giving people a strange visual impact.

There are small monsters hiding in the cracks at the top, sides and bottom of the houses, quietly looking at the prisoner from a foreign land.

Into the ruins of the city, the little monsters will be metal plate thrown in the middle of the city, have retreated.

The little monster "haw" who was locked in the cage with Luo Zheng called twice. It seemed that he was asking his companion to take him away, but the other little monsters didn't pay attention to it, and obviously didn't mean to get it out of the cage.

Luo Zheng is sitting in the cage, looking at this strange world.

This space is deleted from the whole chaos and will not be erased in the process of deletion.

Just like Luo Zheng, he may feel lonely after being exiled here.

However, there are still creatures in Luo Zheng's inner world. There are not only human beings, but also many other kinds of creatures. He can bring these creatures out to accompany himself, and even reproduce by himself, expanding into a city and a country.

"The origin of these little monsters is probably the same. I don't know what they plan for me..."

Luo Zheng was left here for a long time, and the little monsters who came and went showed a strong interest in Luo Zheng. The big eyes showed a look of curiosity, and even a look of looking at the rare baby.

At the beginning, Luo Zheng didn't realize it, but almost every little monster looked at him like this. Luo Zheng felt a little creepy in his heart.

"Nine five two seven, what do they mean by that look?" Luo Zheng asked.

9527 is also quietly observing the world. It knows that there are some special spaces outside chaos. For example, the other side is a special space at the top of chaos. After the destruction of civilizations of all ages, they will escape to the other side. It is the last refuge and also contains the secret of chaos culture of all ages.Apart from the other side, this is the space.

But this space is a huge dump. When some special circumstances can't be blocked, the chaos ancient god who holds the space will delete it and throw it into the dump.

The owner of 9527 is not the one in charge of space. He doesn't know what's going on in the world. Now he is very curious.

"Maybe I'm going to eat you as food," said 9527 with a smile.

Hearing this, Luo Zheng turned his lips and said, "it's not funny at all..."

The possibility mentioned in 9527 exists. The little monster that Luo Zheng first discovered was looking for the bodies of small animals in the cave. They obviously live on meat.

"It's not likely to eat you, but judging from the expressions of these little monsters, you are very important to them, very important," said 9527.

"I feel it too," Luo Zheng nodded in agreement.

But what is the connection between a human being deleted from his mother world and the aborigines who grew up in this ghost place?

Luo Zheng even suspected that he was the first human to be deleted

After staying in this cage for more than half a day, the biggest house in the distance opened its door, and dozens of small monsters climbed out of it.

The size of these little monsters is obviously a circle larger than that of ordinary little monsters, and a little monster in the center of them is wearing a delicate round gold ring. Look at this posture, the little monster with the gold ring is the most important one here.


After several jumps, these little monsters are close to the cage.

Then there was another "chirp" jump, especially the little monster with the golden ring. He looked at Luo Zheng for a while, and then "chirp" to him. His voice was very soft, as if trying to calm Luo Zheng's mood.

But haw haw haw for a long time, Luo Zheng did not understand a word, he and these little monsters simply can not communicate.

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