Luo Zheng got close to the fence formed by the blue light and said, "no matter what, how about you let me out first?"

Then Luo Zheng pointed to the blue light, and pointed to the outside.

With no language, he had to rely on sign language.

I don't know if the little monster with the golden ring can understand it, but after a while, he left with other little monsters, and only Luo Zheng was left alone in the cage, his face was helpless, and the little monster who had been with Luo Zheng was also helpless.

Three or four hours later, some little monsters sent some raw meat food. They didn't know that Luo Zheng had broken through the valley and thought that Luo Zheng needed to eat as much as they did.

The raw meat is cut from the corpse, even if it has not rotted, how can it be imported?

He looked at him in boredom, and saw the little monster looking at him, so he threw it away.

The little monster's eyes were full of excitement and gratitude, and he ate the raw meat.

"The blue light from the eyes of these little monsters is very powerful, and can directly cause damage to themselves, which shows that their energy level is very high. Why didn't they break the valley and rely on these raw meat for food?" Luo Zheng looked at the little monster and thought.

Energy at the level of Shinto can't hurt Luo Zheng unless it merges with Shinto.

The living beings who have acquired the spirit of Taoism have already entered into the realm of the true God. They need to absorb the aura of heaven and earth in order to display those supernatural powers.

As for the other shore, we need to absorb Shenjing to supplement the power of the other shore.

The energy that these raw meat can supplement is very little, not worth mentioning. It is the most primitive and low-level way. It is logically unreasonable to release the terrible blue light by eating these things.

Moreover, this space has existed for many years. The bodies in the debris Belt should have been dug up by these little monsters, but now they can still dig up the bodies of small animals, which is also a very strange thing.

After two days in captivity, the little monsters finally got something.

All the little monsters in the ruins of the city gathered in this area, arranged neatly.

The little monster with the golden ring was standing on the high ground, shouting "haw" in a loud voice, while the little monsters below responded with a uniform "haw" voice from time to time.

Although Luo Zheng did not understand them, he still understood that this should be some kind of oath.

For example, before the war, or some encouragement before the action

What the hell is this about?

After the little monsters with the golden ring talked for a while, the strongest ones jumped towards Luo Zheng and raised the metal plate again. It seemed that they were going to transport Luo Zheng to other places.

As soon as they set out, a bright red spot appeared in the distance.

Those red spots were very fast. In the blink of an eye, they were over the ruins city. At this time, Luo Zheng could see clearly the original appearance of those things. They were two headed flying snakes with bright red skin.

When the double headed flying snake appeared, the breath of all the little monsters changed. The one eye twinkled with hatred, and a little blue light was brewing in the eyes of the little monsters.

"Whew, whew, whew..."

A blue light towards the top, light and dense!

Looking at these deadly blue lights, Luo Zheng was secretly frightened.

If you can't use the big move, let alone him, even the strong in Hunyuan, and even the existence of qiuyin River, I'm afraid it's hard to escape!

But the two headed flying snakes in the sky are not afraid at all. Under their big heads, they spit out blood red bubbles!

These bubbles are moving at a very high speed. If they are hit by blue light, they will quickly annihilate and cancel out! But more blood red bubbles crossed the blue light and fell down towards the ruined city below.

A red bubble fell not far away from Luo Zheng. At the moment of "Bo", a trace of blood red energy diffused around like lightning, forming an annihilation sphere about 10 meters wide.

All the materials in the sphere are completely ablated!

"The power of these two headed snakes is also terrible..." Luo Zheng looked at the round pit not far away, and his eyelids kept beating.

The falling of the red bubble makes the messy ruins city full of holes, but the blue light also hits some double headed flying snakes, which have no chance of survival.

The hatred between the two races is so strong that they will never die when they meet each other.

"Haw, haw..."

The little monster with the ring screamed at Luo Zheng, and the little monsters under the metal plate fled with their cages. These little monsters were very nervous about Luo Zheng's safety, so they quickly escaped from the battlefield of fierce fighting between the two sides.

But Luo Zheng just moved a distance in the cage, and the two headed flying snakes in the sky went around in one direction and chased Luo Zheng!Now Luo Zheng understands

It seems that they are not only interested in these little monsters, but also in those double headed flying snakes. They come for themselves!

"Hoo Hoo..."

The little monsters escorted Luo Zheng through the ruins, while the two headed flying snake chased him like he would never stop until he reached his goal!

Under such a battle, the casualties are unknown.

But both sides take good care of Luo Zheng. No matter the bubbles from the double headed flying dragon or the blue light from the eyes of the little monsters, they are careful to avoid the cage where Luo Zheng is imprisoned, for fear of hurting Luo Zheng in the cage!

The fierce battle lasted for a long time. The little monsters held Luo Zheng and fought and retreated, but they escaped into another debris belt.

Luo Zheng's eyes lit up just as he jumped onto the debris belt.

At the edge of the debris belt, there was a yellow star floating!

This star is very small, but it's more than a thousand feet in diameter. To Luo Zheng's surprise, on the top of the star stands a huge statue, which is actually a human statue!

Luo Zheng had previously speculated whether he was the first human being to be exiled here. Now it seems that his idea is fallacious.

It seems that many years ago, some people had set foot here

But from the traces in this space, we can see that many civilizations have existed for a long time, and even there were many once dominant civilizations. When was this Terran statue built?

When Luo Zhengshang was perplexed, those little monsters had been holding themselves, jumping all the way along the debris belt, toward the pocket planet.

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