Luo Zheng also followed the beautiful man's eyes and saw the name under the statue.

"The name of the two masters is king Wuyou?" Luo Zheng asked.


The pretty man and the coquettish woman nodded with a look of reverence.

From the words of the pretty man, Luo Zheng has gained some crucial information.

The human race once flourished in chaos, and the human civilization, like other civilizations, failed to complete the final path, and finally had to hide in the other side.

However, for countless years, the people on the other side seem to have lost their reputation, and should have lurked like the sapphire civilization.

It's not a coincidence that the Terrans were born in this chaos. Maybe it was by some means that the Terrans on the other side were reborn and returned to chaos, and gradually flourished by Jiuli, Youxiong, Shennong, Tiangong, etc.

This pair of men and women is waiting for their own arrival, rather than waiting for the arrival of a "human".

When Luo Zheng appeared, it meant that the plan of "human civilization" had begun

"Do you agree with my inference?" Luo Zhengyong's consciousness and the channel between 9527 and Qingyu.

The spirit of sapphire and 9527 are both spirits with great wisdom. Luo Zheng's conjecture is very complete, but 9527 immediately said: "but the current human race is not unified. Even if you speculate, in fact, the human race born in this round of chaos was created by the" human civilization ". There are bears, Tiangong, and even Fuxi in Lishan. They are not unified "It's true. It's even opposite."

Hearing this, Luo Zheng's face was also a little confused. If the "ancestral civilization" wants to achieve any goal, the created human race must be a whole. Why did it produce several branches, or even occupy different positions and choose different ways?

"There should be something wrong," said the spirit of sapphire. "Because of the particularity of the other side, the other side creatures can't come freely in the chaos. We can only choose a spokesperson to fight for the spokesperson, but our control over the chaotic creatures is too weak..."

"And have you ever had a spokesperson?" Luo Zheng asked curiously.

"Of course..." The spirit of sapphire said: "from the beginning of civilization 751, at the beginning of each round of civilization, there were spokesmen for sapphire civilization. It was not until we were defeated and hid in the 13th heaven that we stopped. There were several spokesmen who betrayed us. This kind of thing is very common on the other side."

The life in chaos enters the other side in order to seek more powerful power.

To be chosen as the spokesman of a civilization, is it someone who has great opportunity and perseverance. Such people often refuse to give in to the identity of "spokesman", and eventually betray the civilization they speak for because of different choices. This kind of thing often happens.

The spirit of sapphire has experienced much more chaos than that of 9527. Naturally, he has more say in this respect.

After a temporary communication in his mind, Luo Zheng asked the pretty man, "worry free king is really a great man who can control this part of the world, but I don't know what he plans to do?"

Who knows, a man and a woman all shake their heads together. "We don't know what the master's plan is. He just asked us to stay here until the first exiled human."

"What about the other exiled creatures?" Luo Zheng asked.

In a round of chaos, the ancient god of chaos may have a lot of space to delete, and many foreigners must have been deleted into this space.

"All killed," the pretty man replied calmly.

The coquettish woman also said with a smile: "a long time ago, a huge space was sent here, but many strong people came here. They were all killed by my elder martial brother alone. I didn't have time to do it..."

Hearing this careless answer, Luo Zheng stood in the same place for a long time.

Can you be the opponent of the ancient god of chaos? Is it not the powerful existence in chaos that is killed by these two people at will?

This pair of men and women stay here for countless years, without the slightest intention to speak, what they say is not like a lie.

"Did the king of worry free ever explain how to arrange for the arrival of the Terran?" Luo Zheng asked again.

The coquettish woman stares at Luo Zheng and says with a smile: "of course, I'm here waiting for the master to return!"

"How long will it take?" Luo Zheng frowned.

If the time is too long, Hunyuan world will end in trouble.

The pretty man shook his head and said, "I don't know The time of master's return is not fixed. His last return was 800 time units ago. This time should not exceed this time. "

"Eight hundred time units. How long is that?" Luo Zheng asked with a wink.

"In terms of chaotic time, a unit of time is 10000 years," the pretty man said calmly.


Luo Zheng heard this, immediately speechless.

As soon as wuyouwang leaves, it will be eight million years. He can't stay in this ghost place for eight million years!"You seem to be in a hurry?" The coquettish woman noticed Luo Zheng's expression and asked with a smile.

"Yes, there are some things to deal with in chaos. Do you have a way out of here?" Luo Zheng complexion of say.

The coquettish woman shook her head, "maybe master can do it..."

"Is there a way to pass on your master?" Luo Zheng asked again.

The coquettish woman and the pretty man looked at each other, and then the pretty man said, "it's OK. The master has also said that if there is a real Terran exiled, he can come back for the first time."

Luo Zheng's face showed a happy look and said, "can we go to pass the news now?"

After thinking about it, the pretty man said, "you come with me."

There is another simple gate at the back of the palace. After entering the gate with Luo Zheng, they came to the edge of the world, that is, the wall covered with black fluff.

There is no end to the wall.

Standing in front of the wall, no matter how big the creature is, it feels very small.

Not far in front of Luo Zheng, there is a small round cave.

"It's impossible to transmit sound here. If you want to communicate with master, you can only communicate outside chaos. This is the channel leading to chaos." Qingxiu man introduced.

Luo Zheng looked at the passage curiously and asked, "this hole was dug by your master?"

"Yes," the pretty man nodded and said, "the master has been digging here since we were born. It took about eight million time units to dig through Master is also a man of great perseverance

Eight million time units, that's 80 billion years. It's really a long and terrible period of time!

"I can't believe that someone in the world can dig through chaos..." The spirit of jade murmured in Luo Zheng's body.

"I don't believe it either..." Nine five two seven said at the same time.

Their understanding of chaos is much better than Luo Zheng, and they know that this is impossible.

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