No matter how prosperous a round of chaos is, it can't avoid that needle in the end.

All souls are broken, and the living are dead.

This is not a disaster, but the fate of chaos since its birth.

In order to disobey this fate, there has always been only one way, that is to incarnate as a creature on the other side and hide in the other side.

For countless units of time, no living creature has survived.

Either go to the other side, or die, or Bo Na has a very small probability of becoming the next son of truth, but even two rounds of chaos is still a word of "death".

Innumerable creatures, innumerable geniuses have sought various means.

Escape from chaos is the most simple and direct means.

But from blooming to withering, no one has ever been able to succeed.

Now the "worry free king" is not only hidden in the "Recycle Bin" of this space, avoiding the doom of death after the end of Yan, but also breaking through the chaos. The shock in the hearts of 9527 and the spirit of sapphire can hardly be described in words.

No matter whether they believe it or not, the fact is right in front of them. Naturally, I hope Luo Zheng will go to understand it.

Beautiful men and charming women took the lead in drilling into the round hole, and Luo Zheng followed them.

The wall of the round cave is a very dense brown material, not soil and rock. Luo Zheng reaches out his hand and gently presses it on the wall, and then bursts out the force of the other side.

But there is no reaction at all in the cave wall. The material of the cave wall is so solid that it is almost impossible to divide

After noticing Luo Zheng's action, the pretty man showed a smile and said, "the cave wall can't be destroyed. The master said that the power of one hundred thousand or one million gods can't leave a mark on it..."


Luo Zheng choked for a long time before he said, "how strong is the cave wall?"

"It's not a matter of firmness. The master said that the cave wall is absolutely indestructible," the coquettish woman continued.

"How did your master dig through this thing?" Asked Luo Zheng.

"Master naturally has his way," the handsome man showed his pride.

These two people can't do without the king of worry

Luo Zheng also gave up testing the strength of the cave wall and continued to drill forward with the two men in the cave.

The length of this cave is beyond Luo Zheng's imagination. However, the cave, which is more than half a person's height, extends for tens of miles. It's not tiring to climb like this, but it took two hours to reach the end.

At the end of the cave, Luo Zheng, 9527, and the spirit of sapphire all looked over.

"Is this the world beyond chaos?"

What unfolds in front of Luo Zheng is a starry sky.

One by one light spot or near or far, emitting a bright blue light.

Previously, the description of the beautiful man and the charming woman was mysterious, but it was just a void full of stars

The pretty man said with a smile: "beyond chaos, it's not what you see You put your hand out of this cave and try

Luo Zheng looked at him strangely and put his hand out of the cave according to the pretty man.

A strange scene appeared.

The moment his finger left the cave, it turned into countless stars and spread out in all directions!

The farther Luo Zheng stretched out his hand, the more the stars separated from each other. If Luo Zheng slowly drew back his hand, all the stars would converge to the cave again.

Until Luo Zheng completely retracted his hand into the cave, those scattered stars returned to his hand.

"This It's amazing... "

He didn't even feel the pain from his head to his tail!

Seeing Luo Zheng's reaction, the pretty man and the coquettish woman were already expected.

The enchanting woman will also gently stretch out her hand and wave it at the same time. The scattered stars will also dance in the void with her wave.

"I'll go out and have a look," Luo said.

Then he got up and tried to get out of the cave.


Who knows the pretty man and coquettish woman face a change, Qi Qi block in front of Luo Zheng.

"What's the matter?" Luo Zheng asked strangely.

The handsome man then said: "Master said that this form is called Xuanliang state, and it's OK for other parts of the body to change into Xuanliang state. If you can't find the way to return after you get in, you will be lost in this form forever!"

In this way, Luo Zheng also took a breath of cold air. Beyond chaos, it is indeed an unimaginable existence.

What is presented in front of us is not a void, but a special state. The way in which matter is presented here is also different, and the space and time also have an indescribable imagination.

"How did your master and others get in?" Luo Zheng asked again.

"Master has his own way If you really want to see the outside, you can stick your head out. We'll pull you back after a long time, "suggested the coquettish woman.They did not dare to enter the space outside the chaos, but curious, they also used this method to wait and see.

"It's a way!"

After Luo Zheng nodded, he tilted his body toward the cave, while the pretty man grabbed Luo Zheng's legs behind him.

When Luo Zheng's head came out of the cave, it also turned into countless bright blue stars. As more and more parts of Luo Zheng's head came out, the stars began to spread rapidly.

Until this moment, Luo Zheng did not feel any different.

When he felt that the whole head was black, he could not look out.

Instead, a new feeling!

This kind of feeling Luo Zheng had never had before. In this void, everything around him became void. He was one of the stars, and all the stars!

The distance here becomes infinitely long and infinitely short. No matter how far away the space is, he can reach out and touch it. No matter how close the space is, he can't reach it.

The time accelerates with his thought in an instant, one thought for hundreds of millions of years, tens of billions of years, countless years, but the thought turns again, and it's just a moment in the past.

Luo Zheng can't describe this strange feeling!

Just as the pretty man and the coquettish woman said, in such a state, he could not see the chaos itself, and naturally he could not find the cave. He even completely lost his physical consciousness.

If you rashly come in, I'm afraid you will be permanently lost in such a state.

Due to the loss of the concept of time, Luo Zheng did not know how long he had passed, as if in the blink of an eye, and as if he had experienced countless years.

With the light of the stars around him spinning, Luo Zheng was pulled into the cave again, and the familiar scenery appeared in front of him again.

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