"The second stage is the integration of the outside world," said King Wuyou. He grabbed Luo Zheng's sword in the air, and the sword reached him.

Only seeing the continuous flow of three colors of energy in the hands of the king of worry free, the edge of the sword is more and more fierce, and the king of worry free endows the sword with inner strength in a short time.


Then the king threw the sword back to Luo Zheng and asked, "look at it."

Luo Zheng looked at the long sword for a while, and his eyes showed a strange color. "This sword is equivalent to the level of three stream xuanzun Taoist treasure!"

Wuyouwang didn't know the weapon division in this chaos, but he had his own grasp of the weapon he had shaped.

He nodded and said, "after I realized the true meaning of the three spiritual buildings, it took me several units of time to gradually reach the stage of" seeing its shape ". Once you understand it, you can achieve the" unity of the outside world ". It's really a talent of the heaven. Do you have a master?"

The spirit of green jade and 9527, hearing this, looked at each other quietly. It seemed that the carefree king had a mind to accept his disciples.

Luo Zheng nodded and said, "I have a master."

Luo Zheng had already been a teacher in the great world, and another mission from the divine realm to the mother world was to inquire about Gu Bei's whereabouts.

But to this day, Luo Zheng has not been able to find Gu Bei.

Luo Zheng has never really seen his master since he was a teacher, which is a wonderful work.

King Wuyou is a very important person. He was a little disappointed when he heard that Luo Zheng had been a teacher. "Well, you and I are both human race, and it's hard to find the other side of the human race. King Wuyou suffered all his life. He was once the king of heaven, but my disciples and grandchildren passed away with that round of chaos. These 14 people selected from the inner world are hard to inherit the foundation..."

The pretty man and the coquettish woman looked at each other, and there was some talk on their faces.

as like as two peas, the third stage of the void creation is "one thought," even if we do not know the truth of some material, but we can think of it and become a member of the outside world. If we feel like a fake, we will continue to say "after all, we can create a person who is exactly the same as you."

"Once you read it, you'll get it..."

It's hard for Luo Zheng to imagine what this is.

Not to mention the ancient chaos God who controls the truth, even the most powerful civilization on the other side can't do it?

It's not a power of truth. It's an unreasonable power.

Unless we turn the whole chaos into our own internal world, we can't do it at all.

Luo Zheng can't even be sure that the carefree king can't

Luo Zheng had thought that the true meaning of the three spiritual buildings and the complete version of the eternal true meaning of Jianyun belong to the same level, but if they really reach this stage of cultivation, their own value may be far beyond the true meaning of other Dao!

"If the" void creation "can't be built at this stage, it's not a powerful means in itself. I've been immersed in these years, and it's only the second stage," he added.

Luo Zheng also agrees with this view of wuyouwang.

Void creation is of little significance in actual combat

"But such a magic power, we can reverse its way!"

Then the king of worry free reached out and squeezed it in the air, and took back the sword that he had given back to Luo Zheng. But the king of worry free just flicked it lightly, and the surface of the sword was full of holes. It turned into black energy, and finally into red, yellow and blue energy.

"Why?" When Luo Zheng saw this scene, his face also showed interest.

Since the true meaning of the three spiritual constructions can create things in the void, it can naturally crack things in the void and restore the objects to their original essence!

"These supernatural powers can only restore the things created with the true intention of the three spirit buildings?" Luo Zheng asked curiously.

Worry free Wang said with a smile, "of course not."

He stamped his foot gently on the ground, and a green brick on the ground had circled up. "The green brick was cut into this space by those sons of truth. You see."

When carefree King's hand flicks on the green brick again, the green brick can also be broken and turned into a handful of sand, and the sand is still constantly restored, and finally turns into two kinds of breath: black and white. When the two kinds of breath are restored, it turns into a mass of brown gas.

How can Luo Zheng not recognize the gas? This is the Qi of chaos.

"Do you want to learn such a magic power?" Asked the carefree king.

Where is Luo Zheng willing to miss this opportunity? "Thank you for your generous gift," he said

Worry free king still has some reservation to Luo Zheng. How can he completely trust a stranger who has not met for a long time?

The reason why he was willing to teach his unique knowledge to Luo Zheng was that on the one hand, he considered that Luo Zheng was a member of the same family, and on the other hand, he found that Luo Zheng had a heart of cherishing talent after discovering his talent. As for his failure to accept Luo Zheng as an apprentice, he was somewhat sorry.

Luo Zheng is not in a hurry to return to his mother's world. Anyway, he has plenty of time.

The magic power taught by wuyouwang is called "infinite crack method". As long as you touch a substance, you can restore the substance to the initial stage.

The more solid the material, the easier it is to restore.At the beginning of his cultivation, Luo Zheng tried to take some substances from his inner world, such as water, wood and paper, to restore them. This "infinite crack method" seems simple, but it is also very difficult to reverse the original substances.

It took about three months for Luo Zhengcai to achieve something.

One year later, Luo Zheng was able to restore the relatively strong rock.

A year and a half later, it has been able to restore gold and iron

Time goes by little by little.

Unconsciously, Luo Zheng has been in this space for more than three years.

In three years, he has understood 80% of the law of infinite crack, which is completely higher than the expectation of wuyouwang.

Even in the 77th human civilization, Luo Zheng's insight is outstanding.

In view of Luo Zheng's speed in cultivating the true meaning of the three spiritual buildings before, it didn't surprise Wuyou king. After all, Wuyou king had seen all kinds of extraordinary talents at that time, and he was one of the strong followers of his ancestors.

In the void

Worry free king, beautiful man and coquettish woman, and Luo Zheng all stand among them.

The ruins with a small monster lying around.

These little monsters are obedient to pretty men and coquettish women, but they worship wuyouwang instinctively. After all, wuyouwang created them.

"You have been deleted into this space, and I will send you back in this space. Please remember my instructions," said carefree Wang zhengse.

Luo Zheng nodded respectfully, "the elder asked, the younger generation did not dare to neglect."

Although Wu you wang and he have no apprenticeship, but three years together, also have a feeling of apprenticeship.

Even the pretty men and coquettish women who live together day and night show a trace of reluctance on their faces.

"Very good, I'll find your original time node," said the carefree king. He stretched out his hand and stirred it in the void. There was a colorful whirlpool in the space, which directly involved Luo Zheng.

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