From the time Luo Zheng left, he had been in the empty space for three and a half years.

But worry free king is absolutely in control of that space, and can find any time node to let Luo Zheng return.

Hunyuan world

Pieces of space debris shimmered and circled the "mountain".

These space debris only palm general size, sharp extraordinary and can not be destroyed, extremely difficult to resist!

But the evil god, like the mountain, can move freely within the scope of the world.

The mountain has been attacked for several times before, and all of them have been easily dodged by evil spirits

And the evil god in Dodge, also in turn sneak attack mountain!

These space debris are constantly circling around the mountain, which is also a kind of self-protection of the mountain.

"Give up, I like your ability, once your ability belongs to me, your will will will follow me!" The shadow of the evil god flickers in the sky, and the sound comes from all angles.

"You have no right," said the mountain, suppressing his anger.

"Kill you and you'll be eligible!"

This sentence is almost close to the ear of the mountain, the evil god has ignored those space debris, moved to the side of the mountain!

"Pa! Pop! Bang

Space debris is constantly hitting the body of the evil god.

If it's the other side of the world, it would have been sifted under the bombardment of these space debris.

But the evil god's body has been blessed by Chen Jin's body. Those fragments, like broken glass fragments, can only strike a two or three inch long wound on his shining golden body.


The wound wriggled and healed in the blink of an eye. This is the blood magic power of the Panli people. As long as it doesn't hurt the Dantian and the soul, the body can recover in the blink of an eye. As long as it protects the soul and the Dantian, it can be said that it will never die.

Under the blessing of many blood vessels, the evil god hard shouldered the bombardment of space debris, spread out his hands and shot toward the mountain.


The energy beam formed by Wa Ying envelops the whole mountain!

Other super forces are watching the battle between the mountain and the evil god.

The evil gods belong to the black boat people, and they don't take photos with anyone else. The mountain belongs to the Shennong family, but Shennong, Jinwu, Youxiong and Minyue are all blown away by the wind, and now they don't have a helper.

Luo Yan leads Li Shan's disciples to hide aside and look on coldly.

"Sister Yan'er, which side should we help?" Ling Yun asks a way in the side.

Luo Yan's face is a little complicated. Shan banished her brother. From the emotional point of view, she should kill Shan and then quickly. Now Shan is at a disadvantage, which is what she wants to see.

Keshan's opponent is evil god!

From the first time she saw this man, Luo Yan could feel his strong destructive tendency. Luo Yan was very curious about why such a freak was born in her brother's inner world?

The mountain still has a certain delaying effect on the evil god, but once the evil god kills the mountain, his target is probably everyone else!

Ling Yun also saw this point, so she asked Luo Yan's opinion. In fact, Ling Yun's subtext is to help Shan. From the overall situation, this is the right way.

Taiyitiangong side is also very tangled.

At the beginning, the purpose of taiyitiangong and Lishan was to force the mountain to hand over Luo Zheng.

But Shan said firmly that Luo Zheng had been deleted and could not be returned.

How can Fengge, lingshuang and Luoyan give up their respective power?

Finally, the mountain's power was limited. On the way, an evil god was killed. It seemed that this guy was going to kill everyone. The situation became inexplicably complicated.

"I'm wondering if I want to get rid of the abacus..." He murmured.

"Why should it be removed? Luo Zheng is still in his hands! " Feng Song a face forest ran of say.

Ling Shuang's eyes blinked and said, "he's dead. I'm afraid the last glimmer of hope has been destroyed."

Ling Shuang still stubbornly thinks that Shan is lying. After all, people who are proficient in space magic power have a way to get back when they are exiled.

But Shan didn't lie.

Not to mention the mountain itself, even the real chaos ancient god behind the mountain can't get Luo Zheng back from that space. This chaos ancient god has lost the control of that space.

"Stab, stab..."

Shan's body is extremely solid. Among all the people in Hunyuan world, his body strength is probably second only to that of Luo Zheng who opened the stone sealing solution.

As an energy body, Kewa shadow has extremely erosive power.

A tentacle skimmed over the surface of the mountain, leaving a deep blood trough on his bronze skin.

After being eroded more than ten times by Wa Ying, the surface of the mountain is scarred and looks miserable.

"Are you going to die in my hands like this?" The evil spirit narrowed his eyes and said with a smile.

The evil god is so clever that he can guess almost everything he can only foresee.In this space, the mountain can move freely.

As long as he wants, he can easily move out of the scope of the evil god's world, and once the evil god leaves this world, all the blood powers borrowed from other people will be invalid.

The evil god is very clear. The mountain has strong observation power, so it is easy to make such a judgment.

But this guy still chooses to fight with himself in this world. It must be an attempt.

So the evil spirits are on guard all the time besides attacking.

Especially now, Shan Mingming can move away. Why should he bear his wa shadow attack?

"With you, I can't kill me, but I can kill you," Shan's eyes showed a deep color, an absolute cube formed in the depth of his pupil.

Just like the space debris flying around by the raindrops of the rainstorm, they suddenly have a spirit at this moment. They no longer launch a futile impact on the evil gods, but work all around, enveloping the evil gods and mountains.

"Your world can copy all people's blood, but it seems that there are some limitations. For example, you can only copy part of my blood," Shan said calmly. "It's only 30% to 40%, so you can only move space. You can't use other Shentong contained in my blood."

Before the mountain general finished speaking, the evil god's face was cold, and he was about to move away.

But at this moment, the supernatural power of the evil god's copying the mountain's blood system failed!

"It's super square confinement," Yamamoto said expressionless. "The force of confinement in this space is stronger than that in Hunyuan world. You can't get rid of it."

The space confinement of Hunyuan world is jointly arranged by many powerful people, but the means used by these powerful people are nothing more than the power of disillusionment of the void and the power of the other shore's keepsake. But the blood of mountain can touch the truth, and the means of confinement are naturally stronger than those of Hunyuan world.

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