Zeng now Nu Wa has been pinning her hope on the six grain blood tree.

She thought that the other side people would hide their information in the secret seed of Liuwen Dingxue, and she could always find relevant information in one of the seeds.

It turned out to be a disappointment.

Fuxi continued: "maybe some things can only be done according to fate, just like Luo Zheng can find the king of worry free. Since he asks for it today, he will give him the last seed."

Nu Wa was silent for a while, and finally nodded. With a wave of her hand, they returned to the jade stage again.

She looked at Luo Zheng and said, "Luo Zheng, follow me."

In this way, Nu Wa agreed.

The soul of 9527 fluctuated, and it had retracted into Luo Zheng's body.

Nu Wa reaches out her hand and waves it again. She and Luo Zheng have disappeared on the jade stage.

The next moment, Luo Zheng has appeared in a cave.

There was almost no light in the cave, and it was extremely humid around, and the sound of water dripping could be heard.

"Is this the interior of Lishan?" Luo Zheng asked.

"It's the deepest part of Li mountain," Nu Wa walked in the front.

As she kept walking, there was a little glow around the cave, which was emitted by some complex arrays.

Although these arrays have not been opened, they also contain the ability of terror. Obviously, this is the most important place in Lishan.

After more than 20 Zhang, they reached the end of the cave.

At the end, there is a white soil, on which stands a tree more than one person tall.

"Is this the six lines blood tree?"

When Luo Zheng saw the tree, he was surprised.

Liuwen Dingxue tree is an important treasure of Lishan Mountain. It is not as tall and straight as those sacred trees in the divine realm, but it should at least be full of vitality.

The tree began to rot from the root, and several leaves were hanging on it alone. It was withered and yellow. If there was not a light green fruit on the top, Luo Zheng would think it was a dead tree.

"Its life has come to an end," Nu Wa gazed at the six grain Dingxue tree, with a sad look on her face.

This tree is a channel for her to communicate with the people on the other side. With the withering of this tree, this channel has been closed, and now only the last fruit is left.

She went forward, reached out to pick the fruit in her hand, gently peeled off the shell, and a seed with a faint blue light appeared in her hand. She looked at it for a while and then said, "just inject the power of blood into it."

Then she handed the seed to Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng takes the seed and looks at it. After putting it into the ring, Nu Wa reaches out her hand and waves it. With the fluctuation of space, Luo Zheng returns to the jade stage.

Having accepted the seed, Luo Zheng also wrote the true meaning of the three spiritual buildings word by word.

When he handed over the true meaning of Tao to Nu Wa, Luo Zheng thought of an important thing, and then said, "empress Nu Wa, please pay attention to one thing after you cultivate the true meaning of Tao."

"What's the matter?" Nu Wa asked.

"Worry free king extremely hates species other than human beings. If the human race enters it, it's OK. If other races enter it, they may attack him," Luo said.

Empress Nuwa was born with the emperor. She must have countless ties with the other side of the human race, but the king may not know.

Those little monsters certainly have no way to take Nu Wa Niang, but the strength of Wu you wang is immeasurable. It's not a good thing for them to start in that space.

However, it took Luo Zheng more than a year to build the true meaning of the three spiritual buildings in that space.

Although Nuwa and Fuxi have great talent, it should take some time.

If Luo Zheng enters that space before this, inform worry free king, should not produce other misunderstanding.

After giving Nuwa the true meaning of sanlingjian, Fuxi mentioned another thing. A red gold crystal appeared in his hand.

This red gold crystal is from the spirit matrix of Hunyuan. When Luo Zheng left Hunyuan world, he gave 30 of them to Luo Yan. Luo Yan didn't know what they were used for, so he gave one of them to Fu Xi.

It was the first time for Fuxi to see such colored crystals, but according to his judgment, the red gold crystal is very similar to the Hunyuan Spirit Crystal, which must be absorbed by people.

But Fuxi didn't know how to refine it.

"It's better for Luo Zheng to stay in Lishan, and when Xihuang finds out the mystery, he can practice at the first time," Nuwa said.

Luo Yan immediately looks at her brother with eager eyes. Of course, she hopes that Luo Zheng will stay in Lishan all the time.

In the face of Nu Wa's request, Luo Zheng declined.

Xun and Ning yudie both settled down in Tiangong for a while. When Luo Zheng entered his mother's world, he had already rooted in Tiangong. Moreover, Taiyi Tiangong is the true sect of kendo, which is more suitable for Luo Zheng's cultivation.


Outside the home world, a huge cloud of chaos is constantly rolling.

Among the thunders, there is a huge figure flying away. It is Lei he who flies out of his mother world.


Its huge figure is fast to the extreme, and the original remote chaotic clouds are quickly drawing closer to it.

When Lei ran into the shield cloud, he saw a small light spot in the cloud. The penetrating power of the light spot was so strong that even the chaos could not stop its light.

After walking towards the spot for an hour, Lei Heng finally approached the spot.

Above the light spot stands a man in a brocade robe. Behind him, the man carries an ordinary bamboo basket and rolls up his sleeve, just like a villager in the mountains.

This man is the head of Shennong clan, the Lieshan clan.

"Got it?" Lieshan asked.

"Got it," Lei said, "but there is a little problem."

Lieshan's face was kind, but when he heard Lei he say something, his eyes were a little dignified. There were not many things in the world that could make Lei he meet some small problems, so he asked, "what's the problem?"

"The black boat intercepted half the way and snatched half of it," Lei said, gently lifting his huge claws and floating in front of Lieshan.

Lieshan looked at the aperture, his face was a little gloomy, "black boat? Why are they after you? They I'm not interested in Hunyuan world. "

Although the black boat can also be called a "super force", there are only 13 people on board. The black boat basically can't train disciples and seldom goes to Hunyuan world.

"I don't know why they went to Hunyuan world. They were there from the beginning. I got rid of Fuxi, but I was stopped by these guys!" Lei hen said hatefully that he was angry when he mentioned the black boat.

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