The intersection of Lei Heng and the black boat is not much. The well water never invades the river water. This time, the black boat suddenly attacked him, which Lei Heng did not expect.

Lieshan took a long breath and said, "I know. You can go."

"What about a good reward?" Lei Heng asked.

Lieshan stares at Lei Heng without expression, "of course, the reward will not be less than you, but you only pay half, so naturally you can only get half of the reward."

"You..." The thunder on the surface of Lei Yu's body was thundering.

"I'll pay the black boat half of the rest," Lieshan said.

There are only 12 rings, each of which is precious.

Lieshan's only hope is that the black boat doesn't know the use of these rings. No matter how much it costs, he will get them back.

Lei Heng took a deep look at Lieshan's family, and finally gave a cold hum, curled up his wings and retreated to one side.

Lieshan grasped a ring in one hand and studied it carefully.

Except for the strange smell, this ring has not much surprise. Can it really bring down the creatures on the other side?

After looking at it for a while, Lieshan's lips gently recited, and a trace of the true meaning of Tao escaped.

With his eyes closed, he had fled to the other side.


After entering the other shore, the soul of Lieshan appeared in a huge blood palace.

The blood color palace is extremely magnificent. An arch in the distance spans thousands of feet. Under the arch is a huge disc with nine chairs around it.

Lieshan went to the center of the disc and stamped his feet.

The whole disc was full of blood lines, and small balls of light appeared on the nine chairs.

"I got the ring..." Lieshan's hands raised as like as two peas.

This ring was brought to the other side by him!



The balls of light on the nine top chairs began to shine.

"This thing can really be brought to the other side!"

"It's as magical as the spirit of Hunyuan!"

"It looks like a good guess!"

The spheres of light are staring at the ring, talking one after another, and their voices are very excited.

Once the creatures in chaos set foot on the other side, they will be permanently trapped on the other side.

Only when they become the other side's Keepsake can they have a chance to come.

But who is willing to be a keepsake and a vassal of others?

The offspring of Hunyuan spirit broke this Convention, as if the truth was invalid at this moment!

This characteristic has aroused the attention of those powerful beings on the other side.

This is probably the only way to get back to chaos!

"If this aperture can really make us return to chaos, other problems will be solved. Who can fight against our bloody Council, ha ha ha..." The light ball in the middle of the nine chairs laughed, "moon fire slave! Try it first

The sound of the light ball had just dropped, and a huge figure appeared behind the arch.

It was a giant transformed from a flame. The dark green flame surrounded his body, sending out a violent and powerful smell from his body.

"Dong Dong..."

The moon fire slave walked towards Lieshan, and his huge body squatted in front of Lieshan.

Lieshan throws the aperture at yuehuonu, and the aperture stays on the surface of yuehuonu. The face of yuehuonu's anger shows a trace of smile. At the same time, it roars and disappears in front of Lieshan.

"Did it work?"

"So the moon fire slave left the other side?"

"Lieshan! Go and have a look! "

The light balls on the nine chairs said one after another.

Lieshan nodded. He had retreated from the other side and returned to chaos again. Then he saw that yuehuonu was really floating near him.

"Jie Jie, this is chaos. Ha ha ha..." Yuehuonu is the descendant of Yuanling civilization. He was born on the other side. Although he knew that there was a huge chaotic world under the other side, this was his first step.

His ancestors once ruled this vast space. At that time, the elements were the masters, and those flesh and steel bodies were too weak in the face of the yuan spirit civilization.

Unfortunately, even if it is as powerful as the yuan spirit civilization, it can't escape from the end and can only hide on the other side.

After more than a thousand chaotic periods, their Yuanling civilization is back!

The sudden appearance of the moon fire slave even startled Lei he.

The lightning on the surface of Lei he's body forms a thunder net, which protects his body. One eye is even more scared.

Lieshan watched the moon fire slave silently.

He's much calmer than Moonfire.

Truth is the supreme law in chaos. It is not easy to disobey truth and return to the other side."Old man! Lead the way! Take me to the mother world to see the lower races! " The moon fire slave ordered.

There is nothing in the cloud except the brown chaos Qi, which obviously can't satisfy the moon fire slave.

In front of us, Lieshan is known as the patriarch of a super power, but in front of Yuanling civilization, nothing is

"Don't worry," Lieshan said calmly, as if he didn't care about the rudeness of yuehuonu.


The green flame with a violent breath came out of the moon fire slave. The moon fire slave growled: "I'm not discussing with you, I'm ordering you!"

"Command me?"

The corner of Lieshan's mouth tilted slightly, showing a smile.

Years of forbearance in the bloody Council have made these other creatures more arrogant.

"Make sure you survive first," added Lieshan.

"I survived..."

Moonfire is a little strange.

He is the spirit of fire, the most powerful life of fire.

Without special means, he is immortal.

What can erase it?

Just then, a strange scene appeared.

The ring above him flashed, and an invisible force came down.

This powerful almost can not resist, the power will be a fire on the slave to seize, press toward the void.

And there seems to be an invisible wall in the empty sky, and the invisible force grabs the moon fire slave and rubs on the invisible wall, and rubs again

"Wow Boom... "

The black lava fused on the surface of the moon fire slave is directly rubbed into powder!

The green flame from his body drags green flame marks on the invisible wall.

This process is repeated, and the moon fire slave is repeatedly pressed on the wall to rub, until the friction is completely disappeared.

Seeing the end of the moon fire slave, Lei Heng's eyes were full of shock.

At that moment, the power of the explosion was too terrible. If it was Lei he, I'm afraid the end would be no better than yuehuonu.

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