After receiving the notice from the two deacons, Luo Zheng went back to his secret cultivation room.

As he gently recited the true meaning of a door, Yang soul has returned to the other side.

Other new people of the secret room also kept gathering in the other side within 13 days.

This process is slightly different, is the Phoenix song.

The Yang soul of Fengge leaves the other side, but her pure body is still in the Tiangong stronghold on the other side.

When she entered the other side, the pure body in Tiangong stronghold suddenly opened her eyes.

Feng song looks at her body and comes out of the stronghold.

Many Tiangong disciples have gathered together. When they see Fengge coming out, they are all in a daze.

There are not many people who know that Fengge can appear in the physical form on the other side of the river. Suddenly, they are shocked to see that Fengge is like a creature on the other side of the river.

In fact, if you want to hide it, there are ways, such as helping Fengge to cover up.

But before that, there were bears and other people who had seen the true face of Fengge in front of Tiankui temple, and there was no need to hide it.

Many new people in the place of sword mourning have basically arrived. Even Lan Qing and Huo Ze of Jiuli have gathered in front of the stronghold, only one person is missing.

After winning the place of sword mourning yesterday, Chou Si has entered the other side ahead of time.

He kept going down from the thirteen layers of heaven on the other side and returned to the four layers of heaven on the other side. He received some necessary things that impacted the fourteen layers of heaven.

After waiting in place for more than an hour, sorrow finally came late.

"Wait a long time, everyone," Chou Hsien said with a smile. The Xumi ring in his hand began to shine, and there were dark golden discs in it. At the same time, he said, "although you have already hit Hunyuan realm, the real Hunyuan realm must have a corresponding other shore keepsake. After stepping into the fourteenth day, you can have the strength of Hunyuan realm by integrating new other shore keepsake. I believe it at that time We are not afraid of the challenge in the land of sword mourning! This wheel of flying clouds is the key thing to help you impact the fourteenth heaven. Everyone needs to get one. "

Although these people are all new Hunyuan, the main gap between them and the old people in the sword mourning place lies in the keepsake on the other side.

Except for Luo Zheng, Fengge and Ling Shuang, most people's other shore Keepsake's power is under the power of a thousand gods. It is their urgent need to integrate more powerful other shore keepsake.

Sorrow and death distributed the wheels of flying clouds one by one. When it was Luo Zheng's turn, Luo Zheng said in a low voice: "I don't know how many wheels of flying clouds there are?"

Sorrow and death that can't see on the face of a smile, silently will two flying cloud wheel to Luo Zheng.

After distributing the wheel of flying clouds, the sad cloud turns back again, and at the same time, a crystal of soul appears from the ring of Xumi.

This time too one day palace is under the blood, almost all these years of accumulation of Soul Crystal hollowed out.

There is no other reason. Since the world of Hunyuan has been closed, it will be difficult to cultivate strong people in Hunyuan in the future. Since we are the last group of Hunyuan, we will naturally use all these resources on them.

Many new disciples are also very happy. When they get the soul crystal, they begin to absorb it.

After finishing these preparations, they left the stronghold together and headed for the other end of the thirteenth heaven.

There were not many yanghun on the way.

Yanghun, who is able to set foot in the 13th heaven, will try to get tickets to Hunyuan world some time ago.

Most of these Yang spirits who can't go to Hunyuan world belong to no schools or weak forces.

After many super powerful clansmen and disciples returned to their own clan, they also made their first move to the 14th chongtian. Luo Zheng and his party had been delayed in Lishan for a few days, which is probably the last group in the 13th chongtian.

When passing by the dark area, Luo Zheng intentionally or unintentionally looks at the rich darkness.

Not only Luo Zheng, but also Fengge's eyes flickered slightly, but she whispered to Luo Zheng: "I don't know that three eyed boy seems to be still in it?"

"It should still be there," Luo Zheng nodded.

At the beginning, they were also forced to stay by the three eyed boy to make candles.

In the end, it is true that there is a difference between yin and Yang, which makes Fengge a pure one and inherits the tool of civilization.

From the point of view of the three eyed boy, he should be on the opposite side of the bloody Council. I wonder if he will have a chance to meet again in the future?

Ling Shuang follows in one side, hears the conversation of two people whispering, the hazy face reveals the color of a trace of loss.

This kind of loss is obvious. From Luo Zheng to the other side, some secrets belong to her and Luo Zheng. However, in the dark, there is a difference between the two, and they just involve Fengge

At the other end of the thirteen heavens on the other side, there are huge temples scattered in them.

Most of these temples have been explored, and each temple records the rise and fall of a civilization.

After crossing these temples, the darkness at both ends continues to spread towards the center of the road. The dark areas on the left and right sides are like mountains that can't see the top, squeezing the road into a narrow mountain stream. The narrowest place is only half a foot wide."Goo Goo..."


On both sides of the dark field, it seems that there are dark creatures swimming in it.

The sound of "if you are or not" came from both sides, and many disciples of Tiangong felt that their backs were chilly.

"The road seems narrower..."

"During this time, the dark area seems to have expanded again. Before long, I'm afraid this road will be completely blocked by the dark area."

"What if the creatures of the dark world rush out?"

In case of a little attention is involved in them, afraid is dead no burial place, blue feeling also toward brother huoze side crowded.

After noticing Lan Qing's fear, Chou Si said gently, "don't be afraid. The dark field is a forbidden area for us, and the light field outside the dark field is also a forbidden area for the creatures in the dark field. If they break out, they will die."

"Brother Chou HSI is right. It's impossible for creatures in the dark world to leave the dark world," Luo Zheng agreed.

But just as Luo Zheng's voice was falling, several tentacles were suddenly ejected from the dark area beside him. These tentacles seemed to be some kind of plant, and the dark green skin seemed to be able to alleviate the damage of the light area to it!

"Hiss, hiss..."

The light quickly ablated the tentacle, but before it was completely ablated, the tentacle rolled Luo Zheng's neck and dragged him towards the dark field.


"Brother Luo Zheng!"

"Be careful..."

People didn't expect that this kind of thing would happen. They didn't react for a moment.

Even if the reaction comes, I'm afraid it's not urgent to save it.

"To die!"

Feng Song's eyebrows and five fingers soared in the air. The bright light path came down from the sky and pointed to the dark area.

"Gaga, Gaga..."

In the dark, a flourishing demon plant crazily twisted its trunk. In the blink of an eye, it was completely ablated by the white light.

Although Luo Zheng's Yang soul was dragged into the dark half step, because of the protection of the Phoenix song's light, it was not hindered.

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