Although it was a false alarm, the disciples who witnessed this scene were also frightened.

They crowded into the narrow road together, but the road was only so wide, no matter how crowded it was, it would not help.

Luo Zheng is calm.

After all, he lived in the dark domain for a period of time, and his fear of the dark domain has been fully understood.

What's more, with Fengge, the pure one around, they could walk horizontally in the dark field if it wasn't unnecessary.

After Luo Zheng got up, he went back to the road. Feeling the emotions of the disciples of the heavenly palace, he said with a smile: "as you can see, the creatures in the dark world are also vulnerable in front of his highness Fengge."

"You go ahead, I'll protect you," Fengge said after Luo Zheng.

The disciples of Tiangong, who were in fear, could not help nodding. At the same time, they also felt deeply.

Among the Tiangong disciples of this generation, there are many demons.

It seems that Mo Yijian, a genius who can read and understand Tao, is not good enough.

No matter in Hunyuan world or in the place of sword mourning, Luo Zheng is working miracles all the way.

Although her royal highness Fengge is mediocre in her mother's world, she has the ability to kill the creatures in the dark area easily on the other side. This kind of method is unheard of by them.

The disciples of the heavenly palace lined up in a straight line and continued on the narrow road, while Fengge was behind.

Maybe it's the shock of the Phoenix.

The roar that originally reverberated in the dark field has completely subsided, and they have not been attacked all the way.

After walking along this narrow road for two hours, the front finally opened up and a wide stone platform appeared, which was the edge of the whole color world.

The horizon in the distance seems to be broken into a general color ink, all kinds of colorful color entangled together, dreamlike.

Among these colors, there is a small black hole. All the colors are released from the hole, which is also a point where they converge.

"The energy contained in those flowing colors is so unique..." Luo Zheng said, gazing at the distance.

He can clearly perceive the energy in it, and this kind of energy is particularly powerful. They have some similarities with the melting energy, but the breath is completely different.

Ling Shuang gazed at these colors and said, "it's said that this is the ability to create the other side. The thirty-three heavens are formed by them little by little."

"Form the energy of thirty-three days?" Luo Zheng's eyebrows were slightly raised.

Sorrow and death also nodded to one side and said: "it's true that there is such a saying, but these energies can't be used by us. Naturally, no one studies them."

"Brother Chou Si, is that the whirlpool where we are going to cross?" Lan Qing came up and asked.

"Yes," Chou Hsien said, "now that you are at your destination, you can go to the fourteenth heaven. No one can help you at this step. You can only rely on yourself and the wheel of flying clouds in your hands. Remember to be careful with those ribbons. They are actually a very powerful energy turbulence. Once you are involved, the gods can't save you."

After hearing the admonition of sorrow and martyrdom, the hearts of the people were also filled with silence.

Although they are very lucky to enter Hunyuan, it doesn't mean they have no worries.

On the other side, they are still fragile Yang souls.

"Who will come first?" He asked.

The disciples of Tiangong are silent. This is the first time that everyone has experienced this kind of thing. The risk of the first person is obviously the biggest.

"I'll come," one stepped out, listening to the voice of Mo Yijian of Xinliu sword sect.

"Brother Mo, please," he said.

Mo Yijian doesn't have any fear of what he has to pass.

Standing at the edge of the stone platform, he activated the wheel of flying clouds in his hand.

The wheel of flying clouds kept spinning in Mo Yijian's hands, and a strong cloud came out. At the same time, a force was exerted on Mo Yijian's Yang soul. He was directly pushed out of the stone platform and soared in the air.

As Mo Yijian flies higher and higher, it gradually turns into a small black spot in the eyes of the public. However, through the white clouds emitted by the flying cloud wheel, we can still catch his position with our eyes.

The white cloud gradually approached the colorful whirlpool.

The closer to the vortex, the more dangerous it is. Mo Yijian controls the wheel of flying clouds and hovers carefully in the energy belt.

Soon after, he reached the center of the vortex, as if an invisible force of gravity was exerted on him, and then he was suddenly sucked into the vortex.

After Mo Yijian disappeared in the energy vortex, Chou Si said, "it's the next man's turn."

When the disciples of the heavenly palace saw Mo Yijian enter the vortex smoothly, their courage gradually increased. After another person came out, he directly sacrificed the wheel of flying clouds and flew to the energy vortex.

After observing for a while, Luo Zheng retreats to the back of the team and gives Ling Shuang a flying cloud wheel in his hand.Other people only need to fly across the world of desire once, but Luo Zheng needs it twice. Naturally, his body also needs it.

Ling frost will be the wheel of flying clouds quietly after the storage, Feng Song concerned said: "need me to pick you up?"

Luo Zheng's body is much stronger than Yang's soul, but it is still dangerous to pass through the narrow road, and Fengge is not at ease.

"No, the danger is not enough," Luo Zheng said confidently.

Then Luo Zheng's thought moved slightly and disappeared in the other side.

When Luo Zheng disappeared, Fengge and lingshuang looked at each other.

Two people seem to have a soul in their hearts. They can guess each other's expression at this time. A strange atmosphere is flowing between them.

"There's no need to look down on Luo Zheng, right?" Ling Shuang was the first to speak.

Feng Ge blinked her eyes and said, "are you very disappointed? Because I can't help Luo Zheng? "

Being hit by Feng Ge, Ling Shuang was flustered and quickly explained: "no, I just don't think it's necessary to think that Luo Zheng is so incompetent..."

"Oh, I see," Feng Song said faintly, "you are jealous."


Feng song is so straightforward that Ling Shuang can't speak for a moment.

"I guessed it right," Feng Ge said calmly. "I heard that Luo Zheng met him before he came to his mother's world. The reason why he joined taiyitiangong is also your reason."

There are many factors that influence Luo Zheng's entry into taiyitiangong, but the most important one is that Ling Shuang is a bridge in the sea of true meaning, which can be regarded as the reason for Ling Shuang.

"But you have to understand that Luo Zheng doesn't belong to you alone," Feng Ge said.

Feng Song's character is as cold as ice, but she always talks and does things straightforwardly without any cover up.

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