Every chongtian's power on the other side has a different pattern.

In some days, we regard the once dominant civilization as our honor, just like the Yuanling people, dominating the eleventh heaven.

In some days, the original race on the other side dominates!

At the very beginning, the Yuanling clan tried to dominate the whole other side. Especially after the emergence of the dark realm, the Yuanling clan had a plan for God, which was to take the whole 19 days of the world of desire as their own, to ensure that the God in each heavy day was controlled by the Yuanling clan.

This idea is very good. At its peak, nearly thirteen of the nineteen heavens belonged to the Yuanling clan.

But yuan Ling's action offended the public anger!

When the underworld came, the other side was already a perfect world, and many dominant civilizations escaping from chaos were not fuel-efficient lights.

The high pressure of the Yuanling clan led to a strong rebound. At the same time, the Wukong clan and other big clans were sniping behind. The original stable position of "God" was also lost. Now there are only six gods in the hands of the Yuanling clan.

The twenty-eight prohibitions were in the hands of the Yuanling clan, but the higher the heaven was, the more restrained many clans were.

Although the God of heaven is the Yuanling people, in the past few years, the Yuanling people seldom interfered with other races passing through the other side.

After the last round of resistance of many races, the Yuanling people realized that they could only eat the other side one by one. If they completely cut off the way of other dominant civilizations, it would only lead to a sharp rebound.

After reflection, the strategy is very effective. Under the constant differentiation of the Yuanling people, many other races, the dominant civilization, voluntarily or forced to join the Yuanling people. Now there are not many races that can fight against the Yuanling people

Recently, there have been some changes in the forbidden heaven. In the thirty-two days, the moon fire slaves have been coming down!

As the strongest hitter of Yuanling clan, the strength of yuehuonu is beyond doubt.

There is a little uneasiness in the hearts of the other races who live in the twenty-eight days.

There are mountains everywhere in the Forbidden City. Looking down from high altitude, the mountains are like feeding elephants, desperately clustered together. In the middle of the mountains is a huge basin, which is the only big city in the Forbidden City - the rain Forbidden City.

"There's only such a little in the dark area of the twenty-eight heavy sky..."

Luo Zheng floats in the sky with Fengge, overlooking the Forbidden City.

In the middle of a big city, there was only a beam of black light, and the dark area was particularly weak in the twenty-eight days.

"Maybe it's because the twenty-eight sky is not important, this black light can only be regarded as a channel of the dark field," Fengge infers.

Recently, Fengge has become very rational. She has a detailed understanding of the soul city and the land of robbing bones.

Once Fengge didn't want to face her past. Now she realizes that she belongs to the heavenly palace and is a real human being. Even if she can't save her father, she also wants to do her part for the heavenly palace instead of being an incompetent Royal nobleman. She can only watch the decline of the heavenly Palace

"The star ring in the twenty-eight days should be in the northwest," Fengge said.

"Through the star ring, you can go to the soul City," Luo Zheng said with a smile.

It's really very fast for them to rise in the other side.

However, Fengge's face showed a cautious color. "The whole twenty-eight heaven is controlled by the Yuanling clan. If we want to pass, we must be cautious, so Mr. GaN has sent someone to meet us at the gate of the rain Forbidden City."

Now Luo Zheng has attracted the attention of the Yuanling people several times.

Kill the God in the fourteenth day, and open the Kaitian temple in the seventeenth day. As long as the yuan spirit clan is not a bunch of brainless fools, it is bound to intercept in the star ring.


After crossing countless mountains, Luo Zheng and Fengge finally come to the edge of the rain Forbidden City.

Maybe it's because he controlled the whole twenty-eight days. The rain forbidden city didn't guard against the creatures coming in and out of the other side, and even didn't have a guard to guard the gate.

But I don't know why, the appearance of Luo Zheng and Feng Ge just attracted the attention of these other creatures.

Luo Zheng's face showed a trace of vigilance. He didn't believe that the "attention" was a kind concern.

On one side of the city gate stood a human Yang soul. When Luo Zheng and Fengge entered the city, the human Yang soul had quietly leaned over, and at the same time lowered its voice and said, "Your Highness, Fengge?"

"Yes," Fengge replied.

"I'm Zhuosheng. We're going out of town to talk," Zhuosheng said.

Zhuo Sheng is a member of the third floor of the sword mourning place. Luo Zheng has seen both sides of this man, but he has never spoken.

Seeing Zhuosheng's mysterious appearance, Luo Zheng and Fengge followed Zhuosheng to leave the gate of the city with their heads down. After finding a hidden place, Zhuosheng said, "Mr. Gan ordered me to lead you into Changrong heaven. These days I have been staying in the rain Forbidden City to observe."

"What's the situation in the city?" Asked Feng Ge.

"There are a lot of Moonfire slaves coming down. There has never been such a big battle. It should be aimed at the two," Zhuo Sheng said.Hearing this, Luo Zheng and Feng GE's brows wrinkled together.

They have seen the strength of the moon fire slave, and it is still under the situation that the 17th heaven has a huge suppression on the moon fire slave. In the 28th heaven, the strength of the moon fire slave will only be more terrible!

"It's just for us, the Yang spirits of the heavenly palace. They haven't aimed at us?" Luo Zheng asked curiously.

"No," Zhuo Sheng shook his head, looked at Fengge and said, "both of you are human bodies. Your highness Fengge's appearance doesn't change. It's impossible to pass the star ring without disturbing the moon fire slave."

"What should we do then?" Feng Song's beautiful eyes are slightly condensed.

Luo Zheng also bowed his head and was silent.

If the star ring is strictly guarded, there is no other good way except to break through the star ring in the eleventh day.

"But this time there are other races willing to help," Zhuo Sheng said suddenly.

"Who will help?" Feng song is a wonderful way.

"The ear rat clan," Zhuo Sheng said with a smile, "GanLao has spent a lot of soul elixir to buy the ear rat clan and go to the star ring from the underground passage outside the rain Forbidden City."

The rat tribe on the other side has always been a force that can not be ignored, and most of them have a good relationship with the ear mouse tribe.

Phoenix song heard this, white Zhuosheng one eye, since already prepared, straight to the point is, why bother around such a big bend?

But people came to help themselves from the 29th chongtian. Fengge didn't say much about it. She just said a little dissatisfied: "brother Zhuosheng, please lead the way!"

Under the leadership of Zhuo Sheng, they walked away from the city gate to the nearest mountain in front of the rain Forbidden City.

There is a natural cave on one side of the mountain. There are several giant rats guarding the cave.

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