These giant rats are huge, with fierce light on their faces, and their eyes are as big as beans.

Seeing the unfriendly eyes of these giant rats, Luo Zheng asked, "brother Zhuosheng, don't you seem to see the ear mice?"

The ear mice enter the other shore in the form of Yang soul, and Luo Zheng has no bad relationship with the ear mice.

Now I can't see the ear mouse, but Luo Zheng feels something is wrong.

"Most of the Yang spirits will not stay in the 28th heaven, and the ear mice will also choose to pass the soul hall test in Changrong heaven. If it wasn't for your highness Fengge and you, I would not have come," Zhuo Sheng replied.

"But these giant rats..." Luo Zheng asked hesitantly.

"Brother Luo Zheng, don't worry. These Twilight mice are ordered by the ear mice, so there's no problem," Zhuo Sheng said again. After that, he entered the cave first.

Feng Song looked at Luo Zheng, then said with a smile: "don't be suspicious, let's go in too!"

Luo Zheng stood in the same place for a while, as if he was communicating something. After a while, his frowning brow had stretched out, and he raised his legs to follow, and his steps became firm.

The rat clan is good at digging holes in the ground. The twilight rat clan has lived in the 28th heaven for several times.

The underground world is even more complex than the rain Forbidden City, but the twilight mouse clan has obviously become a dominant force in the underground world.

After the three entered the cave, one of them reached out and pressed on the wall of the cave.


With a roar, a huge rock rolled down at a slow speed, just sealing the entrance tightly.

As soon as the entrance of the cave was sealed, the interior became dark.


When the cave just fell into darkness, several flames had been blazing.

A few Twilight rats hold the torch in their hands and light the light around them.

"Your Highness Fengge, brother Luo Zheng, please," Zhuo Sheng stretched out his hand to the cave.

The cave near the surface of the mountain is very open, and the evening mouse even tidies up the ground inside the cave, and the road ahead is very smooth.

However, after tens of miles, the cave became narrower and narrower.

In some places, only one person is allowed to pass through.

Although the size of the twilight mouse clan is huge, it still has the flexibility of mice. It's easy to pass by as soon as it's swept. Luo Zheng and Feng Ge are naturally slower when they pass by.

Half a day later, she has been walking a hundred miles under the ground. After walking through this narrow cave for such a long time, Fengge finally asked impatiently, "Zhuosheng, why haven't you reached the destination yet?"

"Fengge, your highness, the rain forbidden city is very big. We have to cross most of the rain forbidden cities and go to the northwest corner of the city. Naturally, it will take some time," Zhuo Sheng replied.

"Squeak! Don't worry. It won't be long before we arrive. Why worry? " The next mouse said coldly.

Zhuo Sheng turns his head and glares at the rat. The rat lowers its head and doesn't speak any more.

Phoenix song eyes blinked for a while, quietly looking to Luo Zheng, even if she reaction again slow, at this moment also aware of the wrong.

Luo Zheng secretly made a look, motioned Feng Song not to make a sound.

Zhuosheng is a member of taiyitiangong. He is still in Tiangong now. If he betrays Tiangong, he will not be able to leave alive, so Zhuosheng himself will not do this kind of thing.

According to this inference, either Zhuosheng is fake or Zhuosheng's Yang soul is under control

As for these Twilight rats, they may have nothing to do with ear mice.

"I'm afraid there's something wrong with Tianzun in the beginning," Luo Zheng said in his mind.

In fact, Luo Zheng was aware when he was outside the rain Forbidden City. At that time, he wanted to sing Fengge and refused Zhuo Sheng's request. However, Yuanshi Tianzun told Luo Zheng in his mind that he would not move.

Now that he has been shuttling underground for such a long time, he is afraid that he will get into trouble. Of course, Luo Zheng hopes Yuanshi Tianzun will come forward to solve the problem.

"Don't worry," Yuanshi Tianzun said calmly, "it's only twenty-eight days. I can handle it."

In Kaitian temple, Yuanshi Tianzun killed Yuehuo slave with one second.

At that time, the strength of yuehuonu was under pressure, but Yuanshi Tianzun's strength was also suppressed. As long as he didn't meet the real strong one in Yuanling clan, Yuanshi Tianzun still had a way to deal with it.

"Don't listen to the nonsense of these mice. After all, they are just a bunch of animals, hehe," Zhuo Sheng explained, and continued to lead the way.

After passing the narrow road, the road ahead gradually widened.

In a short time, the three and the evening mice had come to a round cave. The four walls of the cave had been carefully carved. It didn't look like a cave at all, but a magnificent palace.

After Luo Zheng and Fengge entered the cave, Zhuo Sheng said, "this is just below the star ring."

"Can you go up to the ring?" Asked Feng Ge.

"Yes," Zhuosheng nodded, "it's a pity you're dead...""Dong Dong..."

There are six passageways around the round cave. In all the six passageways, Yingying green light blooms out. At the same time, with the sound of heavy footsteps, soon a moon fire slave with green fire all over his body steps out of the passageway.

Fengge steps back and leans on Luo Zheng. She frowns at Zhuosheng and says, "Zhuosheng, what does that mean?"

Zhuo Sheng said with a smile, "it's not interesting. Someone wants to take his Highness's life. I'm just ordered to bring him here."

As the words fall, the Moonfire slaves have entered the cave, and the temperature inside the cave is also rising.

"Are you Zhuosheng or not?" Luo Zheng asked.

Zhuosheng feels that Luo Zheng is very calm. He is puzzled and even uneasy about Luo Zheng's calmness. He answers impatiently: "it's none of your business whether I'm Zhuosheng or not."

"I'm just curious. Zhuo Sheng is in Tiangong. If he betrays Tiangong, he can't live. You should not be himself," Luo Zheng said calmly.

"Hey, hey, hey What if not? "

The shape of Zhuo Shengyang's soul has gradually changed, and his voice has also improved. Although he still can't see his face clearly, he has obviously changed a person!

It's other people's Yang spirits disguised as Zhuosheng.

"If you are Zhuosheng, I can be merciful. If not, you are dead," Luo Zheng replied in a flat tone.

"Yes? Hey, hey, hey Ask yourself if you can live The man retreated and pointed to Luo Zheng and Feng Ge.

The moon fire slave, who had been slowly approaching, rushed from different directions.

"Luo Zheng, I have to fight!" Feng Song said.

Just as Fengge is about to rush up in one direction, Luo Zheng reaches out and grabs her wrist. At the same time, a virtual shadow emerges from his forehead.

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